Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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What are the homos making you do?

What are the darkies making you do?

How, exactly, are they controlling you? Is there a tin foil hat for that?

The queers managed to get the court to force states into accepting their marriage. Our state voted, and the people decided we didn't want their marriages accepted. The will of the majority was overruled.

Darkies are sneaking into our country illegally. They are taking our jobs while at the same time, lowering American wages. They are changing this nation to a bilingual country which the majority doesn't want. Lord knows how many billions of dollars they have cost us to try and keep them out, or otherwise kick them out.
Two men file a joint tax return.. RAY FROM CLEVELAND: Help! They are controlling me!
Nobody knows how to misconstrue an issue quite like G-string. We talk about the Constitution and he says "yes - but Panda bears in China get bamboo every day" :eusa_doh:

What a freaking tool. Let me explain this issue to you, junior. The people of California voted down gay marriage (Prop 8 in 2010?) by an overwhelming majority. It was an epic beat down. So why does California have gay marriage now? Because the Supreme Court over-stepped their authority and made the voice of the people completely and totally irrelevant. That is how the people are being controlled, stupid.

Tell you what G-string....why don't you and your man just go back to your homosexual activities and your join tax filings and leave running the country to the adults? You're clearly not bright enough to follow the issue.
Yeah- in the whole war with ISIS- that is 'one of our biggest problems'

Not the economy. Not the fighting in the Middle East. Not violence in America.

Yep- to you- the biggest problem you have is 'cross dressers'


Sorry about your comprehension problems. Let's try this again:

One of he biggest problem we have in this country is the minority controlling the majority. Cross dresser issues are just one example.

So exactly how are you being controlled? Who is pulling your strings?
Yeah- in the whole war with ISIS- that is 'one of our biggest problems'

Not the economy. Not the fighting in the Middle East. Not violence in America.

Yep- to you- the biggest problem you have is 'cross dressers'


Sorry about your comprehension problems. Let's try this again:

One of he biggest problem we have in this country is the minority controlling the majority. Cross dresser issues are just one example.

So exactly how are you being controlled? Who is pulling your strings?
An unconstitutional government out of control...
You are such an immature liberal and a pathological liar. No heterosexual flaunts their sexuality. There are no "hetero pride" parades. It's the idiot homosexuals marching literally naked in the streets with their little stupid ass rainbows making offensive and indecent sexual gestures like this filth right here...

View attachment 78646

You obviously have never been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Or a wet T-shirt contest. Maybe if you stopped going to gay parades, or perusing the internet for titillating photos of gays in action, you wouldn't feel all funny inside...

Uh-oh...looks like someone is worried about the end of inappropriate homosexuality in public. Worried about how you'll get you gay fix G-string?

Mardi Gras has just as many homosexuals as heterosexuals genius. And it isn't a march through public naked. Yeah....there is flashing by drunk college girls. But that's a huge difference between a small group of adults something and marching down the street naked where even children can see you.

Any other idiotic comments you'd like to make?

LOL......yeah the difference between a Pride Parade and Mardi Gras is that homophobes approve of girls flashing their boobs in public.

The only children watching a Pride Parade are children brought by their parents.

And there is more nudity at the annual Bay to Breakers race than at the San Francisco Pride Parade.

You should stop getting all of your 'news' from WND and Canada Free Press.
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......

We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same gender

Just more of the 'blacks ride in the back of the bus' mentality. You are truly a waste of skin.
What are the homos making you do?

What are the darkies making you do?

How, exactly, are they controlling you? Is there a tin foil hat for that?

The queers managed to get the court to force states into accepting their marriage. Our state voted, and the people decided we didn't want their marriages accepted. The will of the majority was overruled..

The fourth time the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws because they were unconstitutional.
Loving v. Virginia- overturned mixed race marriage bans.
Zablocki v Rehail- overturned state ban on persons who owed child support from marrying
Obergefell- overturned state ban on same gender marriages.

If your state votes to ban all firearms- the Supreme Court will overturn that state law too.
You are such an immature liberal and a pathological liar. No heterosexual flaunts their sexuality. There are no "hetero pride" parades. It's the idiot homosexuals marching literally naked in the streets with their little stupid ass rainbows making offensive and indecent sexual gestures like this filth right here...

View attachment 78646

You obviously have never been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Or a wet T-shirt contest. Maybe if you stopped going to gay parades, or perusing the internet for titillating photos of gays in action, you wouldn't feel all funny inside...

Uh-oh...looks like someone is worried about the end of inappropriate homosexuality in public. Worried about how you'll get you gay fix G-string?

Mardi Gras has just as many homosexuals as heterosexuals genius. And it isn't a march through public naked. Yeah....there is flashing by drunk college girls. But that's a huge difference between a small group of adults something and marching down the street naked where even children can see you.

Any other idiotic comments you'd like to make?

LOL......yeah the difference between a Pride Parade and Mardi Gras is that homophobes approve of girls flashing their boobs in public. The only children watching a Pride Parade are children brought by their parents. And there is more nudity at the annual Bay to Breakers race than at the San Francisco Pride Parade. You should stop getting all of your 'news' from WND and Canada Free Press.

Hey genius - any child living in apartments in San Fransicso can see those disturbed deviants in the street. They could easily have a march of dignity and decency by marching down the street in suits with signs stating their positions. But nope. They have to strip down naked and lead other people around on dog leashes just to be flamboyant and deviant. It's about what gets them off (public indecency) instead of anything to do with perceived rights or political statements.
Two men file a joint tax return.. RAY FROM CLEVELAND: Help! They are controlling me!

What a freaking tool. Let me explain this issue to you, junior. The people of California voted down gay marriage (Prop 8 in 2010?) by an overwhelming majority. It was an epic beat down. So why does California have gay marriage now? Because the Supreme Court over-stepped their authority and made the voice of the people completely and totally irrelevant. That is how the people are being controlled, stupid..

Speaking of a freaking tool.

California did vote down 'gay marriage'- though not by an 'overwhelming majority' it was by 5%- 52% to 47%.

And that was just a reminder that California cannot vote to pass unconstitutional laws- no more than we could vote to ban gun possession or legalize slavery in California.

Now- how are you being harmed by same gender couples being able to get legally married?
You are such an immature liberal and a pathological liar. No heterosexual flaunts their sexuality. There are no "hetero pride" parades. It's the idiot homosexuals marching literally naked in the streets with their little stupid ass rainbows making offensive and indecent sexual gestures like this filth right here...

View attachment 78646

You obviously have never been to New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Or a wet T-shirt contest. Maybe if you stopped going to gay parades, or perusing the internet for titillating photos of gays in action, you wouldn't feel all funny inside...

Uh-oh...looks like someone is worried about the end of inappropriate homosexuality in public. Worried about how you'll get you gay fix G-string?

Mardi Gras has just as many homosexuals as heterosexuals genius. And it isn't a march through public naked. Yeah....there is flashing by drunk college girls. But that's a huge difference between a small group of adults something and marching down the street naked where even children can see you.

Any other idiotic comments you'd like to make?

LOL......yeah the difference between a Pride Parade and Mardi Gras is that homophobes approve of girls flashing their boobs in public. The only children watching a Pride Parade are children brought by their parents. And there is more nudity at the annual Bay to Breakers race than at the San Francisco Pride Parade. You should stop getting all of your 'news' from WND and Canada Free Press.

Hey genius - any child living in apartments in San Fransicso can see those disturbed deviants in the street. They could easily have a march of dignity and decency by marching down the street in suits with signs stating their positions. But nope. They have to strip down naked and lead other people around on dog leashes just to be flamboyant and deviant. It's about what gets them off (public indecency) instead of anything to do with perceived rights or political statements.

You are an idiot. The parade is down Market Street- there are virtually no apartments on Market Street.

I saw not a single person entirely nude at last years parade- I saw more people nude in the Bay to Breakers race- which does go through residential neighborhoods.

I am not surprised that a bigot like you feels like spouting off about what you have no clue about.

There is no more nudity at the Pride Parade than at the Carnival Parade in San Francisco, and less than at the Bay to Breakers.

Don't want your kids to see naked people- don't bring them to the parade, and keep them away from the Bay to Breakers.
Yeah- in the whole war with ISIS- that is 'one of our biggest problems'

Not the economy. Not the fighting in the Middle East. Not violence in America.

Yep- to you- the biggest problem you have is 'cross dressers'


Sorry about your comprehension problems. Let's try this again:

One of he biggest problem we have in this country is the minority controlling the majority. Cross dresser issues are just one example.

So exactly how are you being controlled? Who is pulling your strings?
An unconstitutional government out of control...

So the government is pulling your strings- and is controlling you?

Is the government making you post this crap here?
And that was just a reminder that California cannot vote to pass unconstitutional laws

The only thing unconstitutional was the Supreme Court overstepping their authority and pissing on the will of the American people. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and marriage is not one of them. Therefore, they have zero authority over it. It is 100% up to the states to decide.
The fourth time the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws because they were unconstitutional.
Loving v. Virginia- overturned mixed race marriage bans.
Zablocki v Rehail- overturned state ban on persons who owed child support from marrying
Obergefell- overturned state ban on same gender marriages.

If your state votes to ban all firearms- the Supreme Court will overturn that state law too.

That's because firearms are covered in the Constitution and marriage isn't.
Now- how are you being harmed by same gender couples being able to get legally married?

It's not a question of how they hurt you, it's a question of moral and social standards which until the liberals came around, we always had.

Does it hurt you if a daughter marries her mother; a man marries his dog; a brother marrying his sister? Of course it doesn't hurt you, but it does promote moral and social decay.
And that was just a reminder that California cannot vote to pass unconstitutional laws

The only thing unconstitutional was the Supreme Court overstepping their authority and pissing on the will of the American people. The federal government has 18 enumerated powers and marriage is not one of them. Therefore, they have zero authority over it. It is 100% up to the states to decide.

The 14th Amendment clearly says otherwise

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The fourth time the Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws because they were unconstitutional.
Loving v. Virginia- overturned mixed race marriage bans.
Zablocki v Rehail- overturned state ban on persons who owed child support from marrying
Obergefell- overturned state ban on same gender marriages.

If your state votes to ban all firearms- the Supreme Court will overturn that state law too.

That's because firearms are covered in the Constitution and marriage isn't.

No that is because the Supreme Court has the authority to overturn unconstitutional state laws.
Now- how are you being harmed by same gender couples being able to get legally married?

Does it hurt you if a daughter marries her mother; a man marries his dog; a brother marrying his sister? Of course it doesn't hurt you, but it does promote moral and social decay.

See I don't see any of those being about 'moral and social decay'- by that standard the majority could claim virtually anything it wanted in the name of preventing 'moral and social decary'- like outlawing birth control(which by the way was outlawed because of claims about 'moral decay'.

We don't allow a daughter to marry her mother or father or a brother marrying his sister because of the potential for abuse. We don't allow a man to marry a dog because the institution is only for humans and we have laws against animal abuse.

But I was asking how you are being harmed. Or anyone else is being harmed.
Now - how are you being harmed by same gender couples being able to get legally married?

1.) I'm harmed by the fact that the Supreme Court violated the U.S. Constitution. I'm harmed by the fact that liberals have turned this into a lawless nation.

2.) I'm harmed by the fact that gay marriage has redefined marriage. And in turn, has opened Pandora's Box. There was no discrimination before. Marriage was between one man and one woman. That's simply what it was. But by illegally and unconstitutionally permitting gay marriage, we now may not prevent any form of marriage. Which means a muslim man can now legally marry 18 women (if we don't permit it - that is the purest form of discrimination as the Supreme Court illegally redefined marriage). So now you have to pay high insurance premiums for your company to cover 18 wives with health insurance. Is that fair to you? And oh yeah genius - the ICU must allow all 18 wives in to see that muslim husband. Do you have any idea how disruptive that is to an ICU? That's why they limit visitors genius. And get this - what happens when 9 of those wives say to pull the plug and the other 9 say to keep that muslim husband on life support? Then what genius? Who gets to decide? Some fucking court?!?!

3.) I'm harmed by the fact that liberals are so astoundingly ignorant and stupid, that they think every action occurs in a vacuum. They never once stop to think about what effect their idealistic desires will have on society - like now making us all pay for 18 wives of a muslim or have to decide what to do when 9 of those wives want to pull the plug while the other 9 want to keep him on life support.

I'm horribly harmed by same gender couples being unconstitutionally permitted to marry. The entire county is harmed by it. How sad that you need something so simple and basic explained to you.
See I don't see any of those being about 'moral and social decay'- by that standard the majority could claim virtually anything it wanted in the name of preventing 'moral and social decary'- like outlawing birth control(which by the way was outlawed because of claims about 'moral decay'.

We don't allow a daughter to marry her mother or father or a brother marrying his sister because of the potential for abuse. We don't allow a man to marry a dog because the institution is only for humans and we have laws against animal abuse.

But I was asking how you are being harmed. Or anyone else is being harmed.

And I answered.

Now how is it animal abuse if a man marries his dog? Or sister marrying brother? Or mom marrying son? There is no abuse there because in all cases, it's consensual.
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