Is a Ryan budget economics or poligimics?

Rep. Price claims they are hearing the same song, different verse. Well we're hearing their song too. (I never realized just how harsh this song is, of course I could say the same of the Republican party.)

[ame=]The Grinch Song - YouTube[/ame]
In his closing statement of Amendment 5 after mentioning the government shutdown Rep. Van Hollen gives one of the best presentations I have heard him give.
In response to Rep. Ryan's statement that Obamacare will deny service to seniors. (This is also explained in other articles.) (Rep. Ryan also repeatedly states that under the President's budget the money will be spent, "right here in Washington.", on new curtains no less, OK, I made that last part up.)

Will Obamacare deny seniors cancer care?
Q. I was told that under the new health care law, people 76 and older will be denied cancer care. Is that true?

A. Not true. As best I can determine, that rumor originated from several viral e-mails and online posts. They recount convincing-sounding conversations with doctors who claim to have been briefed on a provision of the Affordable Care Act that will supposedly deny older Medicare beneficiaries treatments for serious conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Reputable fact-checking sites, such as and, have documented that the stories are fake.

"Nothing in health care reform or in Medicare limits your care based on your age,"
says Joe Baker, president of the Medicare Rights Center, a nonprofit consumer advocacy and information group.

Far from cutting Medicare benefits, the new health care law has expanded them. Beneficiaries are now entitled to a long list of free preventive-care services that previously weren't covered. And the law is also closing the notorious "doughnut hole" in Part D drug plans.
Noooo! The Ryan budget has been approved in the House. 291 to 205. (In case one is just going the show I am watching the session recorded earlier today.) Closing arguments from Ryan included: Democrats are stifling job growth by not approving the Keystone Pipeline (whereas the Democrats cited Immigration Reform), he pointed out that there were the empty claims that one could keep their doctor and keep their health care (which, while it has merit, does not seem on the level of discussing a national budget), called the Democratic plan paternalistic, arrogant, and condescending because it gave the power to Washington and not to the people (although I like his word choice I think he is projecting), and he stated that the Ryan budget is making the safety net stronger because it gives the states flexibility (this is code to that it takes away all their federal funding and they now have to figure out how to operate with no money, they also use the code word 'freedom' for this).

Well that is it, the Ryan budget process from mark-up to adoption. It clearly states difference between Republicans and Democrats. Over the next few months I hope this becomes known to the American public.
The lodestar of the U.S. government is not in the Constitution but in the Declaration of Independence for it is in the Declaration that a people declared not only what they were leaving behind but also the direction they were going. Within the Declaration of Independence one line stands as the testament to this intent:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

The utmost goal of our government is to secure these Rights for all people for all people are created equal. The environment our government has created has provided the opportunity more many to secure these Rights for themselves but many more are struggling to achieve these self-evident truths. As our government has created the environment for those who have gained the means to secure for themselves the Rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness our government must continue to strive to ensure all her citizens have these Rights. The Right of Life is ensured with food, clothing, and shelter. The Right of Liberty is ensured with a living wage so one is not nothing but one's employment. The Right of the pursuit of Happiness is ensured with education and the ability to enjoy more than just the material necessities in life. Whenever one has become disoriented as to which way to go one should locate one's lodestar and plot a path which is true.

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