Is anyone ready to discuss politics & stay grounded in reality?

The Russia thing is still big to me, and not just on Trump. This could go back to Obama. Starting with, I think, the CIA uploading virus software to prevent the Russians from hacking into the election servers on election night. We were engaging in cyber prevention warfare in order to have a fair election. Next, there were allegations of the Trump tower being bugged. Could that have been the Russians? Or Obama as Trump alluded? It still could be a plot by Democrats to tie Trump-Russia or Trump's staff to Russia and pressure the special counsel (name changed from special prosecutor lol) and more federal investigations. Part of this is on Trump because he doesn't have the political experience, so his enemies just continue to pour it on in order to get him to make a mistake.

The Russia issue is dead.
the health care policy
What health care policy?

I've been asking since I came to this forum, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT?!?!"

I phrased it exactly like that for years on this forum. I have been pointing out to the pseudocons that the GOP had no comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.


This invariably caused them to gnash their teeth and have little hissy fits.

But here we are, SEVEN YEARS after ObamaCare was enacted, and the GOP and Trump and all of his Chumps have been caught with their pants down.

Pseudoncons live in denials and delusions. About Russia attacking us, about GOP health care reform, about taxes, about everything.
That's just a flat out lie. This is what I mean about Trump's Chumps being in denial. His tards have just spent the past week screaming in anger over the woman who released even more evidence.

There is not even a hint, by anyone, that Russia influenced the election system.

Grow up and quit your whining.

Trump spit into the gaping mouth-breathers' faces and promised repeal and replacement on day one of his presidency.

He has since erased that lie from his web site, along with a host of other lies he has been caught in.

And they just sit there and take it.

The people who have been deliberately dumbing down the pseudocons for the past 20 years know the tards will just sit there take it, and will bleev what they are told to bleev, despite the propagandists manufactured bullshit having no connection to reality.

The GOP put on big theater for the rubes for the past seven years about ObamaCare. So the tard horde gave them the reins of power. The pseudocons have been gloating and chortling over the historic number of seats now held by the GOP, and they STILL have not caught on they have been massively hoaxed! :lol:

The Emperor Has No Clothes
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No way those tax cuts will not increase debt

No, but if they cut spending in other places, it won't increase the debt either.

They'll never do that. There's already a massive defense spending increase on tap,

which means to accomplish what you're suggesting, they would not only have to cut to account for the tax cuts, they have to cut an amount equal to the defense spending increase just to break even.
That's just a flat out lie. This is what I mean about Trump's Chumps being in denial. His tards have just spent the past week screaming in anger over the woman who released even more evidence.

There is not even a hint, by anyone, that Russia influenced the election system.
See? The tards just sit there and take it. Their propaganda outlets keeps reality as far from them as possible.

Russia attacked our electoral system. Several times. Wake up and smell some reality, willfully blind monkeys.
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No way those tax cuts will not increase debt

No, but if they cut spending in other places, it won't increase the debt either.

They'll never do that. There's already a massive defense spending increase on tap,

which means to accomplish what you're suggesting, they would not only have to cut to account for the tax cuts, they have to cut an amount equal to the defense spending increase just to break even.
Trump has no interest in decreasing the federal debt. It will rise by at least 5 trillion dollars while he is President, and possibly ten.

And his Chumps will sit there and take it.
The Russia thing is still big to me, and not just on Trump. This could go back to Obama. Starting with, I think, the CIA uploading virus software to prevent the Russians from hacking into the election servers on election night. We were engaging in cyber prevention warfare in order to have a fair election. Next, there were allegations of the Trump tower being bugged. Could that have been the Russians? Or Obama as Trump alluded? It still could be a plot by Democrats to tie Trump-Russia or Trump's staff to Russia and pressure the special counsel (name changed from special prosecutor lol) and more federal investigations. Part of this is on Trump because he doesn't have the political experience, so his enemies just continue to pour it on in order to get him to make a mistake.

The Russia issue is dead.
You'd like it to be, wouldn't you, traitor.
Trump's Chumps sit on the couch while their apprentice President fellates Putin in front of them.

They get off on it.
I can't understand how people who pushed multiple investigations into 4 years with Benghazi and cheered the brief reopening of the Clinton email investigation suddenly have cold feet at a thorough investigation of a matter that effects one of our most important democratic institutions. Seems a bit more important than " lying" about a video tape or being careless with an email server.

Benghazi was huge. To have a president who ignores such an incident sends no help listens to a 15 briefing, then goes to bed and takes off the next morning for a fundraiser without a word is disgraceful.

As for the Hillary Clinton SNAFU, that's not over. The special investigator can go into that as well along with questioning the major issue of Bill Clinton meeting privately with Loretta Lynch.

Be careful what you wish for!
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

I find it thoroughly fascinating Trump and his Chumps ignore the fact our electoral system was repeatedly attacked by the Russians.

Whether or not Trump or anyone on his team colluded with the Russians is one thing, but the fact remains we were attacked and Trump and his traitorous Chumps don't give a damn.

I find it very revealing that Trump's Chumps don't care that nothing has been done about it by Trump, and that he is not doing anything to protect us from further attacks.

I also find it revealing Trump fired the guy investigating these attacks and then called the enemy into his office the very next day to have a good laugh about it.

There is no proof our electoral system was attacked by the Russians. Wiki posted DNC emails and that was about it. They claim that they didn't get anything from Russia, but the left won't come to terms with that. It's not Trump's fault the DNC didn't take the time and money to secure their server from attacks. The Republicans did, and hackers were stopped in their tracks.

Talk to people and find me one that says they were going to vote for Hil-Liar until they seen those emails. I bet most voters don't even know what one of those emails said. Nobody cares.
"They claim" ... why would you believe them :dunno:
The "down to earth" billionaire, who paints everything gold and attaches his name to it. Yeah, right. Boy you people are fucking morons.

Down to earth is the billionaire who still changes the oil in his car because he started out that way (at his ranch that has actual animals he tends to). I'm not sure Trump knows that cars need their oil changed? And the reason the morons like Trump is because he's rich and an uneducated loud-mouth asshole like themselves (and wish they were rich).

Yeah, that uneducated moron with a Bachelors degree is what real morons refer to him as.

No, millionaires and billionaires don't change the oil in their own car. I'm blue collar and I don't even change mine. Trump is much more down to earth than any professional politician. He says what's on his mind and doesn't consult with a group of Washington experts to have them edit what he plans to say. He doesn't have it reworded nicely to cater to the politically correct or to make sure it's written in such a way as not to offend anybody. What President in our time has ever done that other than Donald?
The Down to Earth Billionaire. A new comedy from the minds of idiot Americans.

What you like about Trump is he's the loud-mouthed rich jerk you long to be.

Why would I not want to be like Trump? Who would not want the women he's had, the money he has, the fame even before his presidency? So what great life do you have that you wouldn't want to be like Trump?
If the choice was suicide or be like Trump, I'd ask them to make sure the gun was fully loaded and go get extra rounds just in case.

You idolize a nasty little man, a man-child, much more bull market than brains. Points for being honest about it though. You voted for who you wish you could have been.

Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

That's correct and one of the differences between the left and the right.

When we see a successful person, we want to be like them. And while we may never reach their level of success, we try to get as close as we can, and that's a good way to live life.

The left hates successful people unless they are in entertainment which means they really didn't work for their money. The left looks at such people with contempt, they complain about them and let them ruin their lives because they are so filled with jealousy. The left believes the money they made should be handed over to them because they are failures. Now to some reality:

If we took all the poor people in the country, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, society would be all that much better. Remove the wealthy from our country and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses. That's because it's the money of the rich that supports nearly everything we have in life. They make our products we buy at the store, they create the jobs we need to earn money to buy those products, most of the money that runs our federal government comes from the wealthy, and they donate to charities some of us take advantage of.

There are many successful people I like and admire, like Bill Gates. If your fantasy country had only rich people you'd have to import some poor people to do the dirty work. To make the products you sell in your store.

It takes everyone to create success and looking upon poor people with contempt is just as bad and elitist as looking upon rich with contempt.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!

Reality tells us that the upper class tax cuts proposed will not work. We don't have to try them AGAIN in order to make that judgment.

And....there will be no tax cuts unless they get the ACHA passed and signed. Why don't you know that?
A couple of things:

First, the Democrats blew it and ended up on the ass end of the 2016 elections. They let the regressives speak for them and those folks annoyed enough people to hurt them. They also ran a lousy candidate. So, voilà, we get Trump, and keeping him constantly on the defensive and scaring moderate Republicans with their re-election chances was/is their only play. So far, they're doing a pretty good job with what they have to work with.

Second, Trump himself is such an easy target - the easiest in the history of historical histories, in my estimation - that he's playing right into their strategy with every off-the-cuff quip and tweet. This is a guy you don't have to caricature, because he's pretty much already there. And the press is running with it 100%, obviously, which hurts him even more, which motivates and animates the Democrats even more.

Add those two things together and you have a big ol' shit storm for as long as he's in office.

Your comments are similar to those during the nomination process and the presidential election. Trump is kind of like Howard Stern who is a shock jock and made his millions that way.

Trump may be rude, sloppy and forgetful, but that's one of the reasons people like him; he's down to earth like most Americans and not putting on a show.
The "down to earth" billionaire, who paints everything gold and attaches his name to it. Yeah, right. Boy you people are fucking morons.

Down to earth is the billionaire who still changes the oil in his car because he started out that way (at his ranch that has actual animals he tends to). I'm not sure Trump knows that cars need their oil changed? And the reason the morons like Trump is because he's rich and an uneducated loud-mouth asshole like themselves (and wish they were rich).

Yeah, that uneducated moron with a Bachelors degree is what real morons refer to him as.

No, millionaires and billionaires don't change the oil in their own car. I'm blue collar and I don't even change mine. Trump is much more down to earth than any professional politician. He says what's on his mind and doesn't consult with a group of Washington experts to have them edit what he plans to say. He doesn't have it reworded nicely to cater to the politically correct or to make sure it's written in such a way as not to offend anybody. What President in our time has ever done that other than Donald?
The Down to Earth Billionaire. A new comedy from the minds of idiot Americans.

What you like about Trump is he's the loud-mouthed rich jerk you long to be.

Why would I not want to be like Trump? Who would not want the women he's had, the money he has, the fame even before his presidency? So what great life do you have that you wouldn't want to be like Trump?

Beyond wealth, what is there to admire? Obama is wealthy, do you admire him?
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!
You want down to earth reality? You're not there yet. What you miss with your Trump/GOP forecast is it's highly partisan and not necessarily what will happen.
The reality is "perception is everything" and Trump is a loose canon with a big mouth and it doesn't matter whether the Russian thing is true or not, what matters is people will view Trump and the GOP negatively and Comey could be Trump's and the GOP's downfall. The voter is fickle and while I'm no prophet I don't think the Trump presidency will end well.
Oh and before you come back with "Democrat or liberal" I'm neither.
Sure perception is reality

My claim is that what is going on with the economy and people's personal finances will be the most important factor

Perception is driven by personal finances in an election

Another thing that is overlooked is that Trump brought a decent number of people that typically do not vote out to the polls

He has not broken faith with these folks, and they don't get polled much, if at all

The media is not able to drive perception like they used to, most people don't trust them anymore

So again, if Trump's policies help the economy, he is a shoo in for a second term

Why didn't Trump voters perceive that the economy was much better after Obama's terms than before? Was their reality altered somehow? Is that cool with you? Is it cool that so many people are making judgments based on an faulty perception?
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians;
I like how you claim to seek reality based dialog but then open up your thread with complete and utter bullshit.

Zero evidence of collusion by Trump

Sorry you think that's bullshit

It won't matter at this point if collusion is ever proven. I know you've heard "the cover up is worse than the crime". Right now that's bearing out. The special investigator is investigating obstruction now as well as Trump Campaign collusion.
Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

Why do you insist on making a fool of yourself? Are you secretly working for Conservatives? He has a degree in economics from the Warton School. Ranked number one in the world. So you lied about that point. He has 40 years experience managing one of the largest corporations in the world to great success. So you lied about that as well. Then you are wrong as to competency as well. He has built a fortune of over $3.5 BILLION.

You don't like him, in fact, you hate him but why lie?

You may remember our petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who famously stated that he was not qualified. But did you listen? Nooooo.

Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

Why do you insist on making a fool of yourself? Are you secretly working for Conservatives? He has a degree in economics from the Warton School. Ranked number one in the world. So you lied about that point. He has 40 years experience managing one of the largest corporations in the world to great success. So you lied about that as well. Then you are wrong as to competency as well. He has built a fortune of over $3.5 BILLION.

You don't like him, in fact, you hate him but why lie?

You may remember our petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who famously stated that he was not qualified. But did you listen? Nooooo.

Never confuse brains with a bull market. And it helps when you are raised rich by a rich man who then funds you on your way to becoming - rich.
I can't understand how people who pushed multiple investigations into 4 years with Benghazi and cheered the brief reopening of the Clinton email investigation suddenly have cold feet at a thorough investigation of a matter that effects one of our most important democratic institutions. Seems a bit more important than " lying" about a video tape or being careless with an email server.

Benghazi was huge. To have a president who ignores such an incident sends no help listens to a 15 briefing, then goes to bed and takes off the next morning for a fundraiser without a word is disgraceful.

As for the Hillary Clinton SNAFU, that's not over. The special investigator can go into that as well along with questioning the major issue of Bill Clinton meeting privately with Loretta Lynch.

Be careful what you wish for!

Two Americans killed in Afghanistan this weekend, while Trump's on another golf vacation.

Should we have 4 years of investigations over that?
Two Americans killed in Afghanistan this weekend, while Trump's on another golf vacation.

Should we have 4 years of investigations over that?

Your utter desperation is duly noted.

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