IRS declares jihad on Christianity

Well, after that bitch Lois Lerner pulled her shit on right leaning applications, and nothing ever happened to her, the IRS, like FBI, like the DOJ, whatever, they all know they can pull whatever kind of partisan crap they want, and no one will ever go to jail for it. They're untouchable.
They are becoming increasingly brazen and why not?

They own the court system, government, academia, and the media

And now they are in the process of taking over law enforcement and the military.
Strange how they can do that, since they are the minority. They are RABID for POWER, and they will do ANYTHING to get it, lie, cheat, violence, everything is on the table. They don't believe in "live and let live." Their creed is "DO AS WE SAY, OR WE'LL FORCE YOU TO DO AS WE SAY," and if you dare disagree with them, they strive to SHUT YOU UP.

Ya know... that reminds me of another other bunch of power hungry killers that were the same way...

Like the Nazi regime, they came to power via the vote.

Hitler rejected another military coup attempt after the first failed.

Democracy is far easier to use as a weapon.
The new radical woke democrat party is far worse than Hitler and the Nazi party of WWII.

At least Hitler loved Germany and the German people. The democrat party hates our nation and is doing everything in it's power to destroy it, just like Hitler destroyed Germany.
I see the IRS backing down if the Christians push the issue.

They don't want to go to the Supreme Court here and risk losing because of our 1st Amendment rights.
I would have to know far more about the group in question to make an educated reply.

If what the IRS said in it's reply is factual, and I have no reason to think it wasn't, it was a pretty questionable reply.

LOL, educated reply, from you....good one.
Well, after that bitch Lois Lerner pulled her shit on right leaning applications, and nothing ever happened to her, the IRS, like FBI, like the DOJ, whatever, they all know they can pull whatever kind of partisan crap they want, and no one will ever go to jail for it. They're untouchable.
They are becoming increasingly brazen and why not?

They own the court system, government, academia, and the media

And now they are in the process of taking over law enforcement and the military.
Strange how they can do that, since they are the minority. They are RABID for POWER, and they will do ANYTHING to get it, lie, cheat, violence, everything is on the table. They don't believe in "live and let live." Their creed is "DO AS WE SAY, OR WE'LL FORCE YOU TO DO AS WE SAY," and if you dare disagree with them, they strive to SHUT YOU UP.

Ya know... that reminds me of another other bunch of power hungry killers that were the same way...

Like the Nazi regime, they came to power via the vote.

Hitler rejected another military coup attempt after the first failed.

Democracy is far easier to use as a weapon.
The new radical woke democrat party is far worse than Hitler and the Nazi party of WWII.

At least Hitler loved Germany and the German people. The democrat party hates our nation and is doing everything in it's power to destroy it, just like Hitler destroyed Germany.

Hitler loved the idea of utopia, that meant, racial purity and a one world order with him at the center of it.

But Hitler cared nothing for the German people. In fact, he ordered the entire nation to commit suicide with him, which they promptly ignored.

This is the common threat they both share.

Notice how it is only PC to talk about racial purity if you are a democrat. In fact, they talk about it much more than Hitler ever did.

Conversely, the GOP never talks about race.

Very telling.

But since the racial purity is at the opposite end of the racial spectrum Hitler sided with, everyone gives them a pass thinking it will be better this time round.
There should be no tax free religious organizations.
Why? Why should there be any?
There should not be any, they are no more special than you or I as individuals and should be taxed the same as everyone else.
But groups like the NAACP will always be better than everyone else, so they will always have their tax exempt status.

But the dirty little problem will be, how to take it from other and be hypocritical about it and not draw attention to yourself.

But now that the DNC controls social media it should not be such a problem for them. I reckon now is the time.
I would have to know far more about the group in question to make an educated reply.

If what the IRS said in it's reply is factual, and I have no reason to think it wasn't, it was a pretty questionable reply.

LOL, educated reply, from you....good one.

What exactly did I say that you disagree with? Was I lacking lame Nazi references?
The new radical woke democrat party is far worse than Hitler and the Nazi party of WWII.
Your party has turned you into quite the hysterical little bitch. That's deliberate on their part. If you're hysterical, you're obedient, and that's how TheParty wants you to be.

It's classic fascism. TheParty creates imaginary demons to get you all pissing yourselves, then TheParty promises that only they can save you from the demons they made up. You all crave a strong daddy-figure to protect you and run your lives, and TheParty provides it.

You Trump cultists would have made perfect GoodGermans if you were around in 1930s Germany. You've even got the "Jews/liberals stabbed the nation in the back!" thing down.
I would have to know far more about the group in question to make an educated reply.

If what the IRS said in it's reply is factual, and I have no reason to think it wasn't, it was a pretty questionable reply.

LOL, educated reply, from you....good one.

What exactly did I say that you disagree with? Was I lacking lame Nazi references?

That you felt you could provide an educated reply. We can already tell reading is not one of your strong suits.
Well, after that bitch Lois Lerner pulled her shit on right leaning applications and nothing ever happened to her, the IRS, like the FBI, like the DOJ, whatever, they all know they can pull whatever kind of partisan crap they want, and no one will ever go to jail for it. They're untouchable.

Why did nothing happen to her? It was because the GOP decided to do nothing to her. I wish someone would still ask Trey Gowdy why they spent millions on an investigation and did nothing.
Because Congress is NOT a judicial system. The very best they can do is make criminal refferals.

However, you have a point in that the DOJ under Republicans absolutely refuses to prosecute Democrats who commit crimes

The new radical woke democrat party is far worse than Hitler and the Nazi party of WWII.
Your party has turned you into quite the hysterical little bitch. That's deliberate on their part. If you're hysterical, you're obedient, and that's how TheParty wants you to be.

It's classic fascism. TheParty creates imaginary demons to get you all pissing yourselves, then TheParty promises that only they can save you from the demons they made up. You all crave a strong daddy-figure to protect you and run your lives, and TheParty provides it.

You Trump cultists would have made perfect GoodGermans if you were around in 1930s Germany. You've even got the "Jews/liberals stabbed the nation in the back!" thing down.
Says a hysterical bitch. Too funny.
I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.

Section 501(c) non-profit corporations are NOT allowed to participate in the political process nor in any election ... that doesn't mean an individual involved with the corporation can't contribute to a candidate with their own money, they just can't use corporate money ... a person can bitch at the city council in their own name, but never in the name of the non-profit corporation ...

There's a list of sub-sections on Wikipedia ... for the ubiquitous 501(c)(3) corporation we have "Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations" ...

A Catholic priest can rail against abortion all he wants to, pretty much anywhere anytime and use RCC's money ... however, the priest CAN NOT say which candidate to vote for while using RCC's money ... the RCC doesn't pay taxes, so they give up some of their 1st Amendment Free Speech rights ... individual Catholics do pay taxes, they can tell you who to vote for all they want too ... only the corporation must remain politically silent ...

The Tea Party did indeed violate the law by filing as a 501(c)(4) corporation "civic league" ... the controversy was that the Obama administration targeted conservative organizations for enforcement, giving liberal organizations a pass ... nasty in this liberal's opinion, and another reason I'll vote for The Donald in 2024 ...
Which Christians are the subject of this thread? The Christian religion has spawned so many trash cults that have become indistinguishable from political organizations that it is absolutely necessary to discuss them by more specific terms than just identifying them by the generic term "Christian."

The taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize political parties. A few years ago, a group of scumbag "clergy" who had 501c exemptions openly violated the rules by having a political Sunday from the pulpit. Their exemptions should have been revoked immediately, but were not. During and after the 2020 election, several of these phony "clergy" stomped and screamed on their stages because they didn't like the results.

Letting them get away with this scam is not only totally unfair to the taxpayers, it also totally unfair to organizations that represent groups of people who are being attacked by these "religious" organizations and don't have access to 501c exemptions themselves. Incidentally, these non-religious organizations represent Christians as well as others.

Apparently the IRS is starting to deny Christian organization of a tax exempt status saying they are really Republican organizations

From the article.

“Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.
xiden learned from obama how to weaponize the irs
I would have to know far more about the group in question to make an educated reply.

If what the IRS said in it's reply is factual, and I have no reason to think it wasn't, it was a pretty questionable reply.

You would have to support the 1st Amendment to care.

But you don't - so you don't.

Such is the way of you Nazis.
Communist democrats are tearing down the wall between church and state. Step one is to remake the Christian Church into a political party. Step two is to remake the republican party into a religious organization. The communists will have made their very own Falun Gong.
I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.

Section 501(c) non-profit corporations are NOT allowed to participate in the political process nor in any election ... that doesn't mean an individual involved with the corporation can't contribute to a candidate with their own money, they just can't use corporate money ... a person can bitch at the city council in their own name, but never in the name of the non-profit corporation ...

There's a list of sub-sections on Wikipedia ... for the ubiquitous 501(c)(3) corporation we have "Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations" ...

A Catholic priest can rail against abortion all he wants to, pretty much anywhere anytime and use RCC's money ... however, the priest CAN NOT say which candidate to vote for while using RCC's money ... the RCC doesn't pay taxes, so they give up some of their 1st Amendment Free Speech rights ... individual Catholics do pay taxes, they can tell you who to vote for all they want too ... only the corporation must remain politically silent ...

The Tea Party did indeed violate the law by filing as a 501(c)(4) corporation "civic league" ... the controversy was that the Obama administration targeted conservative organizations for enforcement, giving liberal organizations a pass ... nasty in this liberal's opinion, and another reason I'll vote for The Donald in 2024 ...

A priest would be negligent of his duties if he failed to advise his flock that voting in favor of Abortion and Gay Marriage will condemn them to Hell.

That isn't "political" ,its just a point of theological Fact.

As far as the IRS, they can't treat any religion different because of their doctrines. That's the 1st Amendment.

If a church decides to approve of Abortion Candidates and invites them to speak (as many did with Obama and Hillary) , that's their prerogative. And it goes the other way.

I am well aware of the Johnson Amendment, passed by Segregationists like LBJ in the 1950's. But its never been tested in court.

Apparently the IRS is starting to deny Christian organization of a tax exempt status saying they are really Republican organizations

From the article.

“Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.

About time. You were doing fine until you devolved into your political rant. Joe Biden doesn't control the IRS. And they are only interested in one Specifically, how much they think you owe them. :)
Too many religious organizations donating millions to Republican candidates and then hiding behind that tax exempt status.
Can you or anyone else prove that this group is donating to Republican candidates?
what if they did? Doesn't the NAACP donate to demofks? come on man!!!

Apparently the IRS is starting to deny Christian organization of a tax exempt status saying they are really Republican organizations

From the article.

“Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations,” read a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen Martin to Christians Engaged, a nonprofit group seeking tax-exempt status. “The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the [Republican Party] and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under IRC Section 501(c)(3).”

I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.
Tax exempt status to religious organizations is literally taking a deal with the devil. You don’t get the exemption for free, it comes at the cost of the government dictating to the organization what they can and can’t do and discuss. Paying the tax is a small price to pay to have complete freedom to spread God’s word in whatever manner you choose with your congregation.
I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.

Section 501(c) non-profit corporations are NOT allowed to participate in the political process nor in any election ... that doesn't mean an individual involved with the corporation can't contribute to a candidate with their own money, they just can't use corporate money ... a person can bitch at the city council in their own name, but never in the name of the non-profit corporation ...

There's a list of sub-sections on Wikipedia ... for the ubiquitous 501(c)(3) corporation we have "Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations" ...

A Catholic priest can rail against abortion all he wants to, pretty much anywhere anytime and use RCC's money ... however, the priest CAN NOT say which candidate to vote for while using RCC's money ... the RCC doesn't pay taxes, so they give up some of their 1st Amendment Free Speech rights ... individual Catholics do pay taxes, they can tell you who to vote for all they want too ... only the corporation must remain politically silent ...

The Tea Party did indeed violate the law by filing as a 501(c)(4) corporation "civic league" ... the controversy was that the Obama administration targeted conservative organizations for enforcement, giving liberal organizations a pass ... nasty in this liberal's opinion, and another reason I'll vote for The Donald in 2024 ...
This right here^^^ :thup:
I can't really argue here. That is all spot on, if you have Christian values you don't want to support such things as the mass genocide of abortion, let alone making tax payers pay for it. Just know that if you are a Christian, Joe Biden's goons are after you and want to take those morals from your children with the propaganda in the Left leaning media and academia and replace them with their own, like the morals of his son Hunter.

Section 501(c) non-profit corporations are NOT allowed to participate in the political process nor in any election ... that doesn't mean an individual involved with the corporation can't contribute to a candidate with their own money, they just can't use corporate money ... a person can bitch at the city council in their own name, but never in the name of the non-profit corporation ...

There's a list of sub-sections on Wikipedia ... for the ubiquitous 501(c)(3) corporation we have "Religious, Educational, Charitable, Scientific, Literary, Testing for Public Safety, to Foster National or International Amateur Sports Competition, or Prevention of Cruelty to Children or Animals Organizations" ...

A Catholic priest can rail against abortion all he wants to, pretty much anywhere anytime and use RCC's money ... however, the priest CAN NOT say which candidate to vote for while using RCC's money ... the RCC doesn't pay taxes, so they give up some of their 1st Amendment Free Speech rights ... individual Catholics do pay taxes, they can tell you who to vote for all they want too ... only the corporation must remain politically silent ...

The Tea Party did indeed violate the law by filing as a 501(c)(4) corporation "civic league" ... the controversy was that the Obama administration targeted conservative organizations for enforcement, giving liberal organizations a pass ... nasty in this liberal's opinion, and another reason I'll vote for The Donald in 2024 ...
So a person of faith can't tell people who to vote for to be considered tax exempt, but groups like the NAACP can declare the entire GOP racist and not to vote for them.

Got it!

Sound fair to you?

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