Is a candidate's age matter?

:coffee:Some are just obstinate, I think. Others oblivious. Lol
You'll find a lot of hypocrites around here.
Well what I think is interesting is that just a few years ago Mr. Obama was declared the perfect age, yet Rubio is now too young. McCain was clearly too old from some peoples account, yet Sanders is not. In my opinion I do not believe there should be a threshhold for the age of presidents, I do prefer mine older however!
But do they know they are hypocrites?
Well what I think is interesting is that just a few years ago Mr. Obama was declared the perfect age, yet Rubio is now too young

NO.....your premise came out of your behind......Rubio is NOT too young....and nobody that I know of is claiming that......However, Rubio is just plain dumb and a flip-flopper, regardless of his age......He could be 90 years old and still be a dumb older man.
Go back and reread my post....

You wrote..."Well what I think is interesting is that just a few years ago Mr. Obama was declared the perfect age, yet Rubio is now too young".......

and I responded with, "......Rubio is NOT too young....and nobody that I know of is claiming that......However, Rubio is just plain dumb..."
And you are just one...
Go back and reread my post....

You wrote..."Well what I think is interesting is that just a few years ago Mr. Obama was declared the perfect age, yet Rubio is now too young".......

and I responded with, "......Rubio is NOT too young....and nobody that I know of is claiming that......However, Rubio is just plain dumb..."
The Dems have nothing to offer but old people.

So much for that diversity they stake claim to.

Really delusional aren't you?.........

FIRST [half] black president for 2 terms
Good chance of having the FIRST woman as president
Who was the FIRST woman as Speaker of the House.

Which diverse (aka minority) does NOT support the Dems?

Diversity of age, numnuts. Pay attention to your thread title.

They. Are. Too. Damn. OLD.

But since you brought it up, Rs have a woman (Fiorina) and Latino (Rubio). Dems got a really old broad, an even older male socialist and another really old possible independent (yeah, like anyone believes that Bloomberg is Independent :lol:).
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There is much bantering on this forum about Hillary being old, Sanders being really old, and seldom any "worries" about Trump's age. For the record:

Sanders will be 74

Trump will be 70 this June

Clinton will be 69 this October...right before the election.

so, you never mentioned mccains age as a disqualifier?

you called out your fellow leftist that did?


ya got 2 really old white people running, one of them is a filthy 1%
Reagan was 69 when he was elected I remember the left making a hell of a big deal about his age back then. As for the current crop some people age better than others It seems like Hillary is the one who has had the most health issues out of the three listed in the OP.
Reagan exercised a lot. Hillary gets no exercise and she is unhealthily fat. Trump is fat, but not so bad as Hillary. But Trump also gets no exercise. Sanders is skinny. He looks like he exercises moderately.

Hillary has had several mini strokes. She gets confused and needs several naps day. (as attested by the emails on her server.)She suffers from early Alzheimers

So of the three, Sanders is healthy, and might make 90. Trump would not make it through four years . Who he would chose as VEEP would be very important. Hillary is in this year's Dead pool, and I would be surprised if she makes it to August.
Reagan was 69 when he was elected I remember the left making a hell of a big deal about his age back then. As for the current crop some people age better than others It seems like Hillary is the one who has had the most health issues out of the three listed in the OP.
Reagan exercised a lot. Hillary gets no exercise and she is unhealthily fat. Trump is fat, but not so bad as Hillary. But Trump also gets no exercise. Sanders is skinny. He looks like he exercises moderately.

Hillary has had several mini strokes. She gets confused and needs several naps day. (as attested by the emails on her server.)She suffers from early Alzheimers

So of the three, Sanders is healthy, and might make 90. Trump would not make it through four years . Who he would chose as VEEP would be very important. Hillary is in this year's Dead pool, and I would be surprised if she makes it to August.

In pics of Hillary she's nearly always holding on to someone's arm as well. I do not believe her health is good.
Reagan was 69 when he was elected I remember the left making a hell of a big deal about his age back then. As for the current crop some people age better than others It seems like Hillary is the one who has had the most health issues out of the three listed in the OP.
Reagan exercised a lot. Hillary gets no exercise and she is unhealthily fat. Trump is fat, but not so bad as Hillary. But Trump also gets no exercise. Sanders is skinny. He looks like he exercises moderately.

Hillary has had several mini strokes. She gets confused and needs several naps day. (as attested by the emails on her server.)She suffers from early Alzheimers

So of the three, Sanders is healthy, and might make 90. Trump would not make it through four years . Who he would chose as VEEP would be very important. Hillary is in this year's Dead pool, and I would be surprised if she makes it to August.

I'm interested in the source(s) of this information about Hillary. There are also claims that she has Parkinson's, MS, STDs, etc., etc., etc.

Wishful thinking or based in fact?
Just watching her on TV. She can't remember details.

And there were several emails about her needing naps and her confusion.

So, not a medical diagnosis, then.

Naps are therapeutic at any age. Edison took lots of naps.

As for confusion, was that temporary immediately following the concussion (quite normal), or are there claims that it persists?
ya got 2 really old white people running, one of them is a filthy 1%

Are you confused about which party Trump is running with? Understandable, since he ran on the "Reform Party" ticket in 2000.
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok
ya got 2 really old white people running, one of them is a filthy 1%

Are you confused about which party Trump is running with? Understandable, since he ran on the "Reform Party" ticket in 2000.
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok

You were discussing the two eldest candidates. That would be Sanders and Trump.
hillary is a filthy rich, white, dsiconnected 1%er.

she is everything leftist claim to hate, but she's got that (D), so for some fuck up unreason, it's ok

Well, lets turn that above statement up-side-down.....
Hillary is filthy rich, white, a 1%, etc....She is everything that a right winger claims to love....but she's got a (D), so, for some fuckED unreason.........right wingers hate and fear her.j
People age different and out of the three you listed Hillary is doing the worst.

Why, because you don't like her? I don't see how anyone sees anything noteworthy about Clinton's apparent health/vitality relative to her age.
Just watching her on TV. She can't remember details.

And there were several emails about her needing naps and her confusion.

How did Hillary do during that 10-11 hrs. grilling by that congressional committee on Benghazi?

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