Is Antifa the new ISIS splinter group?

You sure educated me. Thanks. :)
I always knew you were a bit 'off', but I had no idea you were that damn stupid until I read your posts in this thread.
I wonder how stupid someone would have to be to imagine that violence is a legitimate political option? And how shortsighted would they have to be to not anticipate the consequences? Very stupid and very shortsighted.
It is a legitimate political option when you have exhausted all other options. You have to have balls to understand that though, sugar britches.
I'm sure that option seems most attractive for people who's balls are in their brains. But you'd have to have brains to understand that....fucking dummy.
You're an asshat with an asshat philosophy that doesn't even begin to grasp the human condition.

The fact you think that corny ass response meant something proves you're just a pleb waiting to be stepped on. Bitch.
Spoken like a true scholar of the human condition. So let's see if I've got this straight professor: You believe that political violence is justified under the current that right? If so, what do you imagine will be accomplished? I can tell you exactly what will happen....fucking dummy. The security/intelligence/police state apparatus will use that violence as justification to impose even harsher controls. You see dummy, you should have been out there fighting when the Patriot Act went into effect and destroyed the Fourth Amendment. But like most people, you took the fucking red pill and went back to sleep. But you think now is the time for action. Too late dummy. You think ANTIFA is going to be the cadre leading the people's revolution? How fucking stupid are you?
No, I believe it is perfectly fine to get violent with antifa.
ANTIFA is comprised of psycho-fascist/communist terrorists, there is /no/ "reasonable" explanation for their position on political violence. Their position, and their actions are design to, 'overthrow the government'...
Which leads to my next question: Should the Justice Dept classify ANTIFA as a terrorist organization?
Yes....but I don't need it to be labeled one to treat it like one anyway and beat the shit out of antifa commies.
Trump should sanction some Right Wing Death Squads and unleash them on antifa. I'd volunteer without any hesitation.

Eh, just deport the ANTIFA scums to Mexico.
Hell no. That's not justice. They need to be physically removed from the planet.

I don't support killing, no matter how much they are scum.
Well they do, so while you sit there not liking murder waiting to be killed....I would rather we kill them, get it over with. Do what needs to be done.
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
Technically the RWDS would not be vigilantes. They'd be sanctioned by the government to take out the communist subversive trash. Communism should be outlawed here like Nazism is in Germany. It is not just another political opinion, it is all about overthrowing the government.
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
Technically the RWDS would not be vigilantes. They'd be sanctioned by the government to take out the communist subversive trash. Communism should be outlawed here like Nazism is in Germany. It is not just another political opinion, it is all about overthrowing the government.

Sorry, RWDS is?
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
Technically the RWDS would not be vigilantes. They'd be sanctioned by the government to take out the communist subversive trash. Communism should be outlawed here like Nazism is in Germany. It is not just another political opinion, it is all about overthrowing the government.

Poland outlawed both Nazi, and Communist symbols.

New Polish law equates Communist and Nazi symbols

But, then again this is anti-freedom of speech.
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
Technically the RWDS would not be vigilantes. They'd be sanctioned by the government to take out the communist subversive trash. Communism should be outlawed here like Nazism is in Germany. It is not just another political opinion, it is all about overthrowing the government.

Sorry, RWDS is?
Right Wing Death Pinochet unleashed in Chile.
That's always a tough question to answer. As a tactic no, I don't think violence is acceptable, but as a defense, yes.
Defense? I'm pretty sure organizations like ANTIFA are deployed for offensive purposes.

I believe that an American citizen has the right to defend themselves and others against violence aimed at them. So, I don't think we should send out vigilantes to kill them all, however I do think that a "militia" of sorts deployed/gathered to protect those citizens who cannot protect themselves is "acceptable" political violence. As a defense against tyranny.
Technically the RWDS would not be vigilantes. They'd be sanctioned by the government to take out the communist subversive trash. Communism should be outlawed here like Nazism is in Germany. It is not just another political opinion, it is all about overthrowing the government.

Poland outlawed both Nazi, and Communist symbols.

New Polish law equates Communist and Nazi symbols

But, then again this is anti-freedom of speech.
I'm not talking about symbols, I'm talking the entire ideology being banned from having any say in our politics.
Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Yeah...because being "Anti-facist" is a bad thing........

Fascism manages the economy for national interest, which would make sense more than ever, with large tracks of the American economy going to foreigners in exporting jobs to China, or importing illegals from Mexico, to cut the throats of the American working class masses.

Fascism also has a good track record on economic growth.

Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, by using many Fascist elements.

Spanish miracle - Wikipedia

Nazi Germany's economy grew faster than the Capitalist USA, or Capitalist Britain in the 1930's.

Fascism is actually a damn good system, as long as you are not an undesirable. But I still do not want to live in a fascist country either.

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