Is anyone ready to discuss politics & stay grounded in reality?

Sure thing there Sparkette........ It's hysterically funny and very tellin when you far right nut jobs call me a lefty because I'm not in your camp. Just as hysterically funny and telling when the far left nut jobs label me a righty because I'm not in their camp.......... It's your myopic, simplistic use vs them views that you can't get past, funny but pathetic when you actually think about it.

No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........

Why should I read something you say is college level and obviously could not understand?
This is true...... Stay stupid, it fits you. :thup:

I have a degree in history. How about you? Your obvious GED doesn't count!
History, sociology, psychology and cultural anthropology.......... Care to try again?
Besides, if you have a history degree you probably should have read John Glubb.
If the choice was suicide or be like Trump, I'd ask them to make sure the gun was fully loaded and go get extra rounds just in case.

You idolize a nasty little man, a man-child, much more bull market than brains. Points for being honest about it though. You voted for who you wish you could have been.

Trump is what you get when your culture puts celebrity over education, experience, and competency.

That's correct and one of the differences between the left and the right.

When we see a successful person, we want to be like them. And while we may never reach their level of success, we try to get as close as we can, and that's a good way to live life.

The left hates successful people unless they are in entertainment which means they really didn't work for their money. The left looks at such people with contempt, they complain about them and let them ruin their lives because they are so filled with jealousy. The left believes the money they made should be handed over to them because they are failures. Now to some reality:

If we took all the poor people in the country, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, society would be all that much better. Remove the wealthy from our country and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses. That's because it's the money of the rich that supports nearly everything we have in life. They make our products we buy at the store, they create the jobs we need to earn money to buy those products, most of the money that runs our federal government comes from the wealthy, and they donate to charities some of us take advantage of.

There are many successful people I like and admire, like Bill Gates. If your fantasy country had only rich people you'd have to import some poor people to do the dirty work. To make the products you sell in your store.

It takes everyone to create success and looking upon poor people with contempt is just as bad and elitist as looking upon rich with contempt.

No, because poor people don't make anything......that's why they are poor. Yes, I do look at the poor with contempt because they don't do anything to get themselves out of that situation. They made bad decisions in life and put themselves where they are at. Then they want working taxpayers to bail them out.

I'm sure the hard working families of America appreciate your contempt, however misguided it may be.

Not misguided at all.

I left school and got a job. I got my first apartment when I was 20. I never had kids and stayed within my income level. After working several years doing non-skilled work, I decided to get my CDL and drive trucks. I upgraded my abilities by taking a test to drive tractor-trailers. I've been driving tractor-trailers for nearly 25 years now.

So what's misguided about me expecting others to do what I've done in my life? I had no breaks in life. I'm not a lucky person. I just avoided expenses that I was unsure of for the future, saved my money, and bought rental property 24 years ago.

What I'm saying is I didn't do anything other people couldn't do.

So how do you live "within your expenses" when something catastrophic happens to wipe everything out? Shit happens that is not always within our control.

I admire anyone who works hard. They don't have to be rich to have basic human dignity.
That's correct and one of the differences between the left and the right.

When we see a successful person, we want to be like them. And while we may never reach their level of success, we try to get as close as we can, and that's a good way to live life.

The left hates successful people unless they are in entertainment which means they really didn't work for their money. The left looks at such people with contempt, they complain about them and let them ruin their lives because they are so filled with jealousy. The left believes the money they made should be handed over to them because they are failures. Now to some reality:

If we took all the poor people in the country, put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, society would be all that much better. Remove the wealthy from our country and put them on an island somewhere, the country collapses. That's because it's the money of the rich that supports nearly everything we have in life. They make our products we buy at the store, they create the jobs we need to earn money to buy those products, most of the money that runs our federal government comes from the wealthy, and they donate to charities some of us take advantage of.

There are many successful people I like and admire, like Bill Gates. If your fantasy country had only rich people you'd have to import some poor people to do the dirty work. To make the products you sell in your store.

It takes everyone to create success and looking upon poor people with contempt is just as bad and elitist as looking upon rich with contempt.

No, because poor people don't make anything......that's why they are poor. Yes, I do look at the poor with contempt because they don't do anything to get themselves out of that situation. They made bad decisions in life and put themselves where they are at. Then they want working taxpayers to bail them out.

I'm sure the hard working families of America appreciate your contempt, however misguided it may be.

Not misguided at all.

I left school and got a job. I got my first apartment when I was 20. I never had kids and stayed within my income level. After working several years doing non-skilled work, I decided to get my CDL and drive trucks. I upgraded my abilities by taking a test to drive tractor-trailers. I've been driving tractor-trailers for nearly 25 years now.

So what's misguided about me expecting others to do what I've done in my life? I had no breaks in life. I'm not a lucky person. I just avoided expenses that I was unsure of for the future, saved my money, and bought rental property 24 years ago.

What I'm saying is I didn't do anything other people couldn't do.

So how do you live "within your expenses" when something catastrophic happens to wipe everything out? Shit happens that is not always within our control.

I admire anyone who works hard. They don't have to be rich to have basic human dignity.

I'm not talking about rich, I'm talking about making bad decisions that created your plight.

Can something catastrophic happen to good people, sure it can, but can you say it's the majority of people using our welfare systems today?

I have a cousin who was in that situation. She married a good guy. He was a manager at our nuclear power plant. He made great money so she had children and dedicated herself to being a housewife. Then he found drugs. He eventually lost his job. He couldn't kick the addiction.

There she was, a divorced mother with two children, no income, and little work experience. She had to go on welfare.

She stayed home and raised her children until they were old enough to go to school. At that time, she attended college and got a degree. Then she entered the workforce, got off of welfare, and paid back the money that supported her and her family via taxation.

That's the way it's supposed to be. But from what I've seen in my life, she's an anomaly. Many I've seen had more kids while on welfare. I've heard plenty of stories about temporary help that would only work X amount of hours because they didn't want to endanger their food stamp allowance. A few years ago, I had to evict a family because of increasingly late rent. I suggested that the stay at home mom get a part-time job to make extra income on the weekends while the father was home to watch over the kids. She didn't even consider it because income would have interfered with her food stamp stipend, so I had to go to court to evict them.

Mind you, they had a large dog, an Obama phone, three cats, and both smoked cigarettes as did their 12 year old daughter who they supplied tobacco products to.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

Let's talk reality? Then you frame the thread with this nonsense.

What's clear is that you think several investigations, several contacts with Russians that were lied about or omitted, and recusals all equates to nothing. I'd love to hear how but you'd just assert it's nothing and want others to play in this Alice in Wonderland reality you create. Sad
A mickey mouse paragraph w/o a single fact to back up your alice in wonderland theory
The problem with CC is he has to believe what he believes regardless of the facts, his sociopolitical ideology won't let he see it any differently.
if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy
WTF do you mean "if"? The historical record has shown Reagan's trickle-down theory didn't work; does not work; and will not work. The notion that people will spend their tax savings on investment to create jobs for the middle class, is just bullshit!

Spending drives the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of the economy. So the more money you put in the hands of the middle class, the better off the economy will be. Now normally, an infrastructure bill would do just that. But these aren't normal times.

The man in the Oval Office infrastructure bill, is just some bullshit ponzi scheme to sell off our roads and bridges and energy, to his golf buddies. And that won't help anyone but the top 1% who really don't need any help in the first place.

2018 is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just look at what happened in England this past week and realize, that is your fate!
You want down to earth reality? You're not there yet. What you miss with your Trump/GOP forecast is it's highly partisan and not necessarily what will happen.
The reality is "perception is everything" and Trump is a loose canon with a big mouth and it doesn't matter whether the Russian thing is true or not, what matters is people will view Trump and the GOP negatively and Comey could be Trump's and the GOP's downfall. The voter is fickle and while I'm no prophet I don't think the Trump presidency will end well.
Oh and before you come back with "Democrat or liberal" I'm neither.

Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Oh and you might learn how to separate your bias from your reading. My initial statement concerning the possible outcome of Trump's presidency is based in unbiased decades of observation of our culture, human psychology and political changes and often predictable patterns. Not once did I say I wanted it to happen, it's just a potentially high possibility but not a slam dunk outcome, too many unknown variables. By presenting my possible assessment you obviously made certain assumptions not based in detached observation but based in your sociopolitical ideology which does not allow for rational objectivity. I certainly hope you're not writing history books as you obviously lack the necessary objectivity to accomplish such a task with any degree of academic professionalism.
if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy
WTF do you mean "if"? The historical record has shown Reagan's trickle-down theory didn't work; does not work; and will not work. The notion that people will spend their tax savings on investment to create jobs for the middle class, is just bullshit!

Spending drives the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of the economy. So the more money you put in the hands of the middle class, the better off the economy will be. Now normally, an infrastructure bill would do just that. But these aren't normal times.

The man in the Oval Office infrastructure bill, is just some bullshit ponzi scheme to sell off our roads and bridges and energy, to his golf buddies. And that won't help anyone but the top 1% who really don't need any help in the first place.

2018 is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just look at what happened in England this past week and realize, that is your fate!


And how many past elections have we heard that? We heard that before the Republicans took leadership of Congress. We heard that before Republicans gained majority of all governorships in the country. We heard that before the Republicans took leadership of the Senate. We heard that before we took over the White House.

And stop with that left-wing nonsense that trickle down didn't work. It worked just fine. Millions of jobs created and pulled us out of a major recession.

We don't want to stop 2018 from coming, we look forward to it.
if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy
WTF do you mean "if"? The historical record has shown Reagan's trickle-down theory didn't work; does not work; and will not work. The notion that people will spend their tax savings on investment to create jobs for the middle class, is just bullshit!

Spending drives the economy. Consumer spending is 70% of the economy. So the more money you put in the hands of the middle class, the better off the economy will be. Now normally, an infrastructure bill would do just that. But these aren't normal times.

The man in the Oval Office infrastructure bill, is just some bullshit ponzi scheme to sell off our roads and bridges and energy, to his golf buddies. And that won't help anyone but the top 1% who really don't need any help in the first place.

2018 is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Just look at what happened in England this past week and realize, that is your fate!


And how many past elections have we heard that? We heard that before the Republicans took leadership of Congress. We heard that before Republicans gained majority of all governorships in the country. We heard that before the Republicans took leadership of the Senate. We heard that before we took over the White House.

And stop with that left-wing nonsense that trickle down didn't work. It worked just fine. Millions of jobs created and pulled us out of a major recession.

We don't want to stop 2018 from coming, we look forward to it.
You are trying to re-write history.

The Reagan economy was a one-hit wonder. Yes, there was a boom in the mid-1980s, as the economy recovered from a severe recession. But while the rich got much richer, there was little sustained economic improvement for most Americans. By the late 1980s, middle-class incomes were barely higher than they had been a decade before — and the poverty rate had actually risen.
Your argument could be best summed up this way...

“If you told a 20-year-old that he could let the rich get a lot richer and he’d have 5 percent more when he was 60, most people would ask: ‘What else can you offer?’”
Benghazi investigations were over 4 Americans getting killed. Maybe 2 years of investigations for this tragedy would be appropriate.

So cute of you to make an attempt to minimize the Benghazi tragedy.

Benghazi was a terrorist attack on US soil where the US Ambassador was brutally slaughtered. Chris Stevens was the first U.S. Ambassador murdered while on duty since 1979.

The U.S. had at least one rescue team available and waiting on the runway when they were shut down. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had a fifteen-minute briefing upon which he went to bed then flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the next morning.

Knowing the truth, the administration repeated lied about the cause with Susan Rice appearing on five Sunday news shows repeating the same lie over and over. Crooked Hillary Clinton knew it was a planned terrorist attack instantly and even emailed her daughter that it was a terrorist attack.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

Let's talk reality? Then you frame the thread with this nonsense.

What's clear is that you think several investigations, several contacts with Russians that were lied about or omitted, and recusals all equates to nothing. I'd love to hear how but you'd just assert it's nothing and want others to play in this Alice in Wonderland reality you create. Sad
A mickey mouse paragraph w/o a single fact to back up your alice in wonderland theory
The problem with CC is he has to believe what he believes regardless of the facts, his sociopolitical ideology won't let he see it any differently.
Proverbs 13:20
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

Let's talk reality? Then you frame the thread with this nonsense.

What's clear is that you think several investigations, several contacts with Russians that were lied about or omitted, and recusals all equates to nothing. I'd love to hear how but you'd just assert it's nothing and want others to play in this Alice in Wonderland reality you create. Sad
A mickey mouse paragraph w/o a single fact to back up your alice in wonderland theory
The problem with CC is he has to believe what he believes regardless of the facts, his sociopolitical ideology won't let he see it any differently.
Proverbs 13:20
No, the Psychology of Human Behavior, Cognitive Dissonance.......... Forget which class number it was........ :eusa_whistle:
No. What escapes you is that your thinking is what outs you as a liberal, or should I say lack of thinking.

If you are not a liberal, those views should never enter your apparently limited concept of reality.

Keep beating the dead horse and live the liberal dream. That is what you want, more power to you!
Only in you mind hack, only in your mind. :lmao:
Here's the reality for you, you FRNJs want to return to a utopia that only existed in books, movies and TV, the FLNJs want to create a utopia that only exists in books, movies and TV. Neither will happen because the one thing that never changes is change and the fact that people are involved to ultimately screw it up.
I'll help you out, it's college level so you might have challenges with it but that said......

Read it and weep.........

Why should I read something you say is college level and obviously could not understand?
This is true...... Stay stupid, it fits you. :thup:

I have a degree in history. How about you? Your obvious GED doesn't count!
History, sociology, psychology and cultural anthropology.......... Care to try again?
Besides, if you have a history degree you probably should have read John Glubb.

So you read 4 books?
Apparently you are a Democrat or liberal because you can't even spell "cannon" correctly!
That's all you got.......? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

No. You provided your own proof of ignorance. No need to beat a dead horse.
Then stop with the self flagellation. It's that easy. Oh wait!! You're a hack, you can't help yourself.

You are beating the dead horse. Even simple English escapes your understanding. Seek help and you might learn how to communicate.
Oh and you might learn how to separate your bias from your reading. My initial statement concerning the possible outcome of Trump's presidency is based in unbiased decades of observation of our culture, human psychology and political changes and often predictable patterns. Not once did I say I wanted it to happen, it's just a potentially high possibility but not a slam dunk outcome, too many unknown variables. By presenting my possible assessment you obviously made certain assumptions not based in detached observation but based in your sociopolitical ideology which does not allow for rational objectivity. I certainly hope you're not writing history books as you obviously lack the necessary objectivity to accomplish such a task with any degree of academic professionalism.

More pompous windbag use of words you don't understand? Got it!
Benghazi investigations were over 4 Americans getting killed. Maybe 2 years of investigations for this tragedy would be appropriate.

So cute of you to make an attempt to minimize the Benghazi tragedy.

Benghazi was a terrorist attack on US soil where the US Ambassador was brutally slaughtered. Chris Stevens was the first U.S. Ambassador murdered while on duty since 1979.

The U.S. had at least one rescue team available and waiting on the runway when they were shut down. Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had a fifteen-minute briefing upon which he went to bed then flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the next morning.

Knowing the truth, the administration repeated lied about the cause with Susan Rice appearing on five Sunday news shows repeating the same lie over and over. Crooked Hillary Clinton knew it was a planned terrorist attack instantly and even emailed her daughter that it was a terrorist attack.
Stevens was dead, long before anyone could have saved him. Shit happens when you are 400 miles away from the embassy on 9-11.
Is anyone ready to discuss politics & stay grounded in reality?


I sincerely did try. I honestly did. However, the leftardz want no part of any kind of debate or discourse or any acknowledgement of common ground.

So, fuck-em-all!
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!

According to you: "it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory"

It isn't clear at all. The investigation has barely begun. We don't know what happened.
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

Let's talk reality? Then you frame the thread with this nonsense.

What's clear is that you think several investigations, several contacts with Russians that were lied about or omitted, and recusals all equates to nothing. I'd love to hear how but you'd just assert it's nothing and want others to play in this Alice in Wonderland reality you create. Sad
In addition, his perspective is pure partisanship. If it were a Democratic campaign and administration, he'd be singing a completely different tune: "Lock 'em up, lock 'em up."
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!
If all Trump does is just as good as Obama did I'd say we got scammed. But if things are as good as what Obama left Trump he will probably be re elected because let's face it Obama did a good job on the economy.

And Democrats won't blame Trump for Qatar like Republicans blamed Obama for syria. Or call Trump weak on North korea
Is anyone ready to discuss politics & stay grounded in reality?


I sincerely did try. I honestly did. However, the leftardz want no part of any kind of debate or discourse or any acknowledgement of common ground.

So, fuck-em-all!
I quickly learned USMB is about talking smack. Your guy sucks, mine is the greatest

Any attempt at serious discussion will quickly devolve into name calling and mockery

So, suck it up Snowflake
it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory

bottom line, all of this is just noise

what is important is the tax cuts & the health care policy

republicans WILL get a tax cut pushed through, because they KNOW they will not keep their seats in '18 if they don't

if we (conservatives) are correct - this will be good for the economy & the average person's bottom line & Trump will win reelection easily

if these tax cuts hurt the economy, Trump will lose in '20

it really is as simple as that - the media has broken faith with reality, integrity & the average American - their tantrums won't bring Trump down

it will come down to the effects on people's pocketbooks from his enacted policies

bottom line - personal finances are what drives voters

but hey; these pissing matches about 2 scoops of ice cream and wild conspiracy theories about collusion and obstruction are fun on a message board!

According to you: "it has become clear that Trump and his team did not collude with the Russians; which is no surprise as this whole narrative was always a wild conspiracy theory"

It isn't clear at all. The investigation has barely begun. We don't know what happened.

The investigation started almost one year ago. That's hardly what I call "just begun:"

A guide to the five major investigations of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia

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