Is An Assault Rifle Necessary

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There is a difference between Congress passing a new amendment and Congress arbitrarily passing a law that overrides an amendment like the 2nd. They have to repeal the 2nd amendment FIRST, then they can pass a ban on guns.

That ain't gonna happen.

Don't get me wrong ... It's not like I think they would have much luck repealing the Second Amendment.

I personally just think it is time people stop arguing about the shoulds, coulds and woulds ... Because that doesn't matter.
I am at the ... "No More, No Way, No How" ... Point in the discussion.

If the opposition doesn't have what is necessary to accomplish what can be done ...
Then they just need to accept that it is time to shit or get off the pot ... :thup:


i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?

In the right hands, of course. Only in the wrong hands, no. I want them in the right hands.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....

You're really trying there buddy. The M16 is the goto combat weapon for the military, and the AR is a slightly modified clone being sold to civilians. We don't need that slightly modified combat weapon on the street.

Would taking it off the street make kids safer in school? If not, there's no purpose in doing so beyond making a few people feel warm and fuzzy.
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.


You're not supposed to be out during the purge. :laugh2:
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in

The AR-15 is not an assault isn't even a military rifle.....a bolt action rifle is a military rifle, a pump action shotgun is a military weapon....the AR-15 has never been used in war, and has never been issued to the military......both the bolt action rifle and pump action shotgun have been used in have 6 shot revolvers and lever action rifles....
So is a blunderbuss.
The AR-15/M16: The rifle that was never supposed to be
Now there a loud call to ban assault rifles. Like the AR15 that Nikolas Cruz used to kill 17 people in Parkland, FL. The banners are saying they're unecessary.One person said "You don't need 600 rounds to stop 1 intruder."

That might be true - but what about if you're confronted by a menacing crowd of people >> a gang of violent thugs, MS-13, mafia, organized crime, a mean motorcycle gang, a lynch mob who mistakes you for someone else, or maybe just a bunch of drunk, dopey, street punks.

These all sound unlikely ? Until one of these situations occurs, and then it's too late to think abot the odds of it. A machine gun may be improper as Nikolas Cruz used it, but there are some scenarios in which it would be jsut the right thing to have. In some rural areas, where wolces travel around in
I'm not sure what a wolce is, but buddy you live one interesting life
I'm not sure what a wolce is, but buddy you live one interesting life

It's a Hungarian forest bandit. Some claim they have supernatural abilities, particularly during full moons.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

If you want to ban any firearm from purchase ... Talk to your State legislators ... They can attempt that.
Otherwise there is no reason to pretend it makes a difference what you think ... Or what those who oppose you think.

My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

If you want to ban any firearm from purchase ... Talk to your State legislators ... They can attempt that.
Otherwise there is no reason to pretend it makes a difference what you think ... Or what those who oppose you think.

Black sand, if that is your attitude, why are you here? Isn't this a discussion on what we think?
Black sand, if that is your attitude, why are you here? Isn't this a discussion on what we think?

Attitude doesn't have anything to do with it.
I simply stated what you needed to do if you wanted to accomplish what you are suggesting.

If you don't like the solution actually available to you ... Then your attitude would be what is stopping you ... Not mine.
It doesn't matter how bad you want something or what you say ... That isn't going to accomplish what you want accomplished.

I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.


The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes and finger fatigue etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
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i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?

I can get to California from Florida by walking but it is better to take an airplane.

Understand the analogy?

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?
Only if you know who to use them and can control your cowardice.

Great, so why do we have such a high murder rate? We have more civilian owned guns than any other country.

You could start by looking into who is killing whom and why. Gang activity? Not going to be helped by disarming the innocent. Drug turf wars? Also, not helped.

i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?
Only if you know who to use them and can control your cowardice.

Great, so why do we have such a high murder rate? We have more civilian owned guns than any other country.

You could start by looking into who is killing whom and why. Gang activity? Not going to be helped by disarming the innocent. Drug turf wars? Also, not helped.
They don't care. Most of them aren't even Americans or they are traitors paid to post bullshit.
For normal self defense there are better options than the AR-15.

However, that doesn't mean the government should ban AR-15s.

I'll make the decision on what arms I should have. I don't need some filthy ass bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, making the decision for me.
You can't figure out how to protect your family without an AR-15?
Sure I can. How about any other semiautomatic rifle, or a handgun, or a shotgun.

Firearms the the single best tool for self defense
My point, actually. I haven't heard anyone say ban all guns here. Everyone is acting as if they'll have to go back to sticks and stone arrows to protect themselves if AR-s and other rifles that shoot obscenely fast are off the market.

Old lady.........they want to ban the AR-15 because it fires one bullet for each pull of the trigger....that is how all semi automatic rifles and also pistols work. If they can ban the AR-15...they can logically ban all the rest of those rifles...since they are the exact same thing. Every car has an engine...every semi automatic rifle and pistol has the same can look at it like have different body styles but if you say we want to ban Toyota Camry's because their engine makes them are essentially saying all the other cars would need to be banned too...since they all have the same engine.....

This isn't about the AR-15...this is about creating the argument to ban all semi auto rifles and pistols.......that is why we are fighting to keep the AR-15....and why the anti gunners want it so bad.....

You do realize the AR-15 is less deadly than knives..right?
According to Quora, an AR-15 can theoretically fire 180 bullets per minute. That's why anti-gunners want it so bad.


The rate of fire of any semiautomatic rifle is limited by how fast a person can pull the trigger. I can fire my semiautomatic .223 ranch rifle just as fast as I can an AR 15 or any other semiautomatic rifle

3 time per second doesn't seem out of the realm for a very short time but then you have to add in magazine changes etc and you will have ZERO accuracy firing like that
This? Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle, Semi-Automatic, 5.56 NATO/.223 Remington, 18.5" Barrel, 5+1 Rounds - 637956, Semi-Automatic at Sportsman's Guide
What does capacity 5+1 mean? Accepts 5 round mags, but what is the +1?
I think that might slow down your theoretical shooting, putting in a new mag every 5 bullets?
Don't need entire news networks either. This was the Free Press.

Shut CNN down


i'm surprised you guys come out from under your beds long enough to post
I find you fuckin retards so humorous. You dont want to be able to protect yourself and your family, you need a corrupt failure of a govt to do it. Thats how ridiculously desperate you are. You are THAT MUCH of a coward. Yet people that want to defend themselves and their family are the scared ones?
You are a complete dipshit.
Go jerk off to cuck porn, faggot

Do more guns make us safer?

How many shooters walk into a police station or gun range to vent their rage?
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