Is a candidate's age matter?

The Dems have nothing to offer but old people.

So much for that diversity they stake claim to.

Really delusional aren't you?.........

FIRST [half] black president for 2 terms
Good chance of having the FIRST woman as president
Who was the FIRST woman as Speaker of the House.

Which diverse (aka minority) does NOT support the Dems?

Glad you pointed out that Obama is only worth 1/2 a point.:up:
Carly is not going to be president, I don't think, and neither is Hillary.:(
First black female Secretary of State? That beats Obama out all by itself!:laugh:
First black male Secretary of State?:laugh:

Dems lose!:mm:
The Dems have nothing to offer but old people.

So much for that diversity they stake claim to.

Really delusional aren't you?.........

FIRST [half] black president for 2 terms
Good chance of having the FIRST woman as president
Who was the FIRST woman as Speaker of the House.

Which diverse (aka minority) does NOT support the Dems?

Diversity of age, numnuts. Pay attention to your thread title.

They. Are. Too. Damn. OLD.

But since you brought it up, Rs have a woman (Fiorina) and Latino (Rubio). Dems got a really old broad, an even older male socialist and another really old possible independent (yeah, like anyone believes that Bloomberg is Independent :lol:).

You forgot Latino (Cruz)!
The Dems have nothing to offer but old people.

So much for that diversity they stake claim to.

Really delusional aren't you?.........

FIRST [half] black president for 2 terms
Good chance of having the FIRST woman as president
Who was the FIRST woman as Speaker of the House.

Which diverse (aka minority) does NOT support the Dems?

Diversity of age, numnuts. Pay attention to your thread title.

They. Are. Too. Damn. OLD.

But since you brought it up, Rs have a woman (Fiorina) and Latino (Rubio). Dems got a really old broad, an even older male socialist and another really old possible independent (yeah, like anyone believes that Bloomberg is Independent :lol:).

You forgot Latino (Cruz)!

I did! I can't get beyond his looking like a mix between Granpa from the Munsters and Mr. Haney from Green Acres. lol
Just watching her on TV. She can't remember details.

And there were several emails about her needing naps and her confusion.

How did Hillary do during that 10-11 hrs. grilling by that congressional committee on Benghazi?
I forget, I don't remember, I don't recall, that escapes me.... The whole hearing was her showing off just how bad her alzheimer's was
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok

Well, lets turn that above statement up-side-down.....
Hillary is filthy rich, white, a 1%, etc....She is everything that a right winger claims to love....but she's got a (D), so, for some fuckED unreason.........right wingers hate and fear her.j
she hates America
she hates freedom
she hates liberty

what's to love?

the fact she stayed with a serial abuser of women?
the fact she can't stand up for herself?
the fact she lied and said it was about a video?

She's absolute garbage, but you leftist fools don't care or join her in her hate.
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok

Well, lets turn that above statement up-side-down.....
Hillary is filthy rich, white, a 1%, etc....She is everything that a right winger claims to love....but she's got a (D), so, for some fuckED unreason.........right wingers hate and fear her.j
she hates America
she hates freedom
she hates liberty

what's to love?

the fact she stayed with a serial abuser of women?
the fact she can't stand up for herself?
the fact she lied and said it was about a video?

She's absolute garbage, but you leftist fools don't care or join her in her hate.

She doesn't hate America
What exactly does she hate about freedom? Oh'yesss, you think corporations/the super rich should be able to have slaves and pollute the environment. There needs to be a balance or someone else loses their freedom.
She doesn't hate liberty! She isn't going to stop you from saying what you wish or have the cops arrest you for insulting her. jezzzz

She isn't a loserterian!

Oh'well, forgiveness is part of loving someone. Of course there is a point when you no longer can or should but clinton was never violent.
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok

Well, lets turn that above statement up-side-down.....
Hillary is filthy rich, white, a 1%, etc....She is everything that a right winger claims to love....but she's got a (D), so, for some fuckED unreason.........right wingers hate and fear her.j
she hates America
she hates freedom
she hates liberty

what's to love?

the fact she stayed with a serial abuser of women?
the fact she can't stand up for herself?
the fact she lied and said it was about a video?

She's absolute garbage, but you leftist fools don't care or join her in her hate.

She doesn't hate America
What exactly does she hate about freedom? Oh'yesss, you think corporations/the super rich should be able to have slaves and pollute the environment. There needs to be a balance or someone else loses their freedom.
She doesn't hate liberty! She isn't going to stop you from saying what you wish or have the cops arrest you for insulting her. jezzzz

She isn't a loserterian!

Oh'well, forgiveness is part of loving someone. Of course there is a point when you no longer can or should but clinton was never violent.
Yes she does, if she did she wouldn't have lied about the video

what part of supporting the aca, more gun laws isn't anti-freedom? the rest of that sentence is fucking bullshit ignorance

Clearly she does, she didn't come out against the ag for threatening to arrest anyone that spoke out against islam

she's a socialist

she threatened most of Bills women.

nothing you posted has a shred of thought to it, b/c if you thought about who you are supporting, you'd stop.
Doesn't matter. If they die in office then they die...Won't be the first time.

Well. true.....and that is why choosing running mates like Sarah Palin should kill-off any candidate's chance for the oval office.
Hillary's own staff members decribed her as 'frequently confused' and 'technology challenged' .... YES, age mattrs.
Hillary's own staff members decribed her as 'frequently confused' and 'technology challenged' .... YES, age mattrs.

Those emails are from January 2013, not long after the concussion. Concussions frequently result in short-term sequelae that gradually resolve.

I forget, I don't remember, I don't recall, that escapes me.... The whole hearing was her showing off just how bad her alzheimer's was

No, that's called "lawyer-speak." Have you never watched anyone else give testimony?

I'm no fan of Hillary, but y'all need to stop obsessing about email describing something that happened three years ago and trying to make it seem as if it happened yesterday. If you're a fan of a Republican candidate, you underestimate Hillary's mental acuity at your peril.
Hillary's own staff members decribed her as 'frequently confused' and 'technology challenged' .... YES, age mattrs.

Those emails are from January 2013, not long after the concussion. Concussions frequently result in short-term sequelae that gradually resolve.

I forget, I don't remember, I don't recall, that escapes me.... The whole hearing was her showing off just how bad her alzheimer's was

No, that's called "lawyer-speak." Have you never watched anyone else give testimony?

I'm no fan of Hillary, but y'all need to stop obsessing about email describing something that happened three years ago and trying to make it seem as if it happened yesterday. If you're a fan of a Republican candidate, you underestimate Hillary's mental acuity at your peril.
So it is perjury instead of alzheimers?

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