Irony re: marijuana

Its time to legalize.

absolutely it is. i say that and i don't get high. it's no worse than alcohol. hundreds of thousands are in our jails for a recrational drug comparible to another legal one. we waste billions of dollars on an unwinable war against it. we provide gangs with a lucrative black market opportunity that again is not only costing us money, but lives and increased violence. by legaizing it we have a perfect opportunity to genrate income, create jobs, reduce our debt.

People are going to smoke it in the same amounts legal or not. right now its a cost, it can be turned into a gain. and should be

^^^ this
Its time to legalize.

absolutely it is. i say that and i don't get high. it's no worse than alcohol. hundreds of thousands are in our jails for a recrational drug comparible to another legal one. we waste billions of dollars on an unwinable war against it. we provide gangs with a lucrative black market opportunity that again is not only costing us money, but lives and increased violence. by legaizing it we have a perfect opportunity to genrate income, create jobs, reduce our debt.

People are going to smoke it in the same amounts legal or not. right now its a cost, it can be turned into a gain. and should be

We waste so much tax dollars on arresting people for smoking or selling weed this is ridiculous, just legalize it and put an age limit on it like with alcohol. For weed I would say age 18 is appropriate. And you are right all making it illegal does is drive it to the underground, just like if porn were illegal, the mafias and gangs would snap that up real quick.
The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

By making pot illegal - YOU ARE!

You pay for all of the unnecessary prison time with your tax dollars. I support ending this.
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies

It's not about wanting the high or justifying why we need marijuana, the argument is instead about the logical discussion of whether or not it's worth (as a society) policing something that does not pose any threat to us. Agree?

Policing something takes time and resources and you need to justify why that's necessary.
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By making pot illegal - YOU ARE!

You pay for all of the unnecessary prison time with your tax dollars. I support ending this.
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies

What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?

Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies

What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?

Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal

If cocaine, meth, and heroin were legal, would you rush out to buy them? If not, why do you assume everybody else would? Keeping drugs illegal is giving power to gangs, pushers, and organized crime.
Medicinal pot has been legal for a long time.. MARINOL...

Oh.. but you want the HIGH too??.. well, we see where the motivation TRULY lies

What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?

Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal

Argument right now is pot prohibition.

I think you need to justify why my tax dollars need to go to policing it.
What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?

Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal

If cocaine, meth, and heroin were legal, would you rush out to buy them? If not, why do you assume everybody else would? Keeping drugs illegal is giving power to gangs, pushers, and organized crime.

Whether I would is irrelevant... many would...

I guess keeping murder and violence illegal gives power to criminals, gangs, mobs, etc... gotta cut that out too :rolleyes:
What's wrong with that? Why else would a person drink alcoholic beverages? Something wrong with wanting to feel good?

Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal

Argument right now is pot prohibition.

I think you need to justify why my tax dollars need to go to policing it.

Because I am one who believes lines must be drawn.. and that is a known line, a good line, and a beneficial line... the 'good' medicinal aspects of pot are had thru a medicine known as Marinol... no need to have the THC effect actual drug legalized
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.
Hell.....WATER isn't harmless, for recreational use! People drown, all-the-time!!

If you're lookin' for a lifestyle where there ARE no calculated-risks, you're on the wrong Planet.

You sound like too-many people (I've known), who....after they first tried Pot....said, "Is THIS all it is??!!!"

It's a mild intoxicant....and, you're not gonna see any "colors" or "monsters".
Because I am one who believes lines must be drawn.. and that is a known line, a good line, and a beneficial line... the 'good' medicinal aspects of pot are had thru a medicine known as Marinol... no need to have the THC effect actual drug legalized

Ok, I get where you're going, but let me rephrase

Real things:
1.) Policing marijuana costs us billions in taxpayer dollars every year (ie police work, courts, prison overhead, feeding prisoners, ect)
2.) Policing marijuana drains on vital resources (cops could be stopping murders, ect)
3.) Marijuana prohibition puts millions behind bars every year (GRAND majority non-violent offenders), breaking up families, ruining lives
4.) Marijuana prohibition gives power to the drug cartels and their violent reign, adding to the violence and tension that occurs along every step of the drug trade.
5.) Marijuana prohibition means that all the money that could be made from private legal business in the US instead remain mostly in Mexico.

Those are the real consequences of prohibiting marijuana. So I pose the question...what counter reasons do you have for keeping the drug illegal (ie what outweighs the negative consequences above)?

I think it's up to your camp to justify why it needs to be illegal, because prohibition COSTS me and my society in a very real way, both from a monetary standpoint, and a quality of life standpoint (more street violence, more people in jail, ect)....

It's up to you to make the case of why it's worth it to expend all of those resources and suffer all the negative side effects.

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Then why not cocaine?? Why not meth?? Why not heroin???

You open up the floodgates, and precedent lets it all in...

Unless you ARE for drawing a line.. and for most people, that line is with the drugs we have as illegal

Argument right now is pot prohibition.

I think you need to justify why my tax dollars need to go to policing it.

Because I am one who believes lines must be drawn.. and that is a known line, a good line, and a beneficial line... the 'good' medicinal aspects of pot are had thru a medicine known as Marinol... no need to have the THC effect actual drug legalized

I guess it just boils down to what I consider to be personal freedom. I don't think the government has any business telling me what I should eat or drink or otherwise consume. People are up in arms about the Big Gulp ban in NYC and rightfully so. I see this in the same way. I don't need big brother to tell me what is good and what is bad and to enforce that by law. And I am saying this as someone who doesn't use drugs. I used to partake in pot, but haven't touched anything in over 20 years.
Radioactive iodine is a great medical treatment. Cures cancer and stuff. Lots of studies have proven this.

Were I to then argue that we should legalize radioactive iodine for recreational use based on the fact it cures cancer, you would quickly see just how stupid an argument that is.

So you guys are coming at this from an entirely wrong angle.

You need to prove it is HARMLESS FOR RECREATIONAL USE.

I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

You DIDN'T ask to be born!!

You can step-off any time you choose.
Argument right now is pot prohibition.

I think you need to justify why my tax dollars need to go to policing it.

Because I am one who believes lines must be drawn.. and that is a known line, a good line, and a beneficial line... the 'good' medicinal aspects of pot are had thru a medicine known as Marinol... no need to have the THC effect actual drug legalized

I guess it just boils down to what I consider to be personal freedom. I don't think the government has any business telling me what I should eat or drink or otherwise consume. People are up in arms about the Big Gulp ban in NYC and rightfully so. I see this in the same way. I don't need big brother to tell me what is good and what is bad and to enforce that by law. And I am saying this as someone who doesn't use drugs. I used to partake in pot, but haven't touched anything in over 20 years.

So then you believe no lines in this... and as I said, if no line is to be drawn, you open up the whole can of worms...

Now.. do you believe in a line to be drawn on firearm type, magazine size?? I actually (as a vet, gun advocate, and gun owner) still advocate a line.. the one we have, keeping automatic weapons out of the hand of the general public...
Because I am one who believes lines must be drawn.. and that is a known line, a good line, and a beneficial line... the 'good' medicinal aspects of pot are had thru a medicine known as Marinol... no need to have the THC effect actual drug legalized

Ok, I get where you're going, but let me rephrase

Real things:
1.) Policing marijuana costs us billions in taxpayer dollars every year (ie police work, courts, prison overhead, feeding prisoners, ect)
2.) Policing marijuana drains on vital resources (cops could be stopping murders, ect)
3.) Marijuana prohibition puts millions behind bars every year (GRAND majority non-violent offenders), breaking up families, ruining lives
4.) Marijuana prohibition gives power to the drug cartels and their violent reign, as they can profit and make billions of tax free dollars.
5.) Marijuana prohibition means that all the money that could be made from private legal business in the US instead remain mostly in Mexico.

Those are the real consequences of prohibiting marijuana. So I pose the question...what reasons justify keeping probation in place (ie what do we gain) despite those very real and costly side effects?

I think it's up to your camp to justify why it needs to be illegal, because prohibition COSTS me and my society in a very real way, both from a monetary standpoint, and a quality of life standpoint (more street violence, more people in jail, ect)....

It's up to you to make the case of why it's worth it to expend all of those resources and suffer all the negative side effects.


Policing and prosecuting ANY crime or illegal THING costs much money... drains resources.. imprisons millions.. gives power to criminals.. gives money to those dealing in the illegal...

It's that simple

It is illegal now, with the beneficial effects LEGALIZED as stated (Marinol)... it is YOUR case to make, which you have not
I agree up to the last point. IMHO the burden of proof should rest with those who want it restricted. But, since it is already restricted I see the practical truth of your point. Those who seek the change are usually the ones who have to justify the change.

The proof is already in.

Why should I pay the consequences of someone else's stupid life choices?

In what way do you pay the price?
Don't waste your time. She's a hard-core "conservative" air-head.
And mandatory soundtracks of Dre beats on every bar strip everywhere....


Marijuana apparently causes less damage than the legal ciggarrets and alcohol, just legalize it and sell it in Walmart next to the booze.


Contains: logic, reason and liberty.

Actually it doesn't contain any of them. Just because something is less damaging than something that is more damaging does not make it ipso facto benign.
Get an adult to explain that to you.
Non seq....


Produce your own study.

Each and every day, we see the evidence of the long term impact of MJ... right here on this board. Pot lowers IQ... yea, there's a study for that too. And it's a really big one... a longitudinal one.... you might want to google 'longitudinal'.

Funny, because I know of quite a few brilliant scientists, mathematicians, musicians, and writers who all claim that the drug expands their mind and helps them think in new ways to solve complex patterns and ideas.
It's not so-much a matter of expansion, as it is a more-convenient means of ignoring all o' those day-to-day distractions that hinder deeper thought....but, Pot will NEVER touch LSD, when thinking "outside the box" is your....

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