Irony re: marijuana

Perhaps, but I'm not too involved in finding reasons for it to be legalized. I'm still trying to figure out why it was made illegal in the first place.

Probably because it was popular with negroes.

And Reefer Madness.

So if the law was passed based on racism and misinformation, do you really need a reason to legalize it?

Seems to me that those who want it to remain illegal have some 'splainin' to do.

Like - why?

They cannot legalize it. Where would they get prisoners to work for Obama at $1.40 an hour? Don't you realise Obama has now put prisons into the export business to compete with NK slaves and Chinese slave labor? This is his idea of creating jobs and economic growth. The more he can arrest and put to work the richer the federal govt will become.

In the fine print, the govt promises not to compete with private businesses here in USA who cannot afford to compete with labor at a dollar - forty cents an hour and do you know how they will manage that? He claims the merchandise made in prison won't be identical to merchandise made by private businesses here. Right. He will have them making white tennis shoes instead of black ones and still get away with it.

I was in prison in the 80's and forced to build outbuildings for sale to the public. My pay was .65 per day and get this.....Obama wasn't president.

Yes and that would be illegal according to our Constitution you see. Still what Obama has planned is an export business to compete with the Communist nations at slave labor rates.

I'm guessin' you have a serious black-mold problem, in your bunker, right??

Better get yourself a respirator.
That a drug has medicinal uses is not an argument for recreational use. For example, just because heroin has a medical use does not mean it is good for you to use for fun.

Yes, but something doesn't need to be useful to be legal, and shouldn't be the focus of the argument.

The focus is... is marijuana so dangerous to a population that it's worth locking up millions of Americans every year (and destroying families, futures, ect)?

Again, you can't overdose, people who smoke it are calm, responsive, complacent (one can make rational decisions on pot and function, whereas not so much heroin, ect), it's non addictive, ect, ect.

Agree or disagree?

That is not the argument that was being made with the studies. That is just an argument that THC is a great medicine. It does not provide any support to legalizing it for recreational use.

There is this attitude that since cannabis is illegal there must be a reason for it to be so. Therefore to make it legal, there must be some big paradigm shift for it to occur. The fact that there was really no good reason for making it illegal in the first place doesn't seem to matter. It was made illegal because industrialists like DuPont and W. R. Hearst newspapers and papermills didn't want to compete with cheap hemp paper. Hearst started up a lot of propaganda demonizing marijuana (reefer madness) and succeeded in getting it outlawed. This was way back in the 1930's. Marijuana has been illegal for nearly 80 years for no good reason.
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Produce your own study.

Each and every day, we see the evidence of the long term impact of MJ... right here on this board. Pot lowers IQ... yea, there's a study for that too. And it's a really big one... a longitudinal one.... you might want to google 'longitudinal'.
Probably because it was popular with negroes.

And Reefer Madness.

So if the law was passed based on racism and misinformation, do you really need a reason to legalize it?

Seems to me that those who want it to remain illegal have some 'splainin' to do.

Like - why?

I'm fine with pot being legalized. It is no more addictive or debilitating than alcohol.

....And, you don't feel like SHIT, the next-morning, after a GREAT night's sleep!!!!!
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.

I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?
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Produce your own study.

Each and every day, we see the evidence of the long term impact of MJ... right here on this board. Pot lowers IQ... yea, there's a study for that too. And it's a really big one... a longitudinal one.... you might want to google 'longitudinal'.

So you want to criminalize low IQ? (assuming your study really does exist)
Or anything that lowers the IQ?
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.

I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

In what way do you pay the price?
Feds at the nci report pot has effects in stalling certain cancers. Shocker.

Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

That was a lung cancer study. The mice in that study were given THC by liquid directly injected into the stomach (gavage).

I'm sure the effectiveness of pot against lung cancer would have been much different if they smoked it.

Perhaps, although I don't believe there are any studies correlating cannabis use with lung cancer. There are other ways of taking it besides smoking.

Cannabis has been shown to have several medical uses. It is an effective anti-emetic for people on chemo therapy. It can relieve interocular pressure in glaucoma patients. It is an anti-spasmodic and a pain reliever.

Really no reason I can think of for it to be illegal, except that anyone can grow it. Then there is no money for big pharma.

There'll always be a commercial-market, for it.....just like beer & wine.
Non seq....


Produce your own study.

Each and every day, we see the evidence of the long term impact of MJ... right here on this board. Pot lowers IQ... yea, there's a study for that too. And it's a really big one... a longitudinal one.... you might want to google 'longitudinal'.

Funny, because I know of quite a few brilliant scientists, mathematicians, musicians, and writers who all claim that the drug expands their mind and helps them think in new ways to solve complex patterns and ideas.

What is IQ anyways (as in why is that the end-all measure for how smart a person is)?

"Intelligence" is something that is constantly evolving and changing. It's not a black and white thing.
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.

I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

By making pot illegal - YOU ARE!

You pay for all of the unnecessary prison time with your tax dollars. I support ending this.
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.

I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

True. It costs society a great deal of money to prosecute and jail drug users. Legalize it and let people take responsibility for their own choices.
I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

By making pot illegal - YOU ARE!

You pay for all of the unnecessary prison time with your tax dollars. I support ending this.
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies
This thread is a good example of how diversion and misdirection works.

I've read a lot of posts and a lot of opinions, but I have yet to see one justify billions of dollars to enforce, prosecute, and imprision. All the while creating a lucrative black market that turns illegal drug dealers into very wealthy and very powerful people. (People who can't take their disputes to court so they shoot it out on the streets creating innocent bystander victims).

Pot doersn't have to have medicinal value, it doesn't have to have any value at all.

You don't illegalize something because it doesn't help.
You only illegalize something that is a clear danger (and not always then).

So justify making pot illegal please.
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The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

By making pot illegal - YOU ARE!

You pay for all of the unnecessary prison time with your tax dollars. I support ending this.
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies

What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?
Its time to legalize.

absolutely it is. i say that and i don't get high. it's no worse than alcohol. hundreds of thousands are in our jails for a recrational drug comparible to another legal one. we waste billions of dollars on an unwinable war against it. we provide gangs with a lucrative black market opportunity that again is not only costing us money, but lives and increased violence. by legaizing it we have a perfect opportunity to genrate income, create jobs, reduce our debt.

People are going to smoke it in the same amounts legal or not. right now its a cost, it can be turned into a gain. and should be
That was a lung cancer study. The mice in that study were given THC by liquid directly injected into the stomach (gavage).

I'm sure the effectiveness of pot against lung cancer would have been much different if they smoked it.

Perhaps, although I don't believe there are any studies correlating cannabis use with lung cancer. There are other ways of taking it besides smoking.

Cannabis has been shown to have several medical uses. It is an effective anti-emetic for people on chemo therapy. It can relieve interocular pressure in glaucoma patients. It is an anti-spasmodic and a pain reliever.

Really no reason I can think of for it to be illegal, except that anyone can grow it. Then there is no money for big pharma.

That a drug has medicinal uses is not an argument for recreational use. For example, just because heroin has a medical use does not mean it is good for you to use for fun.

Try, again.

Heroin is (still) Schedule 1 (ZERO medical-use)....even though it's THE best pain-management drug, in existance.

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