Is anyone going to watch the "virtual" DNC convention tomorrow?

Hell yes I’m watching! This is a once in a lifetime event!

Finally! I get to hear from our fat ass ex-First Lady. Not a day goes by I don’t wonder what he thinks. I get to see if Bernie stopped buying houses long enough to go to Walmart and get a comb. And I can’t wait to hear more mailman stories from Kasich. I miss the shit out of those classics.

And that’s just day one!
Will you watch it tonight?
How will they control Biden's gaffs?
Will the main topics be Social Justice or their intense hatred for Trump?

Your concern for Biden and Democrats is so heartfelt...

Pity you can't seem to show the same concern when Trump refuses to implement a COVI national plan because he thought it would only affect Blue states...
Awww poor little whiner needs the President to tell him how to stay safe from the mean old virus wirus
  • Funny
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If this doesn't qualify as trolling...

Probably won't unless and until I do a copycat version towards the Republicans.

Suddenly the powers that be seem to understand then.
If this doesn't qualify as trolling...

Probably won't unless and until I do a copycat version towards the Republicans.

Suddenly the powers that be seem to understand then.

"General Discussion"
Talk about anything...none of it matters here.

That's "Talk about anything...none of it matters here."

This has been a PSA from The Kinetta Consortium.
It will be the most watched event in TV history. Much bigger than the meager audience that Trump will draw

Were it possible, I would bet you a large sum of money that it will not be. The first hour will collect the still curious, then it will die, with a vague resurrection for Biden's "speech".

Americans have a low tolerance of ennui.

Biden will get more viewers than Trump and will out perform him Bigly

No President will have drawn more viewers
It will be the most watched event in TV history. Much bigger than the meager audience that Trump will draw

But maybe not for the reason you think...
Will Vegas be giving over/under odds on Biden brain farts?

This is a bet more about the quality of the media and DNC's editors, than it is about Vice President Biden.

Any colossal snafus will be left on the cutting room floor, and will never be aired.
If you want the answer to your question watch the convention. or you can wait till tomorrow & check the sites that support your point of view, & only get half of the story.
how ithey call it a convention if no one is there?
con•ven•tion kən-vĕn′shən
  • A formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates, as of a political party, fraternal society, profession, or industry.
Due to the Kung Flu Virus Biden's Role will be played by Jeff Dunham and Walter
I might watch to see how they handle Biden in his current state of confusion. Other than that it sounds like they will be rolling out the same tired old Democrats trying to inject some interest in the disastrous Biden-Harris ticket.
If it's anything like Tom Hanks SNL effort I won't be tuning in.

I caught a few minutes of this disaster and I can see why Hanks left the states and became a Greek Citizen.

Hi, I had to flee the country because they were closing in on me
I might watch to see how they handle Biden in his current state of confusion. Other than that it sounds like they will be rolling out the same tired old Democrats trying to inject some interest in the disastrous Biden-Harris ticket.

Biden was hidden from every news channel this were all of his campaign officials and kamala too.........a complete black out the day before their national convention...

Sure, their campaign is going strong......

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