Is Anyone Else Getting Tired Of The Queer Agenda???

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Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.

Talk about BS, when has the last gay even been discriminated against for housing or a job?
Just all the time.
Gays and Lesbians
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Thirty-two percent reported discrimination in renting a housing unit. The study also said that gay men and lesbians reported discrimination in public restaurants ...
Gay Discrimination - Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Gay Discrimination ... Letter From An Indonesian Gay to the Leaders of My Country ... One of the fundamental reasons why people are prejudiced against gay ...
Georgia Bill Allows Open Discrimination Against Gay People
The Huffington Post
Mar 2, 2016 - Gov. Nathan Deal (R) hasn't said whether he would reject a bill that lets organizations deny services to people who are gay, in a relationship ...
Anti-Gay Laws Bring Backlash in Mississippi and North Carolina - The ...
The New York Times
Apr 5, 2016 - — The divide between social conservatives and diversity-minded corporations widened Tuesday with developments in Mississippi and North Carolina related to the rights of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender people in both states. Mississippi’s governor signed far-reaching ...
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
Dale, you wouldn't happen to be acquainted with the Bryant family's minister? You know, the one who would sit down and discus with Mrs. Bryant's husband, such faith issues as -- gay men eating/swallowing sperm?

"Bryant gave a candid interview to Playboy magazine, printed in May 1978 where she admitted that she knew of homosexuals in show business but was unaware of the "nitty gritty" of their sexual behavior until her husband described them to her. She professed being most astonished that they ate each others' sperm, and equated the act with the immorality of destroying the Seed of Life."

Bob Green, former DJ and ex-husband of Anita Bryant, dies at 80

Mr. Green managed his wife’s rise to stardom as an entertainer and Florida citrus spokeswoman, then followed her into anti-gay activism, which ultimately destroyed their careers — and marriage in 1980. For more than 30 years, Mr. Green lived quietly, alone and resentful.

“Bob internalized a lot of his own anger and frustration and disappointments,” said Bryant, 71, on Wednesday from her home in Oklahoma City. That’s what happens “if you don’t let your faith rise up and you give into all those anxieties.

The family’s pastor persuaded Bryant to launch the successful anti-gay-rights campaign, Mr. Green told the Miami Herald in 2007.​
We have a tiny faction of genetic freaks that are attracted to those of the same's minute but yet this country seems to be obsessed with these freaks of nature and view them as some protected class. Do your thing in the privacy of your own abode....if you are a queer male that wants to suck dick? Knock yourself out but I don't need to know that you are "Queer, Loud And Proud" while waving your rainbow colored flag. Keep your business "YOUR business" and stop insisting that your flaunting of your queerness is some kind of God given right that everyone must embrace lest they be labeled. At one time I supported queers being able to enter into a civil agreement where they could share in the fruits (pun intended) of their joint labor....but I have seen how militant these fags have become and how they are pushing queerness in public schools using GLSEN that I no longer have any support left for these freaks.......anyone else feel the same way? I think it's time for a "pushback"......
Dale, you wouldn't happen to be acquainted with the Bryant family's minister? You know, the one who would sit down and discus with Mrs. Bryant's husband, such faith issues as -- gay men eating/swallowing sperm?

"Bryant gave a candid interview to Playboy magazine, printed in May 1978 where she admitted that she knew of homosexuals in show business but was unaware of the "nitty gritty" of their sexual behavior until her husband described them to her. She professed being most astonished that they ate each others' sperm, and equated the act with the immorality of destroying the Seed of Life."​

Are the Bryants relatives of yours? You sure come across as a sperm guzzling queer....not that there is anything "wrong" with that if that is how you want to roll.......(snicker)
Dale, live and learn, then repent and come out with Dark Fury. Your lives will then be much gayer

Mem SEZ??????? " If'n your not a friend of the fag then you must be a fag and we will use it as an insult until you become a friend of the fag that we use to demonize those that are not a friend of the you hear me????"

HOLY fuck but are idiots like you EVER easy to cyber-smack into oblivion....please tell me that you have some better game than this.....
Dale, you're probably a bigger bore than DK. And THAT is saying lots

Mem SEZ????? "Stop kicking my ass because you are boring me do you hear me do you?"

Whatever, never had a chance......don't fuck with me as you are out of your element. I will "dress you down" to the delight of others that are equally disgusted by the likes of you. The choice is yours....keep rising off of the cyber canvas and offer forth your chin for another uppercut. I'm a steamroller..can't stop me and ya can't contain me. (snicker)
Dale, you're probably a bigger bore than DK. And THAT is saying lots
I was in Pakistan for nine months in 1978 and I seem to remember an insult. Went like this...
Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.

Talk about BS, when has the last gay even been discriminated against for housing or a job?
Just all the time.
Gays and Lesbians
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Thirty-two percent reported discrimination in renting a housing unit. The study also said that gay men and lesbians reported discrimination in public restaurants ...
Gay Discrimination - Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Gay Discrimination ... Letter From An Indonesian Gay to the Leaders of My Country ... One of the fundamental reasons why people are prejudiced against gay ...
Georgia Bill Allows Open Discrimination Against Gay People
The Huffington Post
Mar 2, 2016 - Gov. Nathan Deal (R) hasn't said whether he would reject a bill that lets organizations deny services to people who are gay, in a relationship ...
Anti-Gay Laws Bring Backlash in Mississippi and North Carolina - The ...
The New York Times
Apr 5, 2016 - — The divide between social conservatives and diversity-minded corporations widened Tuesday with developments in Mississippi and North Carolina related to the rights of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender people in both states. Mississippi’s governor signed far-reaching ...

More crap from you that has nothing to do with what was being discussed. The GA bill was to protect vendors that didn't want to serve queers that are getting married. Your people brought this on--not ours. And while there is no mention of marriage in the Constitution, there is a part in there about freedom of religion which the gay and leftist community seems to ignore.

As far as your generalization articles, it's a bunch of crap as well. Show me a case where a gay was discriminated against in housing or employment where said offender was not sued. Anybody can say they were discriminated against--but it has to come with proof before you can make the allegation.

As we all know, leftists are born liars. That's why if somebody says they don't like Commie Care, you leftist claim it's because DumBama is black when it was never part of the conversation. Or if a white police officer is forced to defend himself against a black, the left just makes this claim that the clown was shot simply because of his color.

With lying liberals, all they have to do is make the claim to be valid in their minds. Proof? Forget about it. Liberals seldom have any proof of their claims.
Which is why it was so important for the Supreme Court to protect the Constitution by protecting the rights of Americans

Which ones? The case can be made that while SCOTUS makes an attempt to protect the rights of one group, they wind up damaging the rights of the other.

What groups rights were "damaged" by blacks being able to marry whites or men being able to marry men?
God damned "Queer agenda"...I'm getting tired of it!

- Wanting to serve your country
- Wanting to openly show who you love
- Wanting to marry the person you love
- Wanting to not be denied housing, public accommodations, employment because of their sexuality

Why don't they just go back to the good old days where they were in the closet and everyone was happy?
What groups rights were "damaged" by blacks being able to marry whites or men being able to marry men?

The rights of right-wing, sanctimonious, bible-thumping assholes not to go through life in a permanently pissed off state.
Seems to me those kinds of parades have REALLY toned down since gays are able to marry, adopt, and enter society, hater dupe. But they can still be discriminated against in housing and unemployment. All your hateful BS have been totally discredited. But carry on, you're the best at getting the GOP killed this election.

Talk about BS, when has the last gay even been discriminated against for housing or a job?
Just all the time.
Gays and Lesbians
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
Thirty-two percent reported discrimination in renting a housing unit. The study also said that gay men and lesbians reported discrimination in public restaurants ...
Gay Discrimination - Huffington Post
The Huffington Post
Gay Discrimination ... Letter From An Indonesian Gay to the Leaders of My Country ... One of the fundamental reasons why people are prejudiced against gay ...
Georgia Bill Allows Open Discrimination Against Gay People
The Huffington Post
Mar 2, 2016 - Gov. Nathan Deal (R) hasn't said whether he would reject a bill that lets organizations deny services to people who are gay, in a relationship ...
Anti-Gay Laws Bring Backlash in Mississippi and North Carolina - The ...
The New York Times
Apr 5, 2016 - — The divide between social conservatives and diversity-minded corporations widened Tuesday with developments in Mississippi and North Carolina related to the rights of gay, lesbian bisexual and transgender people in both states. Mississippi’s governor signed far-reaching ...

More crap from you that has nothing to do with what was being discussed. The GA bill was to protect vendors that didn't want to serve queers that are getting married. Your people brought this on--not ours. And while there is no mention of marriage in the Constitution, there is a part in there about freedom of religion which the gay and leftist community seems to ignore.

As far as your generalization articles, it's a bunch of crap as well. Show me a case where a gay was discriminated against in housing or employment where said offender was not sued. Anybody can say they were discriminated against--but it has to come with proof before you can make the allegation.

As we all know, leftists are born liars. That's why if somebody says they don't like Commie Care, you leftist claim it's because DumBama is black when it was never part of the conversation. Or if a white police officer is forced to defend himself against a black, the left just makes this claim that the clown was shot simply because of his color.

With lying liberals, all they have to do is make the claim to be valid in their minds. Proof? Forget about it. Liberals seldom have any proof of their claims.
Sure, hater dupe bigot. Change the channel. Google something- goes on forever. Only 22 states protect gays on housing and employment.
15 Examples Of Anti-Gay Discrimination Conservatives Want To ...
Jul 2, 2013 - Jennie McCarthy and Melisa Erwin filed a complaint against New York's ... but similarly highlighted 15 examples of discrimination against gay ...
The New York Times Shares Examples of Discrimination Facing LGBT ...
Human Rights Campaign
Jul 15, 2015 - ... the stories of LGBT people facing discrimination across the country. ... have any Islamic churches even spoken out against homosexuality.
I love coming in on threads that have been going for a while...and simply answer the questions posed in the title. I'm a lot more tired of the prudish uptight no fun bible thumping agenda that social conservatives have. You all really need to just get laid. You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

You know what's funny - I thought perhaps I missed something, so I just went back and read the initial post. There wasn't a single implication in any capacity about "tough guys" or "US Navy Seals", or anything even remotely like that.

So basically you're just whining like a little bitch that people have no desire to see you marching naked in the street with a dog collar leash around your neck and a rainbow painted on your back. The American people are simply tired of that shit junior. We're tired of the sexual deviance. As the initial post said - nobody gives a shit what you disturbed people (who desperately need therapy) do. All we're asking is that you keep it in your fucking bedroom where it belongs. You don't see heterosexuals hosting parades about how "proud" we are to be straight. You know why? Because nobody gives a shit. You people are the only idiot obsessed with sexuality. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to give a shit what kind of deviant behaviors you people engage in. We just don't care. You want us to care. But we don't. You get off on the idea of "shocking" the public with it (much like a flasher does). You need to find a more constructive outlet. Maybe have a queer club where you "shock" each other with your nonsense?
I'm not gay

But you are a prude
I'm "prude" because I believe in public decency? Which is the law. Well there is some libtard "logic" at its finest. That is typical liberal immaturity. Accusing people of something they are not simply out of desperation and inability to make a rational case. are a "prude" because you believe in public decency.

And the worst part about that is how you've decided what decency is, for everybody else
You anti gay folks are not anything like the tough guy Navy Seals you fantasize that you're're all just like John Lithgow in Footloose. Or that creepy kid catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang......or the Church Lady on SNL

And it is for responses like this that there will always be anti-gay people. You want to chastise Christians for being anti-gay but make equally hateful posts about them. If you want to bridge the divide, show the same tolerance that you want given to gays. It's not rocket science.

Until then I hold out no hope.
The difference between myself and passive aggressive bible thumping prudes is that I don't hide my intolerance for anti gay ass holes
Remember the Good Old Days when you could openly taunt gays, make them hide their feelings, beat them up and say they started it?

God damned gay agenda ruined all that
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