Is a candidate's age matter?

Reagan was 69 when he was elected I remember the left making a hell of a big deal about his age back then. As for the current crop some people age better than others It seems like Hillary is the one who has had the most health issues out of the three listed in the OP.

Reagan was running 36 years ago. He was also an ex-smoker.

Is there an actual medical follow-up to the incident that caused Hillary's concussion, or are people just relying on tabloid rumor?

A concussion is not a "health issue" any more than a broken arm is.
How long ago Reagan ran is not the issue the issue as it so often is and is again is the partisan B.S. age matters if it's someone on the otherside of aisle. If Reagan is to far back what about John McCain? Yes I know of his injuries as a result of being a POW however his medical exams never reaveled any serious health issues yet his age and health was brought up in 2008.
Some of us could see the signs of early onset dementia with Reagan. With McCain, it was his age coupled with the fact that if he died, Sarah Palin, a complete idiot, would be the president with her finger on the nuclear trigger.
Hillary's own staff members decribed her as 'frequently confused' and 'technology challenged' .... YES, age mattrs.

Those emails are from January 2013, not long after the concussion. Concussions frequently result in short-term sequelae that gradually resolve.

I forget, I don't remember, I don't recall, that escapes me.... The whole hearing was her showing off just how bad her alzheimer's was

No, that's called "lawyer-speak." Have you never watched anyone else give testimony?

I'm no fan of Hillary, but y'all need to stop obsessing about email describing something that happened three years ago and trying to make it seem as if it happened yesterday. If you're a fan of a Republican candidate, you underestimate Hillary's mental acuity at your peril.
So it is perjury instead of alzheimers?

Are those the only alternatives among people you know?

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