Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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So its not 'gays' that are breaking Social Security- its working spouses.

Which gays will be as well. We didn't need anymore takers from this failed liberal program.

LOL.....this 'failed liberal program' is literally the only retirement system for the majority of Americans. And has been working for 70 years- perhaps not perfect- but far better the nada that Conservatives have proposed to help Americans.

Which is why Americans reject abolishing Social Security- despite the Republicans desire to stop helping the elderly.
That's as stupid as saying "you have not established that Omar Mateen shot anyone or that anyone died". Pretending not to accept reality doesn't make it any less true. The U.S. Constitution was violated and rule of law was destroyed. That harms us all.

No- I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings.

And this alleged "harm" occurred in 1965...but Puppy has his panties in a twist about it just recently. What does that tell you?

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I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title.

I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have.

You all really need to just get laid.

You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL
That's as stupid as saying "you have not established that Omar Mateen shot anyone or that anyone died". Pretending not to accept reality doesn't make it any less true. The U.S. Constitution was violated and rule of law was destroyed. That harms us all.

No- I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings.

And this alleged "harm" occurred in 1965...but Puppy has his panties in a twist about it just recently. What does that tell you?

There are quite a few murders from 1965 that still haven't been solved. Think the families consider those irrelevant simply because they happened in 1965? Or do you think it still matters to them? Any time the U.S. Constitution is violated, it's does irrevocable harm. You and Syriusly (stupid) are prime examples. If nothing else, it leads to you uneducated people believing that it's ok to violate the U.S. Constitution.

By the way - I wasn't even alive in 1965 to complain about it. I can't do anything about that. All I can do is educate you ignorant people and fight to prevent the tragedies of the past from becoming the standard of tomorrow.
I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?
I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?
Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.
That's as stupid as saying "you have not established that Omar Mateen shot anyone or that anyone died". Pretending not to accept reality doesn't make it any less true. The U.S. Constitution was violated and rule of law was destroyed. That harms us all.

No- I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings.

And this alleged "harm" occurred in 1965...but Puppy has his panties in a twist about it just recently. What does that tell you?

There are quite a few murders from 1965 that still haven't been solved. Think the families consider those irrelevant simply because they happened in 1965? Or do you think it still matters to them? Any time the U.S. Constitution is violated, it's does irrevocable harm. You and Syriusly (stupid) are prime examples. If nothing else, it leads to you uneducated people believing that it's ok to violate the U.S. Constitution.

By the way - I wasn't even alive in 1965 to complain about it. I can't do anything about that. All I can do is educate you ignorant people and fight to prevent the tragedies of the past from becoming the standard of tomorrow.

How cute...Puppy is still cuddled up to his murder, death, kill Strawman. It's so sweet it'll give you a cavity.

Blacks have been marrying whites since 1965 and Puppy is just now getting upset about it and the "unconstitutional rulings" of the SCOTUS. :lol:

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I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?
I'm not gay

But you are a prude
Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.

Talk about BS, when has the last gay even been discriminated against for housing or a job?
That's as stupid as saying "you have not established that Omar Mateen shot anyone or that anyone died". Pretending not to accept reality doesn't make it any less true. The U.S. Constitution was violated and rule of law was destroyed. That harms us all.

No- I have pointed out that you have yet to be able to show any actual harm to you- other than your psychic 'injury' that you suffer knowing that gay Americans are able to marry each other.

You haven't lost any money.
You haven't suffered any physical harm.
Your liberty has not been taken away.

You can't identify any ACTUAL harm you have suffered.

And won't be able to- because you haven't actually been harmed- other than your feelings.

And this alleged "harm" occurred in 1965...but Puppy has his panties in a twist about it just recently. What does that tell you?

There are quite a few murders from 1965 that still haven't been solved. Think the families consider those irrelevant simply because they happened in 1965? Or do you think it still matters to them? Any time the U.S. Constitution is violated, it's does irrevocable harm. You and Syriusly (stupid) are prime examples. If nothing else, it leads to you uneducated people believing that it's ok to violate the U.S. Constitution.

By the way - I wasn't even alive in 1965 to complain about it. I can't do anything about that. All I can do is educate you ignorant people and fight to prevent the tragedies of the past from becoming the standard of tomorrow.

How cute...Puppy is still cuddled up to his murder, death, kill Strawman. It's so sweet it'll give you a cavity.

Blacks have been marrying whites since 1965 and Puppy is just now getting upset about it and the "unconstitutional rulings" of the SCOTUS. :lol:

Boy....someone is really butt hurt over the facts. Don't worry wytchy - even if gay marriage is over turned, you'll still be allowed to be gay. Sure, you won't be able to bilk everyone out of every perk (which appears to be what your real concern is), but you can still be gay. And you won't even lose any of your rights!

By the way - you should really look up the meaning of "straw man" because holy bejeezus do you misuse that term. Can't tell if it's out of ignorance or if it's intentionally out of desperation. Straw man is if I claim you're making a case that you're not actually making. When I compare the crime that you liberals minions usually engage in (rape, murder, etc.) with the crime your liberal masters usually engage in (violating the U.S. Constitution), it's not called a straw man. It's called an analogy sweetie. What that completely obliterates your absurd position (which is why you hate it so much).
I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?
I'm not gay

But you are a prude
I'm "prude" because I believe in public decency? Which is the law. Well there is some libtard "logic" at its finest. That is typical liberal immaturity. Accusing people of something they are not simply out of desperation and inability to make a rational case.
You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?

You are on to something. This is what caused all this gay marriage stuff.

There is no real advantage of a couple being married. Legally? Just about anything a married couple has, any couple can get with a good lawyer. You can set up who you leave all your stuff to if you die. You can give Power of Attorney anytime you like. You can have your name changed whether in a relationship or not. Just about everything can be worked out legally except government benefits.

How do I know this? Because when I lived with women years ago, we looked into it. Women I had deep relationships with didn't want to get government involved as much as I didn't want government involved.

So this really isn't about any kind of legal benefits. That's a red herring. After all, some states like California had Civil Unions, and those were the people who complained the most about not being able to marry.

So why this push for SSM? Rejection.

That's right, this is really all about rejection. Gays understand they are not accepted socially in society. So their real agenda is to force acceptance. The way they think, if they can force society into accepting their marriage, then they can force their acceptance into society.

To their chagrin, it doesn't work. If people reject you, they will reject you no matter what. If people accept your lifestyle, they will accept you married or not.

It's kind of like what I call the kid and the cookie jar. You tell a child they can't go into the cookie jar, and that makes them want to go into the cookie jar all the more. Until you brought it up, they probably never thought about going there in the first place.

So gays claim they were not happy because they couldn't marry. Okay, what if there was no such thing as marriage for anybody in this country? Would they still be miserable?
You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

And it is for responses like this that there will always be anti-gay people. You want to chastise Christians for being anti-gay but make equally hateful posts about them. If you want to bridge the divide, show the same tolerance that you want given to gays. It's not rocket science.

Until then I hold out no hope.
[ Any time the U.S. Constitution is violated, it's does irrevocable harm. ..

So very true.

Which is why it was so important for the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution by protecting the rights of Americans

Mixed race couples were suffering irrevocable harm when Virginia violated their constitutional rights.
Gay couples were suffering irrevocable harm when Georgia violated their constitutional rights.

You- you have suffered no harm because mixed race couples and gay couples had their Constitutional rights protected.
I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?

LOL....patty does have his panties in a wad.
Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.

Talk about BS, when has the last gay even been discriminated against for housing or a job?

So are you saying that no gays have been discriminated against in housing or for a job in the last year?
[, it's not called a straw man. It's called an analogy sweetie. What that completely obliterates your absurd position (which is why you hate it so much).

LOL- isn't it cute when Patty declares victory even though he hasn't been able to make a single point?
Which is why it was so important for the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution by protecting the rights of Americans

Which ones? The case can be made that while SCOTUS makes an attempt to protect the rights of one group, they wind up damaging the rights of the other.
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There is no real advantage of a couple being married. Legally? Just about anything a married couple has, any couple can get with a good lawyer. You can set up who you leave all your stuff to if you die. You can give Power of Attorney anytime you like. You can have your name changed whether in a relationship or not. Just about everything can be worked out legally except government benefits.

Oh yeah....I've said that for decades. A few legal documents (a will, a Power of Attorney, etc.) and they have every "perk" that a married couple has.

And here's the thing - contrary to their false narrative - most people could give a shit either way. I know I don't care. My issue is their egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution. This is unquestionably the right of the states (and thus the people) to decide. If a state legalizes it (much like Vermont did many years ago), great. That's the will of the people. If a state rejects it (much like California did just a few short years ago), great as well. Once again, that's the will of the people. That's the entire point of the U.S.A. Fifty individual states, with it's residents deciding for themselves the direction they want their lives to go. Anyone unhappy with that direction has the freedom and ability to move to another state. Everybody wins. Everybody gets want they want. Except when oppressive liberals get involved. Then everybody loses.
[, it's not called a straw man. It's called an analogy sweetie. What that completely obliterates your absurd position (which is why you hate it so much).

LOL- isn't it cute when Patty declares victory even though he hasn't been able to make a single point?
I've made dozens of points. All of them indisputable. You just chose to pretend like they aren't there so you don't have to deal with admitting you were wrong and ignorant. It's a maturity thing. We've all come to expect it from liberals.
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