Is Antifa the new ISIS splinter group?

Why do these ANTIFA cowards wear masks? Are they afraid or just fucking ugly?

Black bloc - Wikipedia

Happy to educate.
You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
Is this really the best you can do? You call this engaging in some sort of discourse? You provide a very typical example of how the so called left responds to every argument now: Define the motivations and political orientation of the people you disagree with.
Never actually address the substance of the argument, deflect with stereotypical characterizations and superficial rhetorical euphemisms.
In other words: Just be obtuse, purposefully ignorant, and hope no one notices. No wonder the left is collapsing so fast.......even faster than the right.


Do you think that constantly posting videos of other people's opinions is "discourse"?

You claim that any opposition to your position is "groupthink" - and yet you've been entirely unable to articulate any arguments of your own, and instead have relied on parroting the opinions of "your side", in the form of endless youtube videos that make you feel good. I haven't addressed the "substance" of your argument because it has no substance.

If you want me to take this conversation seriously, you've got to step up your game.

If you're capable of it, make your own argument. Use your own words. Convince me that you're not just another clown who doesn't understand what they believe.

You still haven't answered the only question I've asked you straight out - you're not doing a good job of convincing me so far. As far as I'm concerned, any actual discussion of this topic would fly over your head, since you don't even know if you're an anarchist or not.
You can't take this conversation seriously because you promote a morally indefensible position. You clearly have no ethical principles of any kind. Your sense of justice is all relative to your petty political perspective.


Yet another mindless post with a YouTube video to do your thinking for you.

Are you capable of articulating your point without "visual aids"?

Meaning you didn't watch it. Typical neoliberal non response these days.

Of course I didn't watch it.

I'm not having (or attempting to have) a conversation with whoever the fuck made that video in their mom's basement.

Are you entirely unable to think for yourself?

And now you want to double down on your stupidity. An award winning VICE journalist, one of the founders. You are very ignorant.
I cant seem to find the beserkly video where the cops just sat in their cars and let it go down.
They kept a poker face through it all as Trump supporters kicked the shit out of the antifa pussies.


You think the Trump supporters won that fight?

Aside from the neo-nazi beating up women, the Trump supporters got the shit kicked out of them.
Why do your posts all seem to be written by someone so obviously emotionally immature? None of your statements on this thread seem composed by a rational thinking adult. Why is that?

What are your "colors" if I may ask?

Anarchy "leanings" or is your handle just euphemism?
More like a dichotomy.

Ooo, that sounds deep.

Now explain it.

If you can.
The burning question on this thread. What that has to do with ANTIFA and political violence.......I have no idea.
I pose the question: Is the use of violence, as a tactic to promote political points of view, a morally defensible position, in the context of our current political situation?

My guess is, like so many other questions, the Doctor won't go near this one.
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That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Why do these ANTIFA cowards wear masks? Are they afraid or just fucking ugly?

Black bloc - Wikipedia

Happy to educate.
You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
It is a legitimate political option when you have exhausted all other options. You have to have balls to understand that though, sugar britches.
Why do these ANTIFA cowards wear masks? Are they afraid or just fucking ugly?

Black bloc - Wikipedia

Happy to educate.
You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
It is a legitimate political option when you have exhausted all other options. You have to have balls to understand that though, sugar britches.
I'm sure that option seems most attractive for people who's balls are in their brains. But you'd have to have brains to understand that....fucking dummy.
Why do these ANTIFA cowards wear masks? Are they afraid or just fucking ugly?

Black bloc - Wikipedia

Happy to educate.
You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
It is a legitimate political option when you have exhausted all other options. You have to have balls to understand that though, sugar britches.
I'm sure that option seems most attractive for people who's balls are in their brains. But you'd have to have brains to understand that....fucking dummy.
You're an asshat with an asshat philosophy that doesn't even begin to grasp the human condition.

The fact you think that corny ass response meant something proves you're just a pleb waiting to be stepped on. Bitch.

Do you think that constantly posting videos of other people's opinions is "discourse"?

You claim that any opposition to your position is "groupthink" - and yet you've been entirely unable to articulate any arguments of your own, and instead have relied on parroting the opinions of "your side", in the form of endless youtube videos that make you feel good. I haven't addressed the "substance" of your argument because it has no substance.

If you want me to take this conversation seriously, you've got to step up your game.

If you're capable of it, make your own argument. Use your own words. Convince me that you're not just another clown who doesn't understand what they believe.

You still haven't answered the only question I've asked you straight out - you're not doing a good job of convincing me so far. As far as I'm concerned, any actual discussion of this topic would fly over your head, since you don't even know if you're an anarchist or not.
You can't take this conversation seriously because you promote a morally indefensible position. You clearly have no ethical principles of any kind. Your sense of justice is all relative to your petty political perspective.


Yet another mindless post with a YouTube video to do your thinking for you.

Are you capable of articulating your point without "visual aids"?

Meaning you didn't watch it. Typical neoliberal non response these days.

Of course I didn't watch it.

I'm not having (or attempting to have) a conversation with whoever the fuck made that video in their mom's basement.

Are you entirely unable to think for yourself?

And now you want to double down on your stupidity. An award winning VICE journalist, one of the founders. You are very ignorant.

You're a jack off if you think VICE is credible.
Political violence is not ALWAYS can be a smart move. If you're too stupid to understand that because of your faggot ass peacenik philosophy... You need to reexamine your faggot ass peacenik philosophy.
You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
It is a legitimate political option when you have exhausted all other options. You have to have balls to understand that though, sugar britches.
I'm sure that option seems most attractive for people who's balls are in their brains. But you'd have to have brains to understand that....fucking dummy.
You're an asshat with an asshat philosophy that doesn't even begin to grasp the human condition.

The fact you think that corny ass response meant something proves you're just a pleb waiting to be stepped on. Bitch.
Spoken like a true scholar of the human condition. So let's see if I've got this straight professor: You believe that political violence is justified under the current that right? If so, what do you imagine will be accomplished? I can tell you exactly what will happen....fucking dummy. The security/intelligence/police state apparatus will use that violence as justification to impose even harsher controls. You see dummy, you should have been out there fighting when the Patriot Act went into effect and destroyed the Fourth Amendment. But like most people, you took the fucking red pill and went back to sleep. But you think now is the time for action. Too late dummy. You think ANTIFA is going to be the cadre leading the people's revolution? How fucking stupid are you?
ANTIFA is comprised of psycho-fascist/communist terrorists, there is /no/ "reasonable" explanation for their position on political violence. Their position, and their actions are design to, 'overthrow the government'...
I personally believe they should, but not quite yet.

It's a bit of a "trap" in some ways. There are different "colors" of anarchists that are flocking to the ANTIFA tarp and some of them are not "dangerous" so they shouldn't be on a list as "terrorist" - Black/Yellow, Black/Green, Black/White, and Black and white solid varieties [in some cases], are merely an expression of a difference of opinion, rather than having violent intentions. The Capitalist Anarchists, for example, are not even looking to overthrow the government. So we need to be a little wary of how we would go about it - and ultimately it might be that we cannot (without running afoul of freedom of expression) because of the diversity that hides under the umbrella tag. (aka - just like some of our young idiots, and dems for that matter, the less investigative peaceful anarchists are proclaiming they're part of these "ANTIFA" collectives.) My personal thought is that these "peaceful" elements don't want to be associated with the violence, and if they do stay in knowing that, then they can suffer the label as "member of a terrorist organization."

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