Is anyone else resigned to the outcome of this illegitimate election?

It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
LMAO! You folks said the same thing about Hillary and guess what? Oops! DJT became POTUS. You make zero sense. This has been a fair election count of votes and DJT is not in the cards. Deal with it.
So, Trump got all his votes fair and square this do you explain that

How do you explain ...oh, nevermind, it doesn't matter

I want the consequences
You fucking idiots who keep pissing your pants about the popular vote... do you not understand anything about America? The whole idea of electing a president was centered on the concept that the office of President should be insulated from the popular will. You popular vote guys should go learn something.
There's hope ahead for future victims of the pandemic since Biden will follow the lead of experts in that field rather than follow the lead of the witch doctors like this cockroach trump has done.
SARS-CoV-2 won't be necessary anymore on January 21.
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.
LMAO! You folks said the same thing about Hillary and guess what? Oops! DJT became POTUS. You make zero sense. This has been a fair election count of votes and DJT is not in the cards. Deal with it.
So, Trump got all his votes fair and square this do you explain that

How do you explain ...oh, nevermind, it doesn't matter

I want the consequences
You explain it. Come on, you're smarter than this.
You snow flakes just need to get over it

BERLIN (AP) — The head of an international delegation monitoring the U.S. election says his team has no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claims about alleged fraud involving mail-in absentee ballots.

Michael Georg Link, a German lawmaker who heads an observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told German public broadcaster rbb Thursday that “on the election day itself, we couldn't see any violations” at the U.S. polling places they visited.

Link said he was “very surprised” by Trump's claims about postal ballot fraud because the United States has a long history of this method of voting going back to the 19th centur

It's not even a matter of what you want to believe.
If he was observing in Jasper, Wyoming ... His opinion about what he didn't observe in Kirby, Texas is meaningless ... :thup:

You snow flakes just need to get over it

BERLIN (AP) — The head of an international delegation monitoring the U.S. election says his team has no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claims about alleged fraud involving mail-in absentee ballots.

Michael Georg Link, a German lawmaker who heads an observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told German public broadcaster rbb Thursday that “on the election day itself, we couldn't see any violations” at the U.S. polling places they visited.

Link said he was “very surprised” by Trump's claims about postal ballot fraud because the United States has a long history of this method of voting going back to the 19th centur

It's not even a matter of what you want to believe.
If he was Jasper, Wyoming ... His opinion about what he didn't observe in Kirby, Texas is meaningless ... :thup:

Well, you definitely made a fantastic point there.
Republicans do not control individual precincts in heavily democrat counties
The Republican legislature in Pennsylvania refused to allow any processing of mail-in ballots before November 3rd. If that had not been the case, Pennsylvania would have reported the same time as Florida (72 hours ago).

Obviously Republicans know they can't win a national election by counting every legal vote.
Take away CA and biden is losing the popular vote. Anyway, I've emailed my senators to oppose him on ANY issue.
Why do California voters count for less than any other state's?

Did you know 2020 may have had the highest voter turnout since 1900?

"Around 239.2 million Americans were eligible to vote in 2020, according to the U.S. Elections Project. NBC News’ projected 159.8 million ballots cast in 2020 would constitute about a 66.8% voter turnout rate among eligible citizens — the highest since 1900."
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.

Good idea to have guns and ammo and be ready at all times.

But this is not over until it is. That's why we elected a fighter - fight he will.
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.

I give it a year before you are required by law to turn all your guns in or face felony convictions.

There is no greater priority among tyrants than ensuring a helpless population.

Count on it

We just became a European country....but at the bottom of the cesspool
We have the issue of not being mostly one or two backgrounds in our nation. Many backgrounds and many jealousies. Prog Potentate rulers can have a field day on a disarmed population with this.

I guarantee you they will.

let me correctly state it again......

Removing ALL guns from Americans hands is actually the Number ONE Priority.

Nothing else is more important
This should be interesting since they scared their own constituents into buying guns by allowing riots and promising to defund the police.
This just in:

GOP in crisis!!
But that was the point from before Trump. Shoving another RINO as the next Presidential candidate is not going to do it. Whatever Trump wants to do now, he has our support. If the worst happens, I hope he runs in 2024. Biden and Harris will never be accepted. Much worse then what you did to Trump. All you had to do was lie low. Your media people to start. And they could not. Massive backing from the richest people in the world is what it is. People so rich they are not billionaires, but trillionaires.
It doesn't matter who wins. We will see Biden win and the resulting Harris presidency. It's been determined well before election day. At this point I simply accept it and have been stocking up on ammunition, clean water, and medicine.

Yep, you just work with what life gives you. Or in this case...what the filthy dems give you.

And it may get worse if the 2 GA Senate seats in play go to the dems.

Biden teacher nazi party llr.jpg
You snow flakes just need to get over it

BERLIN (AP) — The head of an international delegation monitoring the U.S. election says his team has no evidence to support President Donald Trump's claims about alleged fraud involving mail-in absentee ballots.

Michael Georg Link, a German lawmaker who heads an observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told German public broadcaster rbb Thursday that “on the election day itself, we couldn't see any violations” at the U.S. polling places they visited.

Link said he was “very surprised” by Trump's claims about postal ballot fraud because the United States has a long history of this method of voting going back to the 19th centur

It's not even a matter of what you want to believe.
If he was observing in Jasper, Wyoming ... His opinion about what he didn't observe in Kirby, Texas is meaningless ... :thup:

What the hell does that mean??

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