IRS erased Lerner emails even after subpoena: audit


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Everything in this administration sounds so much like Watergate, except Nixon didn't erase the tapes. Wouldn't really matter if these crimes were prosecuted the SCOTUS would just throw out the convictions. The king must be protected.

IRS erased Lerner emails even after subpoena audit - Washington Times

The IRS erased backup tapes with Lois G. Lerner emails even after the messages were subject to a congressional subpoena, likely permanently losing as many as 24,000 emails, investigators said Thursday.

Still, the tax agency didn’t actually destroy some of its backup tapes but only “degaussed” them, which meant the agency’s inspector general was able to go back and recover the messages.

“They destroyed evidence. That’s what they did,” said House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican.

Read more: IRS erased Lerner emails even after subpoena audit - Washington Times
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No surprise here at all. They were working feverishly trying to destroy anything that implicated them, The Dems have this down pat. Hillary is another example. From a Fox article-
A source familiar with the matter told Fox News the evidence was destroyed 10 months after a preservation order for the emails; seven months after a subpoena; and one month after IRS officials realized there were potential problems locating certain emails.

Fox News is told the destruction of evidence also occurred about three weeks before IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testified to Congress that they would provide documents to Congress.

Further, the IG review found that the IRS never looked at five of the six potential places where the emails might have been stored -- including the server.

An IRS spokeswoman told the Associated Press Wednesday evening the agency had no immediate comment.
Maybe the next time emails from a prominent republican are subpoenaed they'll be accidentally erased as well.

These things do happen...
Maybe the next time emails from a prominent republican are subpoenaed they'll be accidentally erased as well.

These things do happen...

I wonder how history, for the better, would have changed if Nixon's ego would have allowed him to erase all of the tapes.
Maybe the next time emails from a prominent republican are subpoenaed they'll be accidentally erased as well.

These things do happen...

Indeed they do, but under normal circumstances the lot of them would be simmering in the DC Jail.

I've never seen so many abnormal circumstances.
How many liberals here on USMB have actually addressed this discrepancy honestly and straightforwardly?
How many liberals here on USMB have actually addressed this discrepancy honestly and straightforwardly?

That is purt near the funniest thing I have read on the board in a very long time.

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