Is anyone else resigned to the outcome of this illegitimate election?

---Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed---

News wars ands info wars? Are you fucking serious?? Hey, aren't you the guy who thinks that women should vote the way men tell them to?
What the hell does that mean??

It means that if I was watching what one group of people were doing in one place ...
And wasn't watching what another group of people were doing in another place ...
My opinion about what the other group of people that I wasn't watching, in another place where I wasn't at, would be meaningless.

---Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed---
News wars ands info wars? Are you fucking serious??
The best you can do is attack the messenger?
The Republican legislature in Pennsylvania refused to allow any processing of mail-in ballots before November 3rd. If that had not been the case, Pennsylvania would have reported the same time as Florida (72 hours ago).
With no link to support that its just an empty assertion by you

but if true I cant believe pennslyvania is the only state in the union that didnt count mail in ballots before 3 nov
With no link to support that its just an empty assertion by you

but if true I cant believe pennslyvania is the only state in the union that didnt count mail in ballots before 3 nov
Opinion: The real culprit of Pennsylvania's ballot counting delays

"Former Republican Gov. Tom Ridge warned his fellow Pennsylvania Republicans. 'We want an accurate count,' he said back in early October. 'We want a legitimate vote. And we want it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. If that's the goal, give them (county clerks) time to do it and start pre-canvassing several days before Election Day.'"

That happened in Florida (I think) but not in Pennsylvania.
If the latter "swing" state had reported Tuesday night like Florida did, we would have known the outcome days earlier
With no link to support that its just an empty assertion by you

but if true I cant believe pennslyvania is the only state in the union that didnt count mail in ballots before 3 nov
Opinion: The real culprit of Pennsylvania's ballot counting delays

"Former Republican Gov. Tom Ridge warned his fellow Pennsylvania Republicans. 'We want an accurate count,' he said back in early October. 'We want a legitimate vote. And we want it done as quickly and efficiently as possible. If that's the goal, give them (county clerks) time to do it and start pre-canvassing several days before Election Day.'"

That happened in Florida (I think) but not in Pennsylvania.
If the latter "swing" state had reported Tuesday night like Florida did, we would have known the outcome days earlier
I see nothing in your “opinion” by clinton flunkie Paul Begala that blames trump

democrats refused to compromise that would have allowed early counting
I never blamed Trump for Pennsylvania Republicans refusing to allow pre-canvassing.
The link that you provided blamed trump.

and you are responsible for those words

"Pennsylvania passed bipartisan legislation to make it easier to vote," he told me in an email. "Then Donald Trump upended common sense ... Republican legislative leaders chose Trump over voters.
---Trump Set Up Democrats In Sophisticated Sting Operation – Caught Stealing Election Red-Handed---
News wars ands info wars? Are you fucking serious??
The best you can do is attack the messenger?
The best that you can do is to use discredited conspiracy theory bullshit to try to make your pathetic so called case?

And your still dodging you pathetic misogyny and the fact that no self respecting would want anything to do with you.
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The link that you provided blamed trump.

and you are responsible for those words

"Pennsylvania passed bipartisan legislation to make it easier to vote," he told me in an email. "Then Donald Trump upended common sense ... Republican legislative leaders chose Trump over voters.
The best way for Republicans to "win" elections is by suppressing votes by any means necessary:

Opinion: The real culprit of Pennsylvania's ballot counting delays

"Even the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which endorsed President Donald Trump, chided the Pennsylvania GOP for the dilatory tactics.

"In an editorial titled, 'Focus on Pennsylvania's real election needs,' the conservative-leaning paper said the GOP's poison-pill bill 'smacks of partisanship at a time when what's needed most is cooperation.'

"Presciently, Republican County Commissioner Eugene DiGirolamo of Bucks County told the Associated Press in mid-October, 'I'd only be guessing, but my guess is if we're only allowed to start on Election Day, it's going to be three, four, five days after the election when we'll have these things scanned and counted.'"

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