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Is a second american revolution now inevitable?

Link to the quote you referenced about eating lead? It's early. Maybe I missed it?
I HAVE seen a lot of hyperpartisan name calling and wild exaggeration...it's all contrived so they can squeeze in some more name calling...as if name calling wins the debate..LMAO..

Yeah. I've seem the marijuana tax stamp for two days now. I already read your position. I don't think it will save the country.

You want a link to this page? His quote is in a post on this page that you quoted. So you can't read, but you're just so sure that marijuana won't do anything to change the world?

It's too bad that you can't read because if you could, I would point you to these international government and university reports which explain how marijuana legalization will change the world.

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Attempted ignition of petrol vapour by lit cigar... [Sci Justice. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681
Eco Elise | Lotus Cars
Canada's legal hemp industry growing - Business - CBC News

Marijuana Timeline | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS

H.R.1635 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): National Commission on Federal Marijuana Policy Act of 2013 | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

Ok. I see the quote now. He should have worded it differently to avoid distractions like this, but in revolutions people get killed. It's a fact.

Thanks for all the links, but your smart alec, condescending tone about me being unable to read, disinclines me to "read" any of your distractions.
As far as marijuana "saving the world"..LMAO...That's funnier than revolution ....but a lot more unlikely.
marijuana will "save the world"?.... "from what"? would be my question.

Fuck my tone, bitch. You cocksuckers are talking about KILLING AMERICANS. Fuck yourselves, American Taliban. You would rather kill Americans than read. That is why an American "revolution" is inevitable. Stupid, inbred, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, football-watching, warmongering, Wal-Mart shopping, Bible-thumping, Confederate flag-waving, good, moral, patriotic American Republican Teabagger Taliban motherfuckers don't like information, so they want to kill Americans.

Who are your targets going to be in this "revolution"? Liberals? Leftists? Homos? Are you going to stand in line at the supermarket with your AR-15 and shoot any black people who you see with EBT cards? Moochers? Dimocraps? Mexicans, because they're all here illegally, right? They tuk yer JERB!

You sure as fuck won't be fighting against the rich billionaires who have siphoned trillions of dollars out of our economy, right? Or the liars who started wars over lies and signed the big government PATRIOT Act? The god-damned Republican party that started the drug war in 1972 after their own committee told Nixon to legalize marijuana again?

You don't even know who your enemy is, and you want to fight a revolution.
Don't even pretend you are part of "country boys can survive" nonsense.

There will be no apocalypse.

If the loonies on the far right rise up, there will be no arrest and trials, I think, only summary execution of the far right terrorists who are caught with weapons.

I wish you felt the same about deserting terrorists like Bergdahl

Bergdahl is a pro-liberty, pro-gun, pro-Ayn Rand conservative.

His defiance of the dictates of the federal government is the stuff of your playbook.
"Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death." (Samuel Adams)
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.

true, and what the lefties don't get is that the military will be on the side of the people, not the corrupt government.
Don't even pretend you are part of "country boys can survive" nonsense.

There will be no apocalypse.

If the loonies on the far right rise up, there will be no arrest and trials, I think, only summary execution of the far right terrorists who are caught with weapons.

I wish you felt the same about deserting terrorists like Bergdahl

Bergdahl is a pro-liberty, pro-gun, pro-Ayn Rand conservative.

His defiance of the dictates of the federal government is the stuff of your playbook.

what planet are you on? the guy is a muslim sympathizing, america-hating, liberal. Where do you get the crap you post? Does it come to you in a drug induced coma? Nothing you have ever posted is true. :cuckoo:
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.

true, and what the lefties don't get is that the military will be on the side of the people, not the corrupt government.[/QUOTE]

See what I mean? The fantasy continues. Seek help dude(s). Self medicating is not working for you all.

You revolutionaries have wives? Have you checked with them to see if it is ok for you to go off and revolutionize the world? She might want you to cut the grass or something useful.
Funny shit you all write.
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?

Its happening right now, its a quiet rebellion. It will take place at voting booths in nov 2014 and 2016. Liberalism has failed, the people know it and are fed up with liberal lies and corruption----------BTW, this is not partisan, there are liberals in both parties.
Fuck my tone, bitch. You cocksuckers are talking about KILLING AMERICANS.
Settle down. Your way too emotional. Try decaf?
We were discussing a hypothetical "revolution" scenario. People die in revolutions.

Fuck yourselves, American Taliban.
There's no such organization...

You would rather kill Americans than read.

"you"? who are you talking about?

That is why an American "revolution" is inevitable.

Every government in history was born in blood and revolution and they all die in blood and revolution.
It's perfectly natural and to be expected. Humans are flawed creatures and no matter what government they form, corruption and oppression lead to it being overthrown.
Why does world history upset you so?

Stupid, inbred, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, football-watching, warmongering, Wal-Mart shopping, Bible-thumping, Confederate flag-waving, good, moral, patriotic American Republican Teabagger Taliban motherfuckers don't like information, so they want to kill Americans.

strawman (men?)

You invent fantasy scenarios, with imaginary people doing contrived things so you can "prove" how "wrong" they are and how "right" you are..LMAO..comical.

Nice. You look REAL intelligent when you do that. I'm sure there are many people who were undecided...and your monologue of insults showed them the light...LMFAO

Who are your targets going to be in this "revolution"? Liberals? Leftists? Homos? Are you going to stand in line at the supermarket with your AR-15 and shoot any black people who you see with EBT cards? Moochers? Dimocraps? Mexicans, because they're all here illegally, right? They tuk yer JERB!

"I" don't have any "targets"...once again you invent a fantasy scenario (strawman) to set up your monologue of insults and fantasy drivel.

You sure as fuck won't be fighting against the rich billionaires who have siphoned trillions of dollars out of our economy, right? Or the liars who started wars over lies and signed the big government PATRIOT Act? The god-damned Republican party that started the drug war in 1972 after their own committee told Nixon to legalize marijuana again?

Yes..of course..you've got it all figured out.
What is this fixation with marijuana you have? You've alread said marijuana will "save the world"...you know, people who say things like that tend to not be taken seriously?

You don't even know who your enemy is, and you want to fight a revolution.
another strawman...you're beating the hell out of them today!..
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.

true, and what the lefties don't get is that the military will be on the side of the people, not the corrupt government.[/QUOTE]

See what I mean? The fantasy continues. Seek help dude(s). Self medicating is not working for you all.

You revolutionaries have wives? Have you checked with them to see if it is ok for you to go off and revolutionize the world? She might want you to cut the grass or something useful.
Funny shit you all write.

Do you really think that our military men and women are liberals and will shoot their fellow americans in support of a corrupt tyranical government? Did you see the reception obozo got at West Point?

You are the one living in fantasy. Your liberal socialist utopia does not exist, cannot exist, and has failed every place it has been tried. Freedom works, marxist collectivism does not.
I've always been amused at the survivalists that were down in Texas. They planned for every contingency...except tropical storms.....their fall-out shelter was gone in minutes. :eusa_clap:

Got a link?

Nah. I tried to find it.

I was in Houston during TS Allison; 36 inches of rain in a matter of hours.
Tropical Storm Allison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway, there are these gun nuts--mostly liberals (lol)--that call themselves the Republic of Texas. republic of Texas They had buried some sort of school bus as I remember to store their cache of supplies. The river swelled and over ran it and their treasured cans of beans and rice were gone...


Lived in Houston for over forty years and never heard that story.
I cant imagine anyone burying anything around here,the water table is so high you cant even have a basement. You can only drain your pool during the dry months or it'll pop out of the ground.
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?

Its happening right now, its a quiet rebellion. It will take place at voting booths in nov 2014 and 2016. Liberalism has failed, the people know it and are fed up with liberal lies and corruption----------BTW, this is not partisan, there are liberals in both parties.

Well Red. Maybe YOU don't plan on shooting anyone. But your revolutionary buddy who posted right after you, he just stated again that people die in a revolution. What could he be talking about red?

Maybe you need a better circle of friends there Red. IF you don't want to be shooting fellow Americans.
"Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death." (Samuel Adams)

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

....to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence. Signed by Samuel Adams.

"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

a. lincoln
In congress 1858
Fuck my tone, bitch. You cocksuckers are talking about KILLING AMERICANS.
Settle down. Your way too emotional. Try decaf?
We were discussing a hypothetical "revolution" scenario. People die in revolutions.

Fuck yourselves, American Taliban.
There's no such organization...

"you"? who are you talking about?

Every government in history was born in blood and revolution and they all die in blood and revolution.
It's perfectly natural and to be expected. Humans are flawed creatures and no matter what government they form, corruption and oppression lead to it being overthrown.
Why does world history upset you so?

strawman (men?)

You invent fantasy scenarios, with imaginary people doing contrived things so you can "prove" how "wrong" they are and how "right" you are..LMAO..comical.

Nice. You look REAL intelligent when you do that. I'm sure there are many people who were undecided...and your monologue of insults showed them the light...LMFAO

"I" don't have any "targets"...once again you invent a fantasy scenario (strawman) to set up your monologue of insults and fantasy drivel.

You sure as fuck won't be fighting against the rich billionaires who have siphoned trillions of dollars out of our economy, right? Or the liars who started wars over lies and signed the big government PATRIOT Act? The god-damned Republican party that started the drug war in 1972 after their own committee told Nixon to legalize marijuana again?

Yes..of course..you've got it all figured out.
What is this fixation with marijuana you have? You've alread said marijuana will "save the world"...you know, people who say things like that tend to not be taken seriously?

You don't even know who your enemy is, and you want to fight a revolution.
another strawman...you're beating the hell out of them today!..

true, and what the lefties don't get is that the military will be on the side of the people, not the corrupt government.[/QUOTE]

See what I mean? The fantasy continues. Seek help dude(s). Self medicating is not working for you all.

You revolutionaries have wives? Have you checked with them to see if it is ok for you to go off and revolutionize the world? She might want you to cut the grass or something useful.
Funny shit you all write.

Do you really think that our military men and women are liberals and will shoot their fellow americans in support of a corrupt tyranical government? Did you see the reception obozo got at West Point?

You are the one living in fantasy. Your liberal socialist utopia does not exist, cannot exist, and has failed every place it has been tried. Freedom works, marxist collectivism does not.

Well hell red. If the military didn't shoot George W Bush for getting so many of them maimed and killed in Iraq, I sure don't think the military will shoot my wife and kids.

Are things really so bad in NO? I was thinking of visiting later in the year. Guess not eh?
What with you and the other revos getting "ready to rock" the new world order.

Guess I'll stay in Ohio.
Got a link?

Nah. I tried to find it.

I was in Houston during TS Allison; 36 inches of rain in a matter of hours.
Tropical Storm Allison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyway, there are these gun nuts--mostly liberals (lol)--that call themselves the Republic of Texas. republic of Texas They had buried some sort of school bus as I remember to store their cache of supplies. The river swelled and over ran it and their treasured cans of beans and rice were gone...


Lived in Houston for over forty years and never heard that story.
I cant imagine anyone burying anything around here,the water table is so high you cant even have a basement. You can only drain your pool during the dry months or it'll pop out of the ground.

Things they say don't have to be true...
They need to make things up that fit their narrative.
"Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death." (Samuel Adams)

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

....to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Declaration of Independence. Signed by Samuel Adams.

lol, you reinforced my post. The colonies were under the rule of a King in 1776, not under the laws of a republic.
Weird place. I thought I clicked on the "politics" threads.

Instead I ended up in rebellion fantasy land. How'd that happen?

But now that I'm here, I wanna ask all the wannabe revolutionaries IF the revolution will be televised?
And at prime time. Not 3am on Tuesday or 6am Sunday mornings. PRIME TIME.

Will it be or not?

I'd like to hear one 'rebel' in any of these threads state that he would be willing to kill American soldiers or law enforcement officers in the name of changing the government we currently have.
Well Red. Maybe YOU don't plan on shooting anyone. But your revolutionary buddy who posted right after you, he just stated again that people die in a revolution. What could he be talking about red?

Maybe you need a better circle of friends there Red. IF you don't want to be shooting fellow Americans.

"revolutionary buddy"? LMAO...just gotta label and slander...you kids are funny!

This thread is about a hypothetical revolution. People die in revolutions. It's a fact.
Read some history.
Do you really think that our military men and women are liberals and will shoot their fellow americans in support of a corrupt tyranical government? Did you see the reception obozo got at West Point?

You are the one living in fantasy. Your liberal socialist utopia does not exist, cannot exist, and has failed every place it has been tried. Freedom works, marxist collectivism does not.

Well hell red. If the military didn't shoot George W Bush for getting so many of them maimed and killed in Iraq, I sure don't think the military will shoot my wife and kids.

Are things really so bad in NO? I was thinking of visiting later in the year. Guess not eh?
What with you and the other revos getting "ready to rock" the new world order.

Guess I'll stay in Ohio.

they also didn't shoot Kennedy and Johnson for getting 58,000 of them killed in viet nam for NOTHING.

thats not the point, our military is mostly conservative and patriotic, they do not approve of obama and his left wing foreign policy and his disrespect of their service.

I do not forsee a violent revolution, the military supporting the people will ensure that it will be nonviolent.

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