Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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. [Edited and snipped] {congress passing 16th amendment granting them the power to establish/institute the income tax ...
They can damn sure go through the same process if they want to grant themselves the power to decide what or if you can carry ... :thup:

There is a difference between Congress passing a new amendment and Congress arbitrarily passing a law that overrides an amendment like the 2nd. They have to repeal the 2nd amendment FIRST, then they can pass a ban on guns.

That ain't gonna happen.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in.

Jesus, I am really scared. Funny thing is, I am over 70, and have several guns. I hunt, and have since I was a kid. And I have yet to have to pull a gun on anyone. Ever.
If you think an AR is going to keep you alive when a group of whomever comes to get you, then you are nuts. Better to get inside, call the cops. Then, you may want to wonder what you did to piss that group off. I would suggest if you reflect on it, you would see you are a dipshit. Cause gangs do not attack those who have not irritated them for no reason. And you do yourself, and your family, little good in getting yourself killed by a gang you just pissed off. You simply proved yourself stupid.

But...but...but... That's not how it is in the movies, or in my fantasys here I pretend I'm Dirty Harry[/QUOTE]

We saw people with AR-15s stopping violent looters from burning their stores in the Los Angeles riots and the Black Lives Matter riots..the only stores that weren't looted and burned were stores protected by people with AR-15 you don't know what you are talking about......

And on the border, where ranchers are isolated and can't simply call the police and have them there in 5 minutes...they have to deal with drug gangs moving drugs and illegals across their property...and the drug cartels actually have military weapons......they don't have AR-15s they have M4 carbines...provided to them by the Mexican police and military...
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have one.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

Wrong......they are not the same weapon.....and you are lying when you make the want to use words to lie to the uninformed.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?

The AR-15 is a great self defense rifle, especially for women.....and every situation is different. A rancher on the border has more reason to have an AR-15 than most people, but that isn't how we judge Rights. If you go through a natural disaster......the cops will be busy, and you will be on your own.....a pistol isn't enough to keep you safe....
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in.

Jesus, I am really scared. Funny thing is, I am over 70, and have several guns. I hunt, and have since I was a kid. And I have yet to have to pull a gun on anyone. Ever.
If you think an AR is going to keep you alive when a group of whomever comes to get you, then you are nuts. Better to get inside, call the cops. Then, you may want to wonder what you did to piss that group off. I would suggest if you reflect on it, you would see you are a dipshit. Cause gangs do not attack those who have not irritated them for no reason. And you do yourself, and your family, little good in getting yourself killed by a gang you just pissed off. You simply proved yourself stupid.

But...but...but... That's not how it is in the movies, or in my fantasys here I pretend I'm Dirty Harry

We saw people with AR-15s stopping violent looters from burning their stores in the Los Angeles riots and the Black Lives Matter riots..the only stores that weren't looted and burned were stores protected by people with AR-15 you don't know what you are talking about......

And on the border, where ranchers are isolated and can't simply call the police and have them there in 5 minutes...they have to deal with drug gangs moving drugs and illegals across their property...and the drug cartels actually have military weapons......they don't have AR-15s they have M4 carbines...provided to them by the Mexican police and military...[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm sure an assault weapon would be very effective in those situations. Do you think that is the only gun that would have worked?

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
------------------------------------------------------ all the politicians and elites are protected by tax payer paid bodyguards with guns of all types .
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in.

Jesus, I am really scared. Funny thing is, I am over 70, and have several guns. I hunt, and have since I was a kid. And I have yet to have to pull a gun on anyone. Ever.
If you think an AR is going to keep you alive when a group of whomever comes to get you, then you are nuts. Better to get inside, call the cops. Then, you may want to wonder what you did to piss that group off. I would suggest if you reflect on it, you would see you are a dipshit. Cause gangs do not attack those who have not irritated them for no reason. And you do yourself, and your family, little good in getting yourself killed by a gang you just pissed off. You simply proved yourself stupid.

But...but...but... That's not how it is in the movies, or in my fantasys here I pretend I'm Dirty Harry

We saw people with AR-15s stopping violent looters from burning their stores in the Los Angeles riots and the Black Lives Matter riots..the only stores that weren't looted and burned were stores protected by people with AR-15 you don't know what you are talking about......

And on the border, where ranchers are isolated and can't simply call the police and have them there in 5 minutes...they have to deal with drug gangs moving drugs and illegals across their property...and the drug cartels actually have military weapons......they don't have AR-15s they have M4 carbines...provided to them by the Mexican police and military...

Yes, I'm sure an assault weapon would be very effective in those situations. Do you think that is the only gun that would have worked?[/QUOTE]

There are lots of rifles that would work.....and they all work the same as the AR-15, they just don't look the same as the AR-15...the same way a Camry and a Jeep have the same engine if you get the AR-15 you will be able to make a claim on all the other rifles too...since they all work the same........

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.
--------------------------------------------- they only want to ban the effective and efficient guns before they try and work on banning ALL the guns OldLady ,

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?
Only if you know who to use them and can control your cowardice.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

Wrong......they are not the same weapon.....and you are lying when you make the want to use words to lie to the uninformed.

So other than the slight modification to disable the select fire capability, what is the difference between the two?
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

You've been watching too many old Kung Foo movies where the hero has to fight a dozen attackers at the same time.

Yeah and they literally attack one at a time. In the real world it may not be a dozen but it can be more than one. What I fell is necessary for the safety of me and mine is nobodies fucking business.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in.

Jesus, I am really scared. Funny thing is, I am over 70, and have several guns. I hunt, and have since I was a kid. And I have yet to have to pull a gun on anyone. Ever.
If you think an AR is going to keep you alive when a group of whomever comes to get you, then you are nuts. Better to get inside, call the cops. Then, you may want to wonder what you did to piss that group off. I would suggest if you reflect on it, you would see you are a dipshit. Cause gangs do not attack those who have not irritated them for no reason. And you do yourself, and your family, little good in getting yourself killed by a gang you just pissed off. You simply proved yourself stupid.

But...but...but... That's not how it is in the movies, or in my fantasys here I pretend I'm Dirty Harry

We saw people with AR-15s stopping violent looters from burning their stores in the Los Angeles riots and the Black Lives Matter riots..the only stores that weren't looted and burned were stores protected by people with AR-15 you don't know what you are talking about......

And on the border, where ranchers are isolated and can't simply call the police and have them there in 5 minutes...they have to deal with drug gangs moving drugs and illegals across their property...and the drug cartels actually have military weapons......they don't have AR-15s they have M4 carbines...provided to them by the Mexican police and military...

Yes, I'm sure an assault weapon would be very effective in those situations. Do you think that is the only gun that would have worked?

There are lots of rifles that would work.....and they all work the same as the AR-15, they just don't look the same as the AR-15...the same way a Camry and a Jeep have the same engine if you get the AR-15 you will be able to make a claim on all the other rifles too...since they all work the same........[/QUOTE]

Sure, but the Camry and Jeep aren't essentially the same, and the parts aren't interchangeable. An AR and an M16 are, and the parts are ALL interchangeable, other than the slight modification to disable select fire.. Do any other guns have 100% interchangeability with the M16 military assault weapon?

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?
Only if you know who to use them and can control your cowardice.

Great, so why do we have such a high murder rate? We have more civilian owned guns than any other country.
It the late 60’s, early 70’s, the Bandidos motorcycle gang used to terrorize places in Tx often. All around Lake Travis, where we had a boat, stopping at the small convenience stores you had to have your guard up and all times, if there were any bikes near, never knowing if a sudden gang of them would show up and terrorize. They still do today, just not to the same degree. In 2015 they had a large shootout with a law abiding motorcycle group, the Cossacks, at a restaurant, where the Bandidos had set them up. Hells angels, from CA have done the same through the years, but have toned it down.

Look at Long Island, Manhattan, and ms-13. Their origins here in the US was in CA, by illegal immigrants. They terrorize throughout the country, and you never know where they may be, sadly. Fortunately Trump has vowed to eradicate them.
MS-13 gang members indicted in brutal deaths of high school students - CNN
MS-13 'gang leader' captured in Guatemala
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
I'm not sure what a wolce is, but buddy you live one interesting life
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

You've been watching too many old Kung Foo movies where the hero has to fight a dozen attackers at the same time.

Yeah and they literally attack one at a time. In the real world it may not be a dozen but it can be more than one. What I fell is necessary for the safety of me and mine is nobodies fucking business.

Got it, If you think you need bouncing bettys around your yard, it's nobody's fucking business--------------- except it doesn't work that way.
It the late 60’s, early 70’s, the Bandidos motorcycle gang used to terrorize places in Tx often. All around Lake Travis, where we had a boat, stopping at the small convenience stores you had to have your guard up and all times, if there were any bikes near, never knowing if a sudden gang of them would show up and terrorize. They still do today, just not to the same degree. In 2015 they had a large shootout with a law abiding motorcycle group, the Cossacks, at a restaurant, where the Bandidos had set them up. Hells angels, from CA have done the same through the years, but have toned it down.

Look at Long Island, Manhattan, and ms-13. Their origins here in the US was in CA, by illegal immigrants. They terrorize throughout the country, and you never know where they may be, sadly. Fortunately Trump has vowed to eradicate them.
MS-13 gang members indicted in brutal deaths of high school students - CNN
MS-13 'gang leader' captured in Guatemala
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
I'm not sure what a wolce is, but buddy you live one interesting life

Yes, gangs are bad. So?
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

Was it necessary for Rosa Parks to sit in the front of the bus?
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