Is anyone going to watch the "virtual" DNC convention tomorrow?

Why should I break 50 years of tradition?

I haven't watched either Convention since I graduated High School.

They hold NO interest for me.
Why is that? You seem totally committed to censorship and fascism, IOW, the perfect democrat. I urge you to watch. Me, I'll watch for the comedy gold.
Will you watch it tonight?
How will they control Biden's gaffs?
Will the main topics be Social Justice or their intense hatred for Trump?

Don't think Biden makes an appearance until Wednesday.
exeter-biden 2.jpg
Will you watch it tonight?
How will they control Biden's gaffs?
Will the main topics be Social Justice or their intense hatred for Trump?

Your concern for Biden and Democrats is so heartfelt...

Pity you can't seem to show the same concern when Trump refuses to implement a COVI national plan because he thought it would only affect Blue states...
This will be like watching a four day version of the national anthem where kneelers kick dirt on their country, trying to outdo one another. The Marxist Dem party is a disgrace. They're offering chaos, poverty and totalitarian subjugation. But there will still be plenty of those nincompoops and ignoramuses watching, that's for sure. They're the people that feel Joe is the only candidate who can keep our country safe from Corn Pop. Count me out. I'm not that hard up for entertainment.
Will you watch it tonight?
How will they control Biden's gaffs?
Will the main topics be Social Justice or their intense hatred for Trump?

Your concern for Biden and Democrats is so heartfelt...

Pity you can't seem to show the same concern when Trump refuses to implement a COVI national plan because he thought it would only affect Blue states...
We have no concern for Biden and the rest of the traitors, our concern is over them tearing this country apart with support from criminal chinamen like you. Your premise about Trump is laughable, 6th grade at best.
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i need to watch Luka Doncic lead the Mavs to victory in the playoffs at the same time as tonight's Democrat event, somehow i wanna watch both, to laugh at the Dem trainwreck show
I wonder how many Prog channels it will be on? They will be genuflecting to the Prog politicians to godhood status while eviscerating the no good Non Prog ones. From the media shills, the entertainment shills, the ethnic and cultural shills and to the comedy shills.... they will all be there. And when the Repub convention comes, it will be open season.
I watched them when I was a newbie voter. Last interesting one was the 1972 Democrats as the old guard union leadership made their last appearance and displayed the last of their waning power in the party. A convention I'll forever remember for Frank King's, "Ohio Passes" and nominee George McGovern's 2:00am acceptance speech. Conventions ever since have been well scripted and the networks look silly hyping fake drama. I'll be satisfied watching any comical missteps on YouTube next week.

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