Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.
Syriusly actually works in the US federal government, I didn't know that...
And any black man could marry any black woman he wanted, and any white man could marry any white woman he wanted. Until Loving v. Virginia and then any man could marry any woman. Now after Obergefel any man or woman can marry any man or woman.

So what you're saying is that the Omar Mateen shooting is proof that Common Core doesn't work? :eusa_doh:
Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.
Syriusly actually works in the US federal government, I didn't know that...
We established years ago that there isn't much you do know Moon....
Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.


And by 'bypass' you mean go to court like the right of every American citizen to demand that our Constitutional rights be upheld.

Why do you want to deny the rights of Americans to demand that our Constitutional rights are protected?
And any black man could marry any black woman he wanted, and any white man could marry any white woman he wanted. Until Loving v. Virginia and then any man could marry any woman. Now after Obergefel any man or woman can marry any man or woman.

So what you're saying is that the Omar Mateen shooting is proof that Common Core doesn't work? :eusa_doh:

So what your saying is that you like to kick puppies?
Tell me - how does it feel to be so throughly defeated?

I will let you know. When will you bring someone to post here who you think can defeat me?'ve been annihilated here. Your entire argument is "I don't see the sun. Nobody was shot in Orlando. And you can't prove that air exists". Denying reality doesn't cease to make it reality chief.

LOL- You can't even make decent analogies.

Let me know when you post something that
a) has anything to do with reality and
b) is more than your butt hurt that Americans who are gay can marry each other.
Again....all you're doing is putting your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes really tightly, and going "na-na-na-na-na-na, I can't hear you" like a child. I've presented all the facts.

You have presented your opinions.

Your butt hurt opinions.

Other than correctly identifying the 10th Amendment as being part of the U.S. Constitution, I don't think you have presented any 'facts'
Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.
Syriusly actually works in the US federal government, I didn't know that...

I fly the Black Helicopters that swoops down and picks up people like Pboy and whisk them off to the FEMA concentration camps where we take away their guns and make them all get gay married.
Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.
Syriusly actually works in the US federal government, I didn't know that...

I fly the Black Helicopters that swoops down and picks up people like Pboy and whisk them off to the FEMA concentration camps where we take away their guns and make them all get gay married.
You better have a Chinook-47 for him
I am in agreement with the Supreme Court, and Americans are getting married regardless of their gender.

I am in agreement with the American people, the House of Representatives, the Senate, all fifty states, and most of all - the U.S. Constitution. I win. You lose.
Liberals support the liberties of the U.S. Constitution and are happy when the rights of the Americans are protected. Butt hurt contards whine when gays get married.

Bwahahaha! If that were even remotely true, you people wouldn't attempt to bypass Congress, bypass the American people, and usurp the U.S. Constitution and ask the Supreme Court to illegally do something against the will of the American people.
Syriusly actually works in the US federal government, I didn't know that...

I fly the Black Helicopters that swoops down and picks up people like Pboy and whisk them off to the FEMA concentration camps where we take away their guns and make them all get gay married.
Just another lie. After all - we know that liberals don't hold jobs. If you did, you wouldn't vote to have government steal your wealth and give it to other people who aren't working. :lol:
Still waiting for you to show us some actual harm.

I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings

Our Social Security system is in peril. People are putting in less than they are taking out and as the lifespan increases, the train hitting the dirt road is just around the corner.

Another reason is that people who die are able to pass their SS onto their spouse. That wasn't too bad of an idea when women stayed home raising the children, but for the most part, it's unnecessary today if a woman has her own SS account.

Gays now being able to marry will be allowed to do the same thing thus draining the SS account even faster. That's one way gay marriage will hurt our society.
I am in agreement with the Supreme Court, and Americans are getting married regardless of their gender.

I am in agreement with the American people, the House of Representatives, the Senate, all fifty states, and most of all - the U.S. Constitution. I win. You lose.

LOL- what an ego- to think you speak for 'the American people'


Meanwhile- millions of Americans are getting legally married because the U.S. Constitution was protected by the judiciary.
Still waiting for you to show us some actual harm.

I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings

Our Social Security system is in peril. People are putting in less than they are taking out and as the lifespan increases, the train hitting the dirt road is just around the corner.

Another reason is that people who die are able to pass their SS onto their spouse. That wasn't too bad of an idea when women stayed home raising the children, but for the most part, it's unnecessary today if a woman has her own SS account.

Gays now being able to marry will be allowed to do the same thing thus draining the SS account even faster. That's one way gay marriage will hurt our society.

So....I want to make sure i understand you- our society is being hurt- by treating a gay couple exactly the same as a straight couple- but you also think that society is being hurt by social security- because women are working now.

Social Security survivors benefits- yep- another thing you want to prevent gay couples from getting.
So....I want to make sure i understand you- our society is being hurt- by treating a gay couple exactly the same as a straight couple- but you also think that society is being hurt by social security- because women are working now.

Social Security survivors benefits- yep- another thing you want to prevent gay couples from getting.

Yup. Gays and all working spouses. It's draining a system that's going broke.
So....I want to make sure i understand you- our society is being hurt- by treating a gay couple exactly the same as a straight couple- but you also think that society is being hurt by social security- because women are working now.

Social Security survivors benefits- yep- another thing you want to prevent gay couples from getting.

Yup. Gays and all working spouses. It's draining a system that's going broke.

So its not 'gays' that are breaking Social Security- its working spouses.
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