IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family

Its what we get for letting corporations (like Big Insurance and Big Pharma) set the rules and the prices.

We're already seeing modest lowering of cost - eg - the refunds the insurance companies are sending out.

Yeah, its a real shame that only the libs benefit while the rw's pay more, lose their doctors ... Can't remember the other lies we've read here but I'm sure we'll be reading more.

Were you around the last time the government set the prices?

How many of us were around when the cost of health care in the US was comparable to the cost of healthcare in the other wealthy nations?

You get what you pay for....the world's best health care, as judged by longevity.

Of course, now we've exchanged that for 'death panels' and rationing.
We'll have to pass the bill to see what's in the bill.


We're, um, ah, err, bending the uh, cost ah curve. Please, um uh, bend over.

It don't matter what any of ya'll says, it's here, it's here to stay, it's shit and they forced it down your throat, and what's more you deserve it cause you gave him a second term now settle down and figure out how yer gonna pay yer fair share. :eusa_angel:
Don't you guys think that this whole thing will be tweaked? No politician is going to sit back and watch voters go down the toilet, they still want to keep their jobs. Ya'll need to relax man. Come down to the Big Easy, watch the Super Bowl and sip a mint julip. The sky really isn't falling.
In theory taxes are for services.

IF the government collects this "tax" (thank you, Justice Eunuch Roberts, buttboy to insurance companies), then in theory some service can be expected.

If people who don't buy insurance but do pay the "tax" then demand paid medical services and are refused, that probably opens the door to additional lawsuits against the sick, twisted form of corporate welfare defined as a "tax" by a nutball clown in black robes and called Obamacare by most Circus ticket holders.

Either way, one thing is certain: I'll go to my grave without ever having accepted corporate health insurance or paid out of pocket for private sector health insurance.

For the last 43 years my health care provider has been the VA, which over the years improved until Businessweek reported that by every hard measure comparison standard in the health care industry the VA is the best health care provider in the United States. (Businessweek, July 17, 2006; "Best Medical Care in the US" )

Strangely, it is a single-payer type public health system that produces significantly better results than any US private sector system at a fraction of the cost of private sector US medical services.

Moving on....

The bottom lines on the "tax" are...

2014...... 1% of taxable income
2015...... 2% "
2016...... 2.5% " plus whatever congress tacks on
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Its what we get for letting corporations (like Big Insurance and Big Pharma) set the rules and the prices.

We're already seeing modest lowering of cost - eg - the refunds the insurance companies are sending out.

Yeah, its a real shame that only the libs benefit while the rw's pay more, lose their doctors ... Can't remember the other lies we've read here but I'm sure we'll be reading more.

Were you around the last time the government set the prices?

How many of us were around when the cost of health care in the US was comparable to the cost of healthcare in the other wealthy nations?

Everyone over the age of 2.
How many of us were around when the cost of health care in the US was comparable to the cost of healthcare in the other wealthy nations?

Everyone over the age of 2.

Try the early 80s.

Give me raw numbers, not charts. Given the right data points I could prove that Internet Explorer is responsible for the murder rate.

Wait, somebody did.
The USA should be looking to implement an NHS system where by the people pay a tax to fund a health service that everyone has an equal right to. We are equal in death and no-one should have the privilege of better health care just because they have more money. It's barbaric.
The USA should be looking to implement an NHS system where by the people pay a tax to fund a health service that everyone has an equal right to.

If we are going to say that government is responsible for providing us with health care, then that's the only sane way to go about it. Taxpayer funded, taxpayer controlled. Outsourcing such authority to the insurance industry, as we're doing with PPACA, is patently insane. But health care isn't a right; the concept isn't even coherent.

We are equal in death and no-one should have the privilege of better health care just because they have more money. It's barbaric.

Really? No one should be allowed to buy better health care than someone else is getting? Have you though that through?

Granted that equal representation works better in theory than in practice, the fact is, rich or poor, the 6th amendment entitles you legal representation.

SCOTUS says ACA is constitutional.
I will just stay on my Medicare.

Would that be the Medicare that Obama gutted to help pay for ObamaCare? Let us know how that continues to work out for you. Once the ObamaCare board gets done cutting reimbursement rates for Dr's you'll play merry hell finding a Dr. that will even see you.

Well, I don't expect much from Medicare even though I now have it. I also have my insurance from work and can take Medigap. I have worked off 4 pensions. One of them comes with long term care insurance, another comes with dental, the one I will take in May comes with health insurance. I guess, in light of all that, I'm not looking to Medicare for much of anything.
It don't matter what any of ya'll says, it's here, it's here to stay, it's shit and they forced it down your throat, and what's more you deserve it cause you gave him a second term now settle down and figure out how yer gonna pay yer fair share. :eusa_angel:

It won't be forced down my throat because I don't have to take it. I have insurance.
It don't matter what any of ya'll says, it's here, it's here to stay, it's shit and they forced it down your throat, and what's more you deserve it cause you gave him a second term now settle down and figure out how yer gonna pay yer fair share. :eusa_angel:

It won't be forced down my throat because I don't have to take it. I have insurance.

IOW, you are abiding by the ACA law.
The USA should be looking to implement an NHS system where by the people pay a tax to fund a health service that everyone has an equal right to. We are equal in death and no-one should have the privilege of better health care just because they have more money. It's barbaric.

That way everyone will end up dying in the hallways instead of just the people no one cares about, what a wonderful idea.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Granted that equal representation works better in theory than in practice, the fact is, rich or poor, the 6th amendment entitles you legal representation.

SCOTUS says ACA is constitutional.

Have you ever had a court appointed lawyer?

I didn't think so, you wouldn't be arguing in favor of court appointed doctors if you had.
( – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan.

The examples point to families of four and families of five, both of which the IRS expects in its assumptions to pay a minimum of $20,000 per year for a bronze plan

IRS: Cheapest Obamacare Plan Will Be $20,000 Per Family | CNS News

Hey! America, consider yerselves "bronzed" you deserve it. :clap2:

I had heard early on in the run up to Obama Care that the fine will be less then the cost of the coverage.

So I'm sure more people will opt for the fine...

Does this mean they will pay the fine and not be covered...

The whole health care system turned upside down and people opt for the fine and no coverage....

Maybe Pelosi can "splain" it to us.
The USA should be looking to implement an NHS system where by the people pay a tax to fund a health service that everyone has an equal right to.

If we are going to say that government is responsible for providing us with health care, then that's the only sane way to go about it. Taxpayer funded, taxpayer controlled. Outsourcing such authority to the insurance industry, as we're doing with PPACA, is patently insane. But health care isn't a right; the concept isn't even coherent.

We are equal in death and no-one should have the privilege of better health care just because they have more money. It's barbaric.

Really? No one should be allowed to buy better health care than someone else is getting? Have you though that through?

Asking a lib to think? Now you make impossible demands of them.
Then I guess no one should live in a better house then anyone else.
No one should have a better car then anyone else.

On and on it goes...
So the fact that Obama lies to our faces time and time again isn't enough to get you liberal morons to pull your head from his ass.

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