Irony re: marijuana

When people talk about legalizing drugs, it's hard to know what they mean.

Maybe you need to work on your vocabulary, a bit.



[ame=]Conservative Judge Says Legalize Drugs - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Harvard economist: Legalize all drugs to stop border violence - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Former Marine on the Drug War's futility and impact on children - YouTube[/ame]​
And that argument is already destroyed as it costs millions and billions to police or enforce anything illegal

Not sure how many times I have to explain this. Yes, I know enforcing things that are illegal cost money.

However, unlike murder, assault, rape, child pornography, the costs of enforcing marijuana prohibition greatly outweigh the benefit of it being prohibited.

Get my point?

And yet you only mention harmful crimes.. you seem to forget the amount of policing and prosecution of the 'victimless' or 'non-harmful' crimes.. millions and millions of dollars...

And you want it legal ONLY for the 'high' and harmful aspects because the beneficial aspects are already in a legalized product....

You got nothing

So you agree that it isn't harmful then? Good. Now, since Marinol is basically THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, what is the big difference between Marinol and cannabis? Why is one legal and the other not? Packaging? Profit? Is it kept illegal just so that big pharma can make money putting out a drug that is less effective than the real thing?

Why is it that conservatives are supposedly for individual freedom and fiscal sanity, but when confronted with a harmless plant, they want limitless money spent eradicating the plant, limitless money spent persecuting users, and limitless money spent fighting gangs. The war on drugs is and always has been a failure. It is both a drain on our resources and a drain on our personal liberty. the right is so fond of pointing out our enormous debt. Maybe it's time we stopped wasting money on the war on drugs.
Not sure how many times I have to explain this. Yes, I know enforcing things that are illegal cost money.

However, unlike murder, assault, rape, child pornography, the costs of enforcing marijuana prohibition greatly outweigh the benefit of it being prohibited.

Get my point?

And yet you only mention harmful crimes.. you seem to forget the amount of policing and prosecution of the 'victimless' or 'non-harmful' crimes.. millions and millions of dollars...

And you want it legal ONLY for the 'high' and harmful aspects because the beneficial aspects are already in a legalized product....

You got nothing

So you agree that it isn't harmful then? Good. Now, since Marinol is basically THC, the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, what is the big difference between Marinol and cannabis? Why is one legal and the other not? Packaging? Profit? Is it kept illegal just so that big pharma can make money putting out a drug that is less effective than the real thing?

Why is it that conservatives are supposedly for individual freedom and fiscal sanity, but when confronted with a harmless plant, they want limitless money spent eradicating the plant, limitless money spent persecuting users, and limitless money spent fighting gangs. The war on drugs is and always has been a failure. It is both a drain on our resources and a drain on our personal liberty. the right is so fond of pointing out our enormous debt. Maybe it's time we stopped wasting money on the war on drugs.


Ironic that Dave was just in another thread talking about the govt wqasting money on health studies (yes I'm serious) but has no problem wasting money to lock up fellow citizens for taking a toke.
Smoking is not and never will be approved as a delivery method for medicine.. PERIOD... both inaccurate and harmful
Smoking as the necessary delivery method for THC is already inclusively and specifically approved in every state wherein medical marijuana is legally available. Simply stated, smoking the plant is necessary for effective treatment of the nausea associated with chemotherapy. The THC component must be delivered via smoke (or vapor) because the nausea effect of chemotherapy is so strong that nothing ingested via stomach is tolerated and delivery via intraveinous injection is unnecessarily slow. But the effect of THC delivered via inhalation is almost instantaneous reduction and rapid elimination of nausea and restored ability to digest food. This is a well established medical fact.

And oh.. people not talking about negative effects.. hmmm. .POSSIBLY BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING HIGH

Unless you are adamantly opposed in spite of any contrary evidence to accepting marijuana as having legitimate medical benefits in addition to its usefulness as a benign, non-addictive, euphoric tranquilizer, I strongly suggest you read, Marijuana, The Forbidden Medicine, by Dr. Lester Grinspoon, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatric Medicine, Harvard Medical School. (Available from Amazon.)

I believe you will find what he has to say to be rather enlightening.

Law enforcement is much different than business.. the government is not a for profit enterprise..

In the example of marijuana prohibition, government certainly is a for-profit enterprise. Indirectly, but absolutely.

Marijuana prohibition is all about profit. There is no other reason for maintaining such a senseless waste of resources and injuring via prosecution so many otherwise peaceful, law-abiding, productive and decent citizens.

The profit factor is manifest first in the exorbitant prices being paid for a plant which is as naturally available as any weed.

There is enormous profit in the private prison business, which happens to be the only real growth industry in America and is dependent for its growth on marijuana prosecutions.

There is substantial profit in the urine testing industry and in the so-called "treatment" programs which minor possession offenders are sentenced to participate in as an alternative to prison.

There is profit in the emerging law-enforcement industrial complex which provides material support (equipment and services) which facilitates anti-marijuana police activity, from the federal (DEA) level down to the smallest local police agency.

There is profit in the abundant corruption which attends virtually every aspect of marijuana prohibition, from the street cop who accommodates or steals from street dealers to the politician who facilitates continued prohibition, which the cartels, local growers and wholesalers depend on.

There is massive profit in the legitimate sale of various pharmaceutical products, such as tranquilizers, which would be significantly reduced if marijuana were legalized. The same may be said for the liquor industry's profit margins.

In the final analysis, marijuana prohibition is a textbook example of capitalism having reached the level of fascism and feeding on itself.
Just like alcohol prohibition, the harmful effects on society, gang violence, black market shit, corruption, are worse than the effects of the drug.
You gotta realize that a lot of guys here are in their 60's, 70's and beyond...They grew up thinking that blacks used weed to take their women or that weed was evil and immoral.

Some ppl will never change their minds no matter how dumb it sounds

all the guys i know who are in those age brackets smoked the stuff.....some still do....i think the people you are referring too are in their 80's and 90's or are dead....
That was a lung cancer study. The mice in that study were given THC by liquid directly injected into the stomach (gavage).

I'm sure the effectiveness of pot against lung cancer would have been much different if they smoked it.

Perhaps, although I don't believe there are any studies correlating cannabis use with lung cancer. There are other ways of taking it besides smoking.

Cannabis has been shown to have several medical uses. It is an effective anti-emetic for people on chemo therapy. It can relieve interocular pressure in glaucoma patients. It is an anti-spasmodic and a pain reliever.

Really no reason I can think of for it to be illegal, except that anyone can grow it. Then there is no money for big pharma.

That a drug has medicinal uses is not an argument for recreational use. For example, just because heroin has a medical use does not mean it is good for you to use for fun.
yea ....kinda like Beer.....
THC is there for the high.. The study in the OP concentrates on cannabaloids and other M.J. constituents. Evidently, this might turn into a very very special plant after all... .

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