Is Antifa the new ISIS splinter group?

I see. Uhm yea sorry OOM I'm not giving you a beer for "RWDS" - NO BEER FOR JOO! heh

Though this is kind of along the lines of why I'm saying we cannot declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization, yet. See - Yates v. United States - Wikipedia

We have to wait until a certain threshold is met before making such a ruling. Though I do believe that if it continues, that threshold /will/ be met - and that is where I "task" folks like you OOM to ensure that these rabid dogs don't get to our people since the police are unable/unwilling to do so. Don't start it, but damn well finish it.
I see. Uhm yea sorry OOM I'm not giving you a beer for "RWDS" - NO BEER FOR JOO! heh

Though this is kind of along the lines of why I'm saying we cannot declare ANTIFA a terrorist organization, yet. See - Yates v. United States - Wikipedia

We have to wait until a certain threshold is met before making such a ruling. Though I do believe that if it continues, that threshold /will/ be met - and that is where I "task" folks like you OOM to ensure that these rabid dogs don't get to our people since the police are unable/unwilling to do so. Don't start it, but damn well finish it.
I fought at the rally in Huntington Beach. Antifa doesn't usually get bold out here in AZ. They tried to have a show of force and came out with prop guns the other day though, lol.
Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Fascism is actually a damn good system, as long as you are not an undesirable. But I still do not want to live in a fascist country either.

Fascism doesn't need to include racial policies, Mussolini had Fascism for over a decade without racial policies, when he later adopted racial policies probably to appease the Hitler he was scared of.

However, initially Mussolini argued that there were no pure, or superior races, and that Jews had a right to be in Italy since Roman times, even many Italian Jews were big Mussolini supporters, most notable being Jew Ettore Ovazza.
Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Fascism is actually a damn good system, as long as you are not an undesirable. But I still do not want to live in a fascist country either.

Fascism doesn't need to include racial policies, Mussolini had Fascism for over a decade without racial policies, when he later adopted racial policies probably to appease the Hitler he was scared of.

However, initially Mussolini argued that there were no pure, or superior races, and that Jews had a right to be in Italy since Roman times, even many Italian Jews were big Mussolini supporters, most notable being Jew Ettore Ovazza.
I'm aware of that. Mussolini probably wasn't racial because of his internationalist socialist upbringing and history.
Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Fascism is actually a damn good system, as long as you are not an undesirable. But I still do not want to live in a fascist country either.

Hitler's racial policies were rather dubious, anyways.

He killed mostly White Christian Slavs.

He thought Dolichocephalic peoples were superior, when Dolichocephalic includes Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orangutans, Neanderthals, Homo Erectus etc.

Dolichocephalic people in India even were found to be significantly more likely to be retarded, and less likely to be of high intelligence. 5/Version-5/A1505050104.pdf
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.
Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Fascism is actually a damn good system, as long as you are not an undesirable. But I still do not want to live in a fascist country either.

Fascism doesn't need to include racial policies, Mussolini had Fascism for over a decade without racial policies, when he later adopted racial policies probably to appease the Hitler he was scared of.

However, initially Mussolini argued that there were no pure, or superior races, and that Jews had a right to be in Italy since Roman times, even many Italian Jews were big Mussolini supporters, most notable being Jew Ettore Ovazza.
I'm aware of that. Mussolini probably wasn't racial because of his internationalist socialist upbringing and history.

Mussolini long wasn't racial, however it's still doubtful he would have tolerated vast tracks of jobs going to foreigners by exporting jobs, and importing illegals, like the Capitalist USA does.
Trump should sanction some Right Wing Death Squads and unleash them on antifa. I'd volunteer without any hesitation.
And that's just how easily a political situation can devolve into something else. As I pointed out for the Doctor in an earlier post, which yielded no response.
Something has to be done.
Consider this: A high profile organization like ANTIFA has to have been completely infiltrated by federal and local law enforcement. We know from history that the undercover cops in these situations are usually the most strident provocateurs. What do you suppose their goal is? What kind of a response do you think they're trying to provoke?
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.

Well, I'd consider myself moderately Fascist with reservations.

I support most Fascist elements.

But, I don't agree with outlawing the vote, I happen to think the fruits of Fascism bring forward the vote.

I don't entirely believe in outlawing the press, just cracking down on it to stop it's Liberal biases.
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.

Well, I'd consider myself moderately Fascist with reservations.

I support most Fascist elements.

But, I don't agree with outlawing the vote, I happen to think the fruits of Fascism bring forward the vote.

I don't entirely believe in outlawing the press, just cracking down on it to stop it's Liberal biases.
If you had the same gun rights Americans have, you probably wouldn't want fascism. Fascism appeals to Europeans because they are used to be disarmed and relying on the government for everything
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.
No way I'd ever hang with a fascist government. I am not /required/ to be led by anyone because I have the money, power, and ability to go wherever I wish any time I wish. There is no way I would give up that freedom for any level of stability, safety, nor "God." Ironically, it is only "love" that will ever hold me down.

Well, I'd consider myself moderately Fascist with reservations.

I support most Fascist elements.

But, I don't agree with outlawing the vote, I happen to think the fruits of Fascism bring forward the vote.

I don't entirely believe in outlawing the press, just cracking down on it to stop it's Liberal biases.
If you had the same gun rights Americans have, you probably wouldn't want fascism. Fascism appeals to Europeans because they are used to be disarmed and relying on the government for everything

I do support gun rights, and so did Nazi Germany. (For Germans at least)

But, I don't consider myself very American, I consider myself more Polish, despite being born in the USA.

Americans are extreme individualists, while Polish are divided between Individualism, and collectivism.

I don't really agree with America, it seems to be a very greedy society, it cares not about well being of it's citizens, but rather about profits first.
Everything America does, is all about maximizing profits for it's elite Capitalists.

- Importing immigrants for cheap labor, to fatten the pockets of the Capitalists, even if it Balkanizes the USA, and might even split much of the USA in the future to Mexico, they DO NOT CARE.

- Exporting jobs for cheap labor, to fatten the pockets of the Capitalists, even if it props up a hostile China, which chases American ships, and wages currency wars on the USA.

- War to increase production for the weapon manufacturing Capitalists, even if it bought 10's of thousands of Americans home in body-bags in the course of a century, so long as it fattens the pockets of the Capitalists.

- Feminism to increase production in the workforce, and undermine wages by adding more people in line for work, to maximize profits, to fatten the Capitalists pockets.

- Abortions to kill potential babies, to fatten the pockets of the Hospital Capitalists.
You've been watching MSM it looks like to me. The MSM sold out a long time ago, it's why I dislike the media (see my sig) They traded facts in for money and power. Nothing they say is "real" anymore, if it actually ever was "real," it's all spun in one direction or another, all biased this way or that, etc.

If you spoke to "real" American's, the ones who don't come onto political message boards because they have better things to do, you wouldn't have that impression - I certainly don't. American's cover the entire spectrum of human existence, and I think it is the most beautiful thing on the planet. There is love and hate, tragedy and miracles, success and failure on nearly every square inch of this nation at every moment of the day, so much so that one man, or woman, could never see nor experience it all.

It is typically only the bad that boils to the surface anymore because we American's have become so spoiled by the unprecedented levels of giving, joy, and beauty that happens all around that the media couldn't sell it en mass anymore; it's considered "normal" and "normal" just doesn't sell. Most American's are successful in the ways they want to be, and they strive for "more" whatever makes them happy - it's not greed, but rather that "more" is the natural progression of happiness.

No offense, if you are pleased in Europe, that is good and I'm sure they have something similar there, just in a different way - as you say "fascism" is okay to a point. That is opinion, ya know, it's all opinion. That's why these violent leftist ideas lately are so "dangerous" in my opinion. IF we fall into their belief, if we make it okay to shut people down for this or that, we lose a key element that makes our nation so different and unique. Uniqueness is what makes America exceptional, not money, not power. ~shrug~ My 2 cents.
I cant seem to find the beserkly video where the cops just sat in their cars and let it go down.
They kept a poker face through it all as Trump supporters kicked the shit out of the antifa pussies.


You think the Trump supporters won that fight?

Aside from the neo-nazi beating up women, the Trump supporters got the shit kicked out of them.
You are such a fucking idiot. I'm serious. I am sure other people must see it and treat you accordingly in your life, and for that, I'm a little sad for you. Thank goodness you're such an idiot you aren't aware of how stupid people think you are.
You've been watching MSM it looks like to me. The MSM sold out a long time ago, it's why I dislike the media (see my sig) They traded facts in for money and power. Nothing they say is "real" anymore, if it actually ever was "real," it's all spun in one direction or another, all biased this way or that, etc.

If you spoke to "real" American's, the ones who don't come onto political message boards because they have better things to do, you wouldn't have that impression - I certainly don't. American's cover the entire spectrum of human existence, and I think it is the most beautiful thing on the planet. There is love and hate, tragedy and miracles, success and failure on nearly every square inch of this nation at every moment of the day, so much so that one man, or woman, could never see nor experience it all.

It is typically only the bad that boils to the surface anymore because we American's have become so spoiled by the unprecedented levels of giving, joy, and beauty that happens all around that the media couldn't sell it en mass anymore; it's considered "normal" and "normal" just doesn't sell. Most American's are successful in the ways they want to be, and they strive for "more" whatever makes them happy - it's not greed, but rather that "more" is the natural progression of happiness.

No offense, if you are pleased in Europe, that is good and I'm sure they have something similar there, just in a different way - as you say "fascism" is okay to a point. That is opinion, ya know, it's all opinion. That's why these violent leftist ideas lately are so "dangerous" in my opinion. IF we fall into their belief, if we make it okay to shut people down for this or that, we lose a key element that makes our nation so different and unique. Uniqueness is what makes America exceptional, not money, not power. ~shrug~ My 2 cents.

Fascism would crack down on Liberalism in the media, Hollywood, and also on jobs going to foreigners be it by exporting to China, or importing illegals from Mexico.

Capitalism is particularly weak on all of these, seeing it as their "Profit freedoms"

While, America is a diverse nation, at it's core are a bunch of uber-Capitalist British frontiers people, who colonized the USA frontier, they are big on Capitalism freedom, but also big on war.
LOL Don't like violent groups of any ilk, but it is your kind that is talking about killing fellow Americans.
Why should the black block be FORCED on us as fellow Americans? Accepting their loyalty and citizenship should be a choice we are allowed to make.

University students vote to make American flag optional

You're not a "we", clown. Don't try to speak for anyone else.
Was there anything else you'd like to say on behalf of ANTIFA?

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