Is a Ryan budget economics or poligimics?

Party of's your toy. Enjoy.

Paul Ryan is an idiot and reactionary – a bad combination. The government shouldn't have to run a balanced budget. It’s actually not even possible to do so in any capacity for any extended period. It’s possible, for example, only if the private sector decides not to net save, and decides to buy more goods and services from the foreign sector than it sells to them as exports.

We need to run government deficits so firms and individuals can save. Every borrower needs a lender and every lender needs a borrower. Savers are lenders which means someone, somewhere has to borrow from them. If the non-government net saves, the government sector must be a net borrower. In other words, it recycles its savings through bond sales into the general economy.

The non-government also consists of the foreign sector which are sellers of real goods and services. The US is generally content to run a trade deficit with the foreign sector, which means the rest of the world is net saving in US Treasuries (dollar deposits at the FED). When $$$$ flows out of the US economy as we pay for imports, we have to replace this $$$$ with budget deficits.
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Rep. Nunnelee keeps talking about the tough, tough, tough choices. So they decide to get a balanced budget, what side what was on the other side. Ask any Republican that. Let's see them answer that. Hold their feet to the fire. If they won't talk honestly then they can't ask for trust.
Why do Republicans keep saying, "Spending right here in Washington."? Do they think Democrats want to buy new curtains for the White House? (Dang, we've been found out.)
So business it going to leave America because their taxes are too high? Well, maybe (not really). What about the individual tax cut? Got an explanation for that? Can't explain that everything else is a moot point.
Rep. McDermott just got an open laugh from Rep. Ryan. Rep. McDermott called the Ryan Budget a political campaign for the 2016 Presidential race. It would explain a lot.
WOW! That was the best explanation I have ever heard of the current economic dynamics! I just found Warren's VP. Small problem, however, I did not catch the name.
The Republican Rep. (Brady I believe) said that America is for Ryan's policies. Given that 69% of the people believe that unemployment insurance benefits should be extended it confirms the American public is directly opposed to the Ryan Budget.

69 percent support extending unemployment insurance
By Aaron Blake January 23
The Fox News poll shows 69 percent of people think the insurance should last at least a year — longer than the current 26 weeks.
Just because Republicans are going to bring it up one hundred and one times the President's budget was put out seven and one days after they got the final numbers from the House, blame where blame is due. Oops, he just said it again.
WOW! That was the best explanation I have ever heard of the current economic dynamics! I just found Warren's VP. Small problem, however, I did not catch the name.

Ah great, he's from MA. Aren't all the greats. ;)
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I rushed all morning go I would be back by 1:00 to see the last day of H.R. 96 debate and it was in the morning. Now I have to watch reruns. Oh, well. So be it.
(policy/politics) + gimics = poligimics :D

Everyone's favorite time of the year, tomorrow is the House Budget Committee's markup of Ryan's, The Path to Prosperity. The Committee's site is Committee on the Budget. I expect they will update the site tomorrow to reflect the big, bold declaration of the Draconian.

Live streaming video at: House Committee on the Budget Live Stream - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
I hope to catch it live as stuff backlogged gets hard to get back to.

The Mark Up of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Time: 10:30 AM

Location: 210 Cannon House Office Building

The latter.

Mere partisan fodder for November.
(policy/politics) + gimics = poligimics :D

Everyone's favorite time of the year, tomorrow is the House Budget Committee's markup of Ryan's, The Path to Prosperity. The Committee's site is Committee on the Budget. I expect they will update the site tomorrow to reflect the big, bold declaration of the Draconian.

Live streaming video at: House Committee on the Budget Live Stream - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
I hope to catch it live as stuff backlogged gets hard to get back to.

The Mark Up of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2015

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Time: 10:30 AM

Location: 210 Cannon House Office Building

The latter.

Mere partisan fodder for November.

Mr. Dracula, Rep. Ryan, ;) was looking pretty frazzled the end of the day yesterday. If the Republican testimony can be taken down to the district races it will be devastating, that seems extremely difficult to do for some reason, a reason I don't quite get.

I just peeked ahead and found out the budget passed the House. I hope that is not a spoiler for anyone else. Everyone who voted for the budget so that it passed has agreed that those cuts should be made. I just can't believe anything but the smallest percentage of Americans would think that budget good for America.
Rep. Scalise (R-LA) is arguing for the Amendment 4, the Back to the Basics budget. He, along with so many other Republicans are saying that the government has to balance their budget like ever American sitting about the kitchen table does. But by this logic no American has ever taken out a loan for a house, a car, or their child's education. So to pay down the debt a family would go without any unnecessary expense and even some that are to do so. I am assuming that none of these Republicans are asking this country what they themselves have not done.

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