Is anyone else resigned to the outcome of this illegitimate election?

It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.

I give it a year before you are required by law to turn all your guns in or face felony convictions.

There is no greater priority among tyrants than ensuring a helpless population.

Count on it

We just became a European country....but at the bottom of the cesspool
If biden manages to occupy the white house and dems control congress it will be very bad for gun owners

all the more reason to support trump as he fights democrat election fraud

he wont give up on us if we dont give up on hm
How's that possible when Republican controlled state legislatures in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin prohibited any ballot counting until Nov 3rd?
Republicans do not control individual precincts in heavily democrat counties

there, election judges appointed by the democrat party have control
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It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
Oh please!! Such paranoid histrionics!! What do you think is going to happen.? Clean water? You'll have more clean water, as well as air with Biden as president.
I have been resigned to it in many ways from the beginning of the entire farce. The globalists chose Joe Biden and then announced to the entire world that they planned on stealing the election by laying out the events that would unfold ahead of time. They SAID that Trump would win on election night, but they would continue counting until Biden won, didn't they? The 5th column media then prepared the sheeple for the upcoming event by speculating that Trump would contest the election and refuse to leave office, thus painting HIM as the threat to our republic, not then.

What better way to pull a fast one than by being completely open about it and trusting in your propaganda apparatus to train stupid, gullible people that day was really night and night was really day?

Our republic is crumbling before our very eyes, as people now believe that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.

I give it a year before you are required by law to turn all your guns in or face felony convictions.

There is no greater priority among tyrants than ensuring a helpless population.

Count on it

We just became a European country....but at the bottom of the cesspool
We have the issue of not being mostly one or two backgrounds in our nation. Many backgrounds and many jealousies. Prog Potentate rulers can have a field day on a disarmed population with this.

I guarantee you they will.

let me correctly state it again......

Removing ALL guns from Americans hands is actually the Number ONE Priority.

Nothing else is more important

This message has been brought to you by the gun manufacturers and retailers of Merka.
Nothing I can do about it so I'm not worried. My wife and I will either make it or we won't.

I hear ya ... I'll be going on vacation.

By that, I don't mean vacation like trying to escape the country, politics or all the nutters.
I mean like going to the lake and having a great time.

I wasn't counting on the Beltway for anything anyway.
They drink all your booze, pass out the food you cooked to everyone in the park, and never pony up when it is time to pay for shit ... :thup:

It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
Biden is currently leading the popular vote by around 4 million votes. Virtually every state is still counting ballots. Biden could easily win by 8 million votes, so what makes you believe this election is "illegitimate"?
Basically speaking, because you're stupid, the results should have been all in by midnight Nov. 3.
So true specially that CNN kept on saying that the democrat did vote by mail way before November 3 so why the vote came up so late ?
My wife and I will either make it or we won't.
How about future generations who will never know the great country that we grew up in?

they will curse our memory for allowing libs to take over
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
Where should we put your order of sour grapes?
If they go through the public school indoctrination centers they will never know who we were.
I cant disagree with that

most will be happy ants in the ant farm

but not all of them will fall for the lefty bullshit

the best of them never have and never will.

they will be the miserable misfits who are in fact normal in a crazy mixed up world
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
I was already stocked up----because of the Covie 2nd round--------but I am buying a customized facemask once I settle on what it should say. Maybe NOT MY PRESIDENT----if they let biden/PELOSI steal the election.
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
Oh please!! Such paranoid histrionics!! What do you think is going to happen.? Clean water? You'll have more clean water, as well as air with Biden as president.

Yep, and you'll be able to shit in the street, now that's freedom.
I just hope that the Democrats' massive election fraud is revealed and that elections will become more secure.

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