IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

No evidence ANY higher ups knew about this. Over eager underlings. But carry on with the "conspiracy"...

Another One!!

I c-p that bullshit, with the comment; "Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

But you're the second one.

As a note, I thought tm was the dimmest of your herd, that means, YOU are dumber than I thought she was.
Since the BUSH appointee DENIED it, that would make YOU the lying hackfuck!

From the link in the OP:

IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on their political views.

"There's absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people" who apply for tax-exempt status, Shulman told a House Ways and Means subcommittee.

I c-p that, with the note; Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

I stand corrected

You are dumber than I thought any liberal could be, and that includes tm.

You're dismissed for being to dumb to have a conversation with.
How embarrassing it must be to be caught lying by someone as dumb as me!!! :asshole:

If I was lying, but you're to dumb to tell right from wrong
They admit it. Finally.Nice intimidation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service inappropriately flagged conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status, a top IRS official said Friday.

Organizations were singled out because they included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups.

In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.
No it's not a violation of IRS policy, it is a standard part of IRS policy

The IRS demands that 501c-3s explain where its revenues come from.

Above a certain threshold of donation, it demands the name and address of those donors, too.

Let me get this straight, when the IRS admitted publicly that employees were violating policy they were lying in order to make it look like the IRS does not have a policy of targeting groups based upon their political affiliation.

By the way, how is it standard procedure for a group collecting taxes to get copies of correspondence with members of Congress?

How is it part of their job to get information about family members who are not part of the organization?

Why were they asking about for copies of newspaper articles about the groups?

I could go on, but I think everyone who is honest gets the idea. Here is an actual copy of the request for information, feel free to go through it and tie every single request to a specific law that authorizes the IRS to ask for this type of information, and then release it to the public.

Alternatively, you could run away and hide your head in the sand because I am picking on you.
No evidence ANY higher ups knew about this. Over eager underlings. But carry on with the "conspiracy"...

Another One!!

I c-p that bullshit, with the comment; "Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

But you're the second one.

As a note, I thought tm was the dimmest of your herd, that means, YOU are dumber than I thought she was.

Do you realize that if she was around, she would say the exact same thing?

No evidence ANY higher ups knew about this. Over eager underlings. But carry on with the "conspiracy"...

Another One!!

I c-p that bullshit, with the comment; "Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

But you're the second one.

As a note, I thought tm was the dimmest of your herd, that means, YOU are dumber than I5 thought she was.

Do you realize that if she was around, she would say the exact same thing?


Although she would have mis-spelled a dozen words.

Does this mean if any of us break the law, we can just apologize and not be prosecuted?
No evidence ANY higher ups knew about this. Over eager underlings. But carry on with the "conspiracy"...

Another One!!

I c-p that bullshit, with the comment; "Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

But you're the second one.

As a note, I thought tm was the dimmest of your herd, that means, YOU are dumber than I thought she was.

Do you realize that if she was around, she would say the exact same thing?


So I gave even her to much credit?

I c-p that, with the note; Not even liberals are dumb enough......"

I stand corrected

You are dumber than I thought any liberal could be, and that includes tm.

You're dismissed for being to dumb to have a conversation with.
How embarrassing it must be to be caught lying by someone as dumb as me!!! :asshole:

If I was lying, but you're to dumb to tell right from wrong
To not know you were lying when you said Schulman "openly admitted" the IRS was targeting political groups even after I posted him denying it before Congress, means you are a pathological liar, and I'm smart enough to know that is very wrong.
Now take away all tax exempt organizations from Churches.
No more Pastors driving Lincolns without being obligated to pay any income taxes funneled through the church. Pastor Salary -

If we eliminate the tax exemption, we could explode NASA's budget and make progress in space exploration, green technologies, importing precious resources from space, fixing climate change, etc. And our pace could be 5x faster than what it is now, or more! This with the additional revenue for the private space industry, creating more jobs and boosting the free economy.

Everyone needs to be taxed their fair share. NO EXEMPTIONS!! (Businesses may get them as long as they pay the taxes on their sales)

The IRS should not apologize for doing their jobs.
were any exemptions turned down ....

Were they targeted based on their political affiliations is the only question that matters.

For the record, I would be just as outraged if this happened to Code pink and Planned Parenthood.

yes they were targeted ... that is their job.

did they break any laws by excluding exemptions that should not have been - that is the real question.


Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs -

Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Justice Department officials blocked liberals and people with Democratic Party ties from a highly selective program that funneled young lawyers into government jobs, according to an internal investigation released Tuesday.

The report, the first official investigation to document politicization of the Justice Department during the Bush administration, is an offshoot of the larger investigation of Justice Department politics triggered by the furor over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys.

Republicans that live in Glass houses would be better to not toss stones they themselves are guilty of.
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were any exemptions turned down ....

Were they targeted based on their political affiliations is the only question that matters.

For the record, I would be just as outraged if this happened to Code pink and Planned Parenthood.

yes they were targeted ... that is their job.

did they break any laws by excluding exemptions that should not have been - that is the real question.


Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs -

Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Justice Department officials blocked liberals and people with Democratic Party ties from a highly selective program that funneled young lawyers into government jobs, according to an internal investigation released Tuesday.
Republicans that live in Glass houses would be better to not toss stones they themselves are guilty of.

The IRS is not supposed to target anyone, and you cannot prove otherwise.

AS for the Justice Department, both parties use prosecutor positions as political rewards, they have been doing it for years. I think it is wrong, but it is the way it works, which explains why no one really made a big fuss about it outside of a couple of reporters that had to have things explained to them.
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Now take away all tax exempt organizations from Churches.
No more Pastors driving Lincolns without being obligated to pay any income taxes funneled through the church. Pastor Salary -

If we eliminate the tax exemption, we could explode NASA's budget and make progress in space exploration, green technologies, importing precious resources from space, fixing climate change, etc. And our pace could be 5x faster than what it is now, or more! This with the additional revenue for the private space industry, creating more jobs and boosting the free economy.

Everyone needs to be taxed their fair share. NO EXEMPTIONS!! (Businesses may get them as long as they pay the taxes on their sales)

The IRS should not apologize for doing their jobs.
This has nothing to do with religion

the irs committed a crime

no, they shouldn't have to apologize, they should have to go to court for illegal discrimination.
were any exemptions turned down ....

Were they targeted based on their political affiliations is the only question that matters.

For the record, I would be just as outraged if this happened to Code pink and Planned Parenthood.

yes they were targeted ... that is their job.

did they break any laws by excluding exemptions that should not have been - that is the real question.


Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs -

Anti-liberal bias found in Justice programs

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Justice Department officials blocked liberals and people with Democratic Party ties from a highly selective program that funneled young lawyers into government jobs, according to an internal investigation released Tuesday.

The report, the first official investigation to document politicization of the Justice Department during the Bush administration, is an offshoot of the larger investigation of Justice Department politics triggered by the furor over the firing of nine U.S. attorneys.

Republicans that live in Glass houses would be better to not toss stones they themselves are guilty of.

so b/c the government didn't hire dem lawyers, it's ok to go after entire groups of political opponents during an election.

what a buffoonish comparison.
Now take away all tax exempt organizations from Churches.
No more Pastors driving Lincolns without being obligated to pay any income taxes funneled through the church. Pastor Salary -

If we eliminate the tax exemption, we could explode NASA's budget and make progress in space exploration, green technologies, importing precious resources from space, fixing climate change, etc. And our pace could be 5x faster than what it is now, or more! This with the additional revenue for the private space industry, creating more jobs and boosting the free economy.

Everyone needs to be taxed their fair share. NO EXEMPTIONS!! (Businesses may get them as long as they pay the taxes on their sales)

The IRS should not apologize for doing their jobs.
This has nothing to do with religion

the irs committed a crime

no, they shouldn't have to apologize, they should have to go to court for illegal discrimination.

And where does it say that it's illegal to freely make sure that they are within the law?

If they cannot be challenged, then they should not have the privilege to be exempt in the first place.
The IRS also pays special attention to Sovereign Citizen groups and Militia groups. Guess they can't do that either now, being it would hurt the pwecious feewings of the right. In a sane country, people would approve of the IRS focusing on groups showing a propensity towards tax fraud. Alas, we're no longer sane, being that right-wing political correctness runs the show.

There is a known propensity for scammers to latch on to the Tea Party label. Note that I didn't say "Tea Partiers are scammers". I said criminal types take advantage of Tea Partiers. Hence, the IRS should pay more attention to groups trying to use that label.

Oh well. If the Tea Partiers insist that the IRS should let scammers run free and fleece them, who are we to argue?
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The IRS also pays special attention to Sovereign Citizen groups and Militia groups. Guess they can't do that either now, being it would hurt the pwecious feewings of the right. In a sane country, people would approve of the IRS focusing on groups showing a propensity towards tax fraud. Alas, we're no longer sane, being that right-wing political correctness runs the show.

There is a known propensity for scammers to latch on to the Tea Party label. Note that I didn't say "Tea Partiers are scammers". I said criminal types take advantage of Tea Partiers. Hence, the IRS should pay more attention to groups trying to use that label.

Oh well. If the Tea Partiers insist that the IRS should let scammers run free and fleece them, who are we to argue?

Criminal types take advantage of Tea Partiers? What exactly are you referring to? What do you mean by sovereign citizen groups? Are you trying to compare militia groups to Tea Partiers? Can you tell me what you are talking about? By the way, the whole "IRS was just doing their job" argument isn't really practical since the IRS admitted that what they did was wrong.
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