Is Antifa the new ISIS splinter group?

Another right winger cheering for white supremacists.

It was a brawl, clown shoes. No one "won", and your 30-second video doesn't show the whole story.

White supremacists? :eek:

Lie much, Brownshirt?


I figured that whatever nonsensical rightwinger blog you read about this on left that part out.

Yep, white supremacists. From all over the country. Did you think those "pro-Trump" guys sieg-heiling were local Berkeley folks?

Seig Heil is the greeting used by Soros democrats, your fascist brethren. Your fellow followers of your Fuhrer, Adolf "George" Soros

One side supports collectivism, an authoritarian state under a command economy with extreme restrictions of individual liberty, particularly speech and religion.

That side would be you, the left, the fascist fucks.Opposing your racist hatred against whites and Christians is no white supremacist, Herr Goebbels. Your constant slander of the opposition lost any meaning long ago. You Nazicrats are the only ones focused on race. You Nazicrats are the only ones using violence to silence ideas that oppose your filthy party. You Nazicrats are the ones assaulting people because you don't like what they say.


Do you support market capitalism? Yes or no?

Do you support hate speech restrictions on words that offend protected classes of people? Yes or no?

Do you support a more equal allocation of assets through government intervention? Yes or no?

Do you support laws that make it mandatory to provide service to homosexuals, regardless of religious views? Yes or no?

Do you support laws that mandate people be treated as the gender they identify with, regardless of genitals? Yes or no?

Should speaking or demonstrating to oppose abortion be a criminal offense? Yes or no?

Is violence a good way to achieve progressive goals? Yes or no?

Is opposing the party a type of mental illness that people should be locked up for? Yes or no?

The state is the best way to ensure equality. Yes or no?

Society is more important than any person. Yes or no?

Sacrifice by some for the good of all should be mandatory. Yes or no?

Only the police and military should be allowed to have weapons. Yes or no?

Those who stand in the way of social movements deserve to be assaulted. Yes or no?

Our rulers should set the direction of production of goods? Yes or no?

Government is a better judge of the needs of people than corporations are. Yes or no?
I wonder if any of these ANTIFA dimwits have realized that their organization must have been completely infiltrated by federal and local law enforcement some time ago. You can safely assume that the most extreme provocateurs are undercover cops. Which makes the rest of them unwitting dupes.
The fascists trying to hide by calling others fascists! The media has stopped calling them Antifa, and started calling them the black block because their uniform is black with black masks.

Not quite.

Black block term has been used since 80s in Germany for demonstrators for squatter's rights, then NYT used that term in 90s to describe "radical and embittered fringe" that burned cars, smashed windows and hurled bottles and firecrackers.
As I understand it, they wear masks not so much to hide their identities, but rather so they don't get attacked by their own...
If my choices come down to people who believe in free speech or authoritarian ANTIFA types.....I know which side I'll be fighting on.

So you'll be on this guy's side?
I like this guy better.

Joey Salads?

The guy who made fake videos supposedly showing black people destroying a "pro-Trump" car?


Good choice for a leader there.

Did you enjoy Post #13 as well?
I cant seem to find the beserkly video where the cops just sat in their cars and let it go down.
They kept a poker face through it all as Trump supporters kicked the shit out of the antifa pussies.


You think the Trump supporters won that fight?

Aside from the neo-nazi beating up women, the Trump supporters got the shit kicked out of them.
Really? Not what it looks like.

I think the myth that these were just Trump supporters should be dispelled and ignored, it was a mixed bag according to people on the ground; "classic" liberals and right wingers. Yes there were far rights, just as there were far lefts, but for the most part it was "Free speech supporters" not "Trump supporters"

I point this out because it is important that you lefties understand ANTIFA is /not/ your friend, they'll violently attack you just the same as your "enemy" Trump supporters.
Another right winger cheering for white supremacists.

It was a brawl, clown shoes. No one "won", and your 30-second video doesn't show the whole story.

White supremacists? :eek:

Lie much, Brownshirt?


I figured that whatever nonsensical rightwinger blog you read about this on left that part out.

Yep, white supremacists. From all over the country. Did you think those "pro-Trump" guys sieg-heiling were local Berkeley folks?
The primary reason you need to define everyone who doesn't agree with you is that the left is loosing in the marketplace of ideas. And retrograde organizations like ANTIFA are the desperate sounding results.


I'm mot "defining" the "pro-Trump" fighters as white supremacists - they do that for themselves.
And who could have guessed before the election that 25% of Hispanics and 8% of African Americans would turn out to be white supremacists.
We'll partner with whomever we need to and take them out later. For righteousness' sake of course.
Glad to see a Liberal own up to partnering and supporting Antifa in the desire to kill those who disagree.
The US is arming and training both ISIS and Al-Nusra/al Qaeda in Syria. The US is arming the Saudi’s with the cluster bombs they drop on Yemen. And the system tells us that “terrorism”, like war, is something foisted upon us from “over there”. Over there where we never leave. The corporate state wants a natural gas pipeline in Syria, which Russia is obviously opposed to, being the beneficiary of the current arrangement. And of course Israel would like to hang onto their nuclear hold on the region, and we arm the fuck oughtta them, as a matter of routine. We managed to kill 1000 civilians in March in Iraq and Syria. And that’s without those two little boys showing each other their dicks in Korea.

Ya gotta be a little too arrogant and hubristic to strut around and believe there will be no ultimate impact. Unless you’re a shot caller, and as such will be above it. That’s our system. Notice all the pre-orgasmic oozing on corporate state media. Just like the run up to Iraq, it’s a positive feedback loop, money cain’t get enough money and control. Kinda like it is here come to think of it. But ya’ll keep voting’ now, hear?
I'm starting to hear a bit of gossip that ISIS is encouraging ANTIFA unrest, though as typical of such rumors there's not really any hard evidence. It really wouldn't surprise me, but ISIS and ANTIFA are only slightly related, they want completely different outcomes so I honestly can't see them working together past the anarchy stage.

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