Is anyone ready to discuss politics & stay grounded in reality?

Zero evidence of collusion by Trump

Sorry you think that's bullshit

Yet. And maybe it will be found there isn't which is fine.

BUT that doesn't rule out his associates.

I can't understand how people who pushed multiple investigations into 4 years with Benghazi and cheered the brief reopening of the Clinton email investigation suddenly have cold feet at a thorough investigation of a matter that effects one of our most important democratic institutions. Seems a bit more important than " lying" about a video tape or being careless with an email server.

Benghazi and emails were not chasing ghosts. People died in Benghazi and nobody goes through the expense and trouble setting up their own server unless they wanted total control over what was on them and the ability to erase any incriminating evidence.

Trump and Russia? All made up from a comment he jokingly made during the debates.

It wasn't about the people who died. It wasn't about how we can prevent it in the future. Not at all. After all similar things happened under Bush, and it was reviewed appropriately. No, it was about whether or not someone "lied", in the heat of the moment as it was unfolding, about a video being the cause of it. Truly pathetic :(

Yet you don't think Russian hacking and attempting to influence an election, even attempting to break into the election officials systems and machines is worthy of an equivalent investigation? Seriously? Collusion is only one small part of it.

Why does collusion have to be part of it?

Where were you when Obama was openly trying to influence the election in Israel?

Were you calling for his impeachment? Even the liberal dominated nightly news had the evidence every single broadcast. No said a word!

Collusion should be looked into as part of it - and then either ruled out or followed up on depending on the evidence. Right?

I'm not calling for impeachment.

Enough with the whataboutisms.

When you come up with even a reason for collusion, give me a call. That's one thing you will never have to do.

You should have been calling for Obama's impeachment. Otherwise, you are being a hypocrite in wanting to investigate Trump for allegedly doing n secret what Obama did in the open!
Yet. And maybe it will be found there isn't which is fine.

BUT that doesn't rule out his associates.

I can't understand how people who pushed multiple investigations into 4 years with Benghazi and cheered the brief reopening of the Clinton email investigation suddenly have cold feet at a thorough investigation of a matter that effects one of our most important democratic institutions. Seems a bit more important than " lying" about a video tape or being careless with an email server.

Benghazi and emails were not chasing ghosts. People died in Benghazi and nobody goes through the expense and trouble setting up their own server unless they wanted total control over what was on them and the ability to erase any incriminating evidence.

Trump and Russia? All made up from a comment he jokingly made during the debates.

It wasn't about the people who died. It wasn't about how we can prevent it in the future. Not at all. After all similar things happened under Bush, and it was reviewed appropriately. No, it was about whether or not someone "lied", in the heat of the moment as it was unfolding, about a video being the cause of it. Truly pathetic :(

Yet you don't think Russian hacking and attempting to influence an election, even attempting to break into the election officials systems and machines is worthy of an equivalent investigation? Seriously? Collusion is only one small part of it.

Why does collusion have to be part of it?

Where were you when Obama was openly trying to influence the election in Israel?

Were you calling for his impeachment? Even the liberal dominated nightly news had the evidence every single broadcast. No said a word!

Collusion should be looked into as part of it - and then either ruled out or followed up on depending on the evidence. Right?

I'm not calling for impeachment.

Enough with the whataboutisms.

When you come up with even a reason for collusion, give me a call. That's one thing you will never have to do.

You should have been calling for Obama's impeachment. Otherwise, you are being a hypocrite in wanting to investigate Trump for allegedly doing n secret what Obama did in the open!

I'm not the one conducting an investigation nor am I privy to any evidence. Come to think of it neither are you :lol:

What's wrong with letting the investigation finish it's job?

I'm not calling for anyone's impeachment.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!
You want down to earth reality? You're not there yet. What you miss with your Trump/GOP forecast is it's highly partisan and not necessarily what will happen.
The reality is "perception is everything" and Trump is a loose canon with a big mouth and it doesn't matter whether the Russian thing is true or not, what matters is people will view Trump and the GOP negatively and Comey could be Trump's and the GOP's downfall. The voter is fickle and while I'm no prophet I don't think the Trump presidency will end well.
Oh and before you come back with "Democrat or liberal" I'm neither.

Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.
Your comments are similar to those during the nomination process and the presidential election. Trump is kind of like Howard Stern who is a shock jock and made his millions that way.

Trump may be rude, sloppy and forgetful, but that's one of the reasons people like him; he's down to earth like most Americans and not putting on a show.
The "down to earth" billionaire, who paints everything gold and attaches his name to it. Yeah, right. Boy you people are fucking morons.

Down to earth is the billionaire who still changes the oil in his car because he started out that way (at his ranch that has actual animals he tends to). I'm not sure Trump knows that cars need their oil changed? And the reason the morons like Trump is because he's rich and an uneducated loud-mouth asshole like themselves (and wish they were rich).

Yeah, that uneducated moron with a Bachelors degree is what real morons refer to him as.

No, millionaires and billionaires don't change the oil in their own car. I'm blue collar and I don't even change mine. Trump is much more down to earth than any professional politician. He says what's on his mind and doesn't consult with a group of Washington experts to have them edit what he plans to say. He doesn't have it reworded nicely to cater to the politically correct or to make sure it's written in such a way as not to offend anybody. What President in our time has ever done that other than Donald?
The Down to Earth Billionaire. A new comedy from the minds of idiot Americans.

What you like about Trump is he's the loud-mouthed rich jerk you long to be.

Why would I not want to be like Trump? Who would not want the women he's had, the money he has, the fame even before his presidency? So what great life do you have that you wouldn't want to be like Trump?

Beyond wealth, what is there to admire? Obama is wealthy, do you admire him?

In terms of wealth, Obama is a piker! Without the sales of his two possibly ghost-written books, how much money would he have?
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!
You want down to earth reality? You're not there yet. What you miss with your Trump/GOP forecast is it's highly partisan and not necessarily what will happen.
The reality is "perception is everything" and Trump is a loose canon with a big mouth and it doesn't matter whether the Russian thing is true or not, what matters is people will view Trump and the GOP negatively and Comey could be Trump's and the GOP's downfall. The voter is fickle and while I'm no prophet I don't think the Trump presidency will end well.
Oh and before you come back with "Democrat or liberal" I'm neither.

Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!

Trump started to lose control of reality right from the beginning of his campaign. He broke too many bridges, caused too many problems just to get votes, and now he's seeing the negative side of this. This is why no real politician would bother to campaign as he did, because they know what would happen.
Benghazi and emails were not chasing ghosts. People died in Benghazi and nobody goes through the expense and trouble setting up their own server unless they wanted total control over what was on them and the ability to erase any incriminating evidence.

Trump and Russia? All made up from a comment he jokingly made during the debates.

It wasn't about the people who died. It wasn't about how we can prevent it in the future. Not at all. After all similar things happened under Bush, and it was reviewed appropriately. No, it was about whether or not someone "lied", in the heat of the moment as it was unfolding, about a video being the cause of it. Truly pathetic :(

Yet you don't think Russian hacking and attempting to influence an election, even attempting to break into the election officials systems and machines is worthy of an equivalent investigation? Seriously? Collusion is only one small part of it.

Why does collusion have to be part of it?

Where were you when Obama was openly trying to influence the election in Israel?

Were you calling for his impeachment? Even the liberal dominated nightly news had the evidence every single broadcast. No said a word!

Collusion should be looked into as part of it - and then either ruled out or followed up on depending on the evidence. Right?

I'm not calling for impeachment.

Enough with the whataboutisms.

When you come up with even a reason for collusion, give me a call. That's one thing you will never have to do.

You should have been calling for Obama's impeachment. Otherwise, you are being a hypocrite in wanting to investigate Trump for allegedly doing n secret what Obama did in the open!

I'm not the one conducting an investigation nor am I privy to any evidence. Come to think of it neither are you :lol:

What's wrong with letting the investigation finish it's job?

I'm not calling for anyone's impeachment.

With as many leakers as there are in the government, not one solid piece of evidence has been leaked. What does that tell you?

You can't leak what doesn't exist!
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!

Well I wouldn't call that being GROUNDED in REALITY--but nice try anyway---:disagree:

There's plenty of evidence right now to hang Trump & Company.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

This 8 minute Fox News video--Shep Smith states that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

McCain wants to know why "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Separatists" was put in the Republican platform". See above link--More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russian Ambassador.

Adam Schiff co-chair of the House Intelligence commitee had this to say.

Michael Flynn--currently under criminal investigation for committing a Felony by lying to the FBI. We find out he was acting as an undisclosed foreign agent while attending National Security briefings, being a paid lobbyist for Turkey and receiving payments from Russia. Who then asked for immunity against prosecution--stating "he has a story to tell."
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Trump adviser Flynn paid by multiple Russia-related entities, new records show
Michael Flynn will invoke 5th Amendment, won't comply with Senate's subpoena due to 'escalating public frenzy against him'

Jeff Sessions: who recently offered up his resignation. Also accused of lying under oath to congress, for not disclosing that he had met with the Russian ambassador twice during the campaign season Now there is allegedly a 3rd time he did not disclose that he met with the Russian Ambassador.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations -
Sources: Congress investigating another possible Sessions-Kislyak meeting -
Jeff Sessions offered to quit during exchange with Trump -

Jared Kushner: Trump's son-in-law who asked the Russian Ambassador for a direct private secure line to the Kremlin.
Washington Post: Kushner proposed secret communication channel with Kremlin -

Trump fires Comey:
Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Trump admits OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE in an NBC T.V interview:
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Trump meets with the Russians in the Oval Office while he blocks out American media and lets Russian media in. In the process he gives the Russians highly sensitive classified information.
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News


White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -

The source of the intel Trump shared with Russia reportedly was warned months ago not to give it to him

This has now gone from a congressional probe, and is now a criminal investigation.

This is 10,000 times worse than Watergate, and they had enough evidence to end this a month ago. In the coming months you'll hear more names mentioned: Jerad Kushner, Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Page & J.D. Gordon.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

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You want down to earth reality? You're not there yet. What you miss with your Trump/GOP forecast is it's highly partisan and not necessarily what will happen.
The reality is "perception is everything" and Trump is a loose canon with a big mouth and it doesn't matter whether the Russian thing is true or not, what matters is people will view Trump and the GOP negatively and Comey could be Trump's and the GOP's downfall. The voter is fickle and while I'm no prophet I don't think the Trump presidency will end well.
Oh and before you come back with "Democrat or liberal" I'm neither.

Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.
How is the investigation stopping trump and the GOP from doing whatever ?!

The investigation has nothing to do with GOP and his incompetence.
Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

I find it thoroughly fascinating Trump and his Chumps ignore the fact our electoral system was repeatedly attacked by the Russians.

Whether or not Trump or anyone on his team colluded with the Russians is one thing, but the fact remains we were attacked and Trump and his traitorous Chumps don't give a damn.

I find it very revealing that Trump's Chumps don't care that nothing has been done about it by Trump, and that he is not doing anything to protect us from further attacks.

I also find it revealing Trump fired the guy investigating these attacks and then called the enemy into his office the very next day to have a good laugh about it.

There is no proof our electoral system was attacked by the Russians. Wiki posted DNC emails and that was about it. They claim that they didn't get anything from Russia, but the left won't come to terms with that. It's not Trump's fault the DNC didn't take the time and money to secure their server from attacks. The Republicans did, and hackers were stopped in their tracks.

Talk to people and find me one that says they were going to vote for Hil-Liar until they seen those emails. I bet most voters don't even know what one of those emails said. Nobody cares.
"They claim" ... why would you believe them :dunno:

Because they were the ones that put it out. Why would you believe Russia had anything to do with it?

And that means they are "honest"

Russia's got a long history of this kind of shit. That makes it a bit more believable.

That's ridiculous. THE SOUCE said Russia had nothing to do with it, but your claim is that it's more believable that they did because they do it all the time. Okay, when?

What started all this? Trump made a joke asking Russia during the debates to expose Hillary's emails; a joke. Then he made a semi-compliment to Putin. That's it.

So now, the left has turned this into a fake conspiracy, investigations, constant media attention, and for what, because Trump said a couple of things about Russia.

Then you wonder why he didn't give the left his tax returns??????
Why would I not want to be like Trump? Who would not want the women he's had, the money he has, the fame even before his presidency? So what great life do you have that you wouldn't want to be like Trump?
If the choice was suicide or be like Trump, I'd ask them to make sure the gun was fully loaded and go get extra rounds just in case.

You idolize a nasty little man, a man-child, much more bull market than brains. Points for being honest about it though. You voted for who you wish you could have been.

Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

That's correct and one of the differences between the left and the right.

When we see a successful person, we want to be like them. And while we may never reach their level of success, we try to get as close as we can, and that's a good way to live life.

The left hates successful people unless they are in entertainment which means they really didn't work for their money. The left looks at such people with contempt, they complain about them and let them ruin their lives because they are so filled with jealousy. The left believes the money they made should be handed over to them because they are failures. Now to some reality:

If we took all the poor people in the country, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, society would be all that much better. Remove the wealthy from our country and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses. That's because it's the money of the rich that supports nearly everything we have in life. They make our products we buy at the store, they create the jobs we need to earn money to buy those products, most of the money that runs our federal government comes from the wealthy, and they donate to charities some of us take advantage of.

There are many successful people I like and admire, like Bill Gates. If your fantasy country had only rich people you'd have to import some poor people to do the dirty work. To make the products you sell in your store.

It takes everyone to create success and looking upon poor people with contempt is just as bad and elitist as looking upon rich with contempt.

No, because poor people don't make anything......that's why they are poor. Yes, I do look at the poor with contempt because they don't do anything to get themselves out of that situation. They made bad decisions in life and put themselves where they are at. Then they want working taxpayers to bail them out.

I'm sure the hard working families of America appreciate your contempt, however misguided it may be.

Not misguided at all.

I left school and got a job. I got my first apartment when I was 20. I never had kids and stayed within my income level. After working several years doing non-skilled work, I decided to get my CDL and drive trucks. I upgraded my abilities by taking a test to drive tractor-trailers. I've been driving tractor-trailers for nearly 25 years now.

So what's misguided about me expecting others to do what I've done in my life? I had no breaks in life. I'm not a lucky person. I just avoided expenses that I was unsure of for the future, saved my money, and bought rental property 24 years ago.

What I'm saying is I didn't do anything other people couldn't do.
No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........

Why should I read something you say is college level and obviously could not understand?

It is over 20 pages, has lots of big words you wouldn't understand, and has no pictures. Plus, I know you didn't read it between my post and yours.
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Why would I not want to be like Trump? Who would not want the women he's had, the money he has, the fame even before his presidency? So what great life do you have that you wouldn't want to be like Trump?
If the choice was suicide or be like Trump, I'd ask them to make sure the gun was fully loaded and go get extra rounds just in case.

You idolize a nasty little man, a man-child, much more bull market than brains. Points for being honest about it though. You voted for who you wish you could have been.

Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

That's correct and one of the differences between the left and the right.

When we see a successful person, we want to be like them. And while we may never reach their level of success, we try to get as close as we can, and that's a good way to live life.

The left hates successful people unless they are in entertainment which means they really didn't work for their money. The left looks at such people with contempt, they complain about them and let them ruin their lives because they are so filled with jealousy. The left believes the money they made should be handed over to them because they are failures. Now to some reality:

If we took all the poor people in the country, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, society would be all that much better. Remove the wealthy from our country and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses. That's because it's the money of the rich that supports nearly everything we have in life. They make our products we buy at the store, they create the jobs we need to earn money to buy those products, most of the money that runs our federal government comes from the wealthy, and they donate to charities some of us take advantage of.

There are many successful people I like and admire, like Bill Gates. If your fantasy country had only rich people you'd have to import some poor people to do the dirty work. To make the products you sell in your store.

It takes everyone to create success and looking upon poor people with contempt is just as bad and elitist as looking upon rich with contempt.

No, because poor people don't make anything......that's why they are poor. Yes, I do look at the poor with contempt because they don't do anything to get themselves out of that situation. They made bad decisions in life and put themselves where they are at. Then they want working taxpayers to bail them out.
Not everyone can be born a mega millionaire like our President

Better to hold them in contempt

Yes, if Trump just inherited money and lived off of it, you would have a point. But he took over his fathers business and made it much better. After his father died, he continued his success. He was a major real estate investor, he got into the entertainment industry, he's done quite well for himself.

I've seen companies where the owner died leaving the business to their children and they ran it into the ground. Nobody knows for sure, but it's suspected that he inherited 40 million dollars, most of which he made himself when he ran his fathers business. Now he's a billionaire.

Okay, so not everybody was born a millionaire. But you try to double or triple 10 grand and see how long it takes you to do that. Then do it over and over again.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........

Why should I read something you say is college level and obviously could not understand?
This is true...... Stay stupid, it fits you. :thup:
You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........

Why should I read something you say is college level and obviously could not understand?
This is true...... Stay stupid, it fits you. :thup:

I have a degree in history. How about you? Your obvious GED doesn't count!
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

Let's talk reality? Then you frame the thread with this nonsense.

What's clear is that you think several investigations, several contacts with Russians that were lied about or omitted, and recusals all equates to nothing. I'd love to hear how but you'd just assert it's nothing and want others to play in this Alice in Wonderland reality you create. Sad
A mickey mouse paragraph w/o a single fact to back up your alice in wonderland theory

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