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Is a second american revolution now inevitable?

I wish you felt the same about deserting terrorists like Bergdahl

Bergdahl is a pro-liberty, pro-gun, pro-Ayn Rand conservative.

His defiance of the dictates of the federal government is the stuff of your playbook.

what planet are you on? the guy is a muslim sympathizing, america-hating, liberal. Where do you get the crap you post? Does it come to you in a drug induced coma? Nothing you have ever posted is true. :cuckoo:

I have the facts on my side

1. Bergdahl was raised, and even homeschooled, as a Christian conservative.

2. He was introduced to guns by the time he was five.

3. He tried to join the French Foreign Legion, the Coast Guard, and finally ended up in the Army. He was thus obsessed with being in the military, any sort of military.

4. The possessions he sent home included his copy of 'Atlas Shrugged'.

Okay? Find the 'liberal' in there.
"Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death." (Samuel Adams)

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

....to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence. Signed by Samuel Adams.

lol, you reinforced my post. The colonies were under the rule of a King in 1776, not under the laws of a republic.

Yes. I know. So..you think you're clever, or something? You think you "got" me? LMAO..
Your reference to the Shays rebellion and a comment adams made then doesn't supersede the Declaration of Independence and the reasons for it.
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?

I'd like to hear one 'rebel' in any of these threads state that he would be willing to kill American soldiers or law enforcement officers in the name of changing the government we currently have.

LOL, that would never be necessary, the military and law enforcement will be on our side, not yours. You really don't understand whats happening in this country, do you?
Bergdahl is a pro-liberty, pro-gun, pro-Ayn Rand conservative.

His defiance of the dictates of the federal government is the stuff of your playbook.

what planet are you on? the guy is a muslim sympathizing, america-hating, liberal. Where do you get the crap you post? Does it come to you in a drug induced coma? Nothing you have ever posted is true. :cuckoo:

I have the facts on my side

1. Bergdahl was raised, and even homeschooled, as a Christian conservative.

2. He was introduced to guns by the time he was five.

3. He tried to join the French Foreign Legion, the Coast Guard, and finally ended up in the Army. He was thus obsessed with being in the military, any sort of military.

4. The possessions he sent home included his copy of 'Atlas Shrugged'.

Okay? Find the 'liberal' in there.

I guess that explains his father praising allah in an arabic language while obama was grinning like a chesire cat and trying to screw the wife.
Well Red. Maybe YOU don't plan on shooting anyone. But your revolutionary buddy who posted right after you, he just stated again that people die in a revolution. What could he be talking about red?

Maybe you need a better circle of friends there Red. IF you don't want to be shooting fellow Americans.

"revolutionary buddy"? LMAO...just gotta label and slander...you kids are funny!

This thread is about a hypothetical revolution. People die in revolutions. It's a fact.
Read some history.

Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.
Don't even pretend you are part of "country boys can survive" nonsense.

There will be no apocalypse.

If the loonies on the far right rise up, there will be no arrest and trials, I think, only summary execution of the far right terrorists who are caught with weapons.

I wish you felt the same about deserting terrorists like Bergdahl

If he were caught on the battlefield with a weapon, sure, he would have been put down there immediately.

But . . . he was exchanged and is in the hands of the military.

Let's see if the medicos can get him competent enough mentally for an Art 32b investigation.
Well Red. Maybe YOU don't plan on shooting anyone. But your revolutionary buddy who posted right after you, he just stated again that people die in a revolution. What could he be talking about red?

Maybe you need a better circle of friends there Red. IF you don't want to be shooting fellow Americans.

"revolutionary buddy"? LMAO...just gotta label and slander...you kids are funny!

This thread is about a hypothetical revolution. People die in revolutions. It's a fact.
Read some history.

Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

translation-------you guys beat me with facts again, now I'm going to run away.
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?

I'd like to hear one 'rebel' in any of these threads state that he would be willing to kill American soldiers or law enforcement officers in the name of changing the government we currently have.

LOL, that would never be necessary, the military and law enforcement will be on our side, not yours. You really don't understand whats happening in this country, do you?



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We are current or former Army Reserve, National Guard, and active duty US Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets). We have all taken an oath to “...support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.…” The Constitution of the United States is without a doubt the single greatest document in the history of mankind, codifying the fundamental principle of governmental power and authority being derived from and granted through the consent of the governed.
Don't even pretend you are part of "country boys can survive" nonsense.

There will be no apocalypse.

If the loonies on the far right rise up, there will be no arrest and trials, I think, only summary execution of the far right terrorists who are caught with weapons.

I wish you felt the same about deserting terrorists like Bergdahl

If he were caught on the battlefield with a weapon, sure, he would have been put down there immediately.

But . . . he was exchanged and is in the hands of the military.

Let's see if the medicos can get him competent enough mentally for an Art 32b investigation.

What Bergdahl did or said is not the issue. the issue is that 5 terrorist generals for 1 possible deserter is a stupid deal and sets a terrible presedent that puts all americans in danger.
"revolutionary buddy"? LMAO...just gotta label and slander...you kids are funny!

This thread is about a hypothetical revolution. People die in revolutions. It's a fact.
Read some history.

Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

translation-------you guys beat me with facts again, now I'm going to run away.

Means the far gun right is engaged in mental masturbation, lots of fun but sterile.
Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

translation-------you guys beat me with facts again, now I'm going to run away.

Means the far gun right is engaged in mental masturbation, lots of fun but sterile.

Oh, we have a new term "far gun right" who exactly is in this imaginery group that you created in your small mind?
Well what a stupid fucking thread then.

You joined it.

I thought
Not something you're good at, obviously.

you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

This is a message board. Where people discuss things...Did you think this was "revolution central" where all orders are issued from?
No "revolution" is going to start on a message board.
You really spend a lot of time online, don't you? :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Seriously..This is important to you, isn't it? :lol:

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

See ya!
"revolutionary buddy"? LMAO...just gotta label and slander...you kids are funny!

This thread is about a hypothetical revolution. People die in revolutions. It's a fact.
Read some history.

Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

translation-------you guys beat me with facts again, now I'm going to run away.

FACTS???? Wtf are you babbling about "facts" red?

Your revo buddy just wrote that this is all fantasy camp Red? Wtf is wrong with you that you want to treat a fantasy like reality?

Like I said earlier, you need to get your meds checked. They have caused you to lose touch with reality.

Even the other revo knows that all he is doing is talking bullshit. And you believe him. That's not a good sign for you red.
The set of would-be revolutionaries, given how fixated they're on violence, guns and anyone who is 'different', must have been badly damaged early in life, or so depressed by their current circumstance as to easily fall prey to the demagogues and charlatans so pervasive in America today.

Revolution isn't some romantic interlude; good grief, haven't we all seen how insurrections are easily put down by the established authorities? When actual revolutions remove the established authority, extremists fill the void and impact the entire social order; disorder and a great loss of liberty soon follows.

We are lucky to live in a nation which affords us so much freedom and the power of self governance. Those who clamor for rapid, revolutionary change need to slow down, least they be considered paranoid schizophrenics - which I'm convinced some of them are.

Wouldn't it be grand if these would-be heroes of liberty started their own political party? I can't imagine it would attract many followers, for they are little different than those who walk our streets with signs saying the end is near, and have been doing so for generations.
Well what a stupid fucking thread then. I thought you all were ready to rock. Now here you tell me you are all mouth entertaining a fantasy.

Fuck that. I got better things to do.

translation-------you guys beat me with facts again, now I'm going to run away.

FACTS???? Wtf are you babbling about "facts" red?

Your revo buddy just wrote that this is all fantasy camp Red? Wtf is wrong with you that you want to treat a fantasy like reality?

Like I said earlier, you need to get your meds checked. They have caused you to lose touch with reality.

Even the other revo knows that all he is doing is talking bullshit. And you believe him. That's not a good sign for you red.

Message boards are for typing. not starting revolutions. What an insane idea! You make up some funny strawmen to beat up!

..but look!..you were able to insult people and agitate while not making one single valid point...and that's the important thing!
Who else is going to fight a revolution? Occupiers? They're too busy wiggling their fingers and not electing candidates to public office. Democrats? Democrats are half of the US power structure so they don't want a revolution. Republicans? Yes. Stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, "survivalist" Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist. They will be the ones who are dumb enough to try to start another civil war, just like they did last time.

And just like last time, they will claim for 100 years that it was all about "states' rights" instead of their overt racism and outdated patriarchal bullshit belief system.

Did you know the Democrat Party founded the KKK and passed all the Jim Crowe laws? They also created the liberal plantation to keep minorities under their thumb and in poverty.
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