Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

They are saying Trump wasn't self made.
But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.
Way more than we were ever told.
Links to follow.

Yep - Although there are felonies that have passed statutes of limitations. NY State WILL collect fines, lost revenue AND interest.
Got the checkbook Dotard? :)
They are saying Trump wasn't self made.
But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.
Way more than we were ever told.
Links to follow.

Yep - Although there are felonies that have passed statutes of limitations. NY State WILL collect fines, lost revenue AND interest.
Got the checkbook Dotard? :)
You’re a Tax Attorney?
A Tax Accountant?
A taxing person?
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
exactly! If there is a loan involved and the price was overly inflated there is most likely fraud. One deal will not get you caught as it could be a stupid appraiser involved so they look for multiple deals before they start issuing subpoenas. They will get you on one deal if there is evidence of paying off the appraiser. This was so rampant in the late nineties and early 2000's I had to quit reviewing appraisals. There was no money in it because the appraisals they were sending me to review were so bad the work in detailing all the mistakes took longer than doing the appraisal myself and reviews paid significantly less than an appraisal. To bad reviews were good money if the orriginal appraiser did their job not so much if they didn't.
In that case, there are about 100 home sellers in my town that are going to be indicted.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Acquisitions where the bottom price is about 600 million.
Since the 2008 crash it is virtually impossible to pull off any schemes.
Where there is a will there is a way but yes it is tougher than it was. A good percentage of why it is harder is the appraisers that could be bought back in the day are sitting in jail. Bottom price of 600 million would be an area ripe for it today. The valuation of those properties can take years depending on the type of property. By the time the review appraisers have figured out what happened the money could be pocketed and the perps out of the country. They will likely be found at some point though. I have had my fill of courts and such so I no longer get involved in review appraisal which is were you gain the knowlege of the current scams. My market valuations these days are typically for some thing I am buying my self.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
exactly! If there is a loan involved and the price was overly inflated there is most likely fraud. One deal will not get you caught as it could be a stupid appraiser involved so they look for multiple deals before they start issuing subpoenas. They will get you on one deal if there is evidence of paying off the appraiser. This was so rampant in the late nineties and early 2000's I had to quit reviewing appraisals. There was no money in it because the appraisals they were sending me to review were so bad the work in detailing all the mistakes took longer than doing the appraisal myself and reviews paid significantly less than an appraisal. To bad reviews were good money if the orriginal appraiser did their job not so much if they didn't.
In that case, there are about 100 home sellers in my town that are going to be indicted.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Acquisitions where the bottom price is about 600 million.
Since the 2008 crash it is virtually impossible to pull off any schemes.
Where there is a will there is a way but yes it is tougher than it was. A good percentage of why it is harder is the appraisers that could be bought back in the day are sitting in jail. Bottom price of 600 million would be an area ripe for it today. The valuation of those properties can take years depending on the type of property. By the time the review appraisers have figured out what happened the money could be pocketed and the perps out of the country. They will likely be found at some point though. I have had my fill of courts and such so I no longer get involved in review appraisal which is were you gain the knowlege of the current scams. My market valuations these days are typically for some thing I am buying my self.
I know a few attorneys who pocketed the money and ran.
They were found quite quickly.
It’s a pity how many dishonest people there are.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
exactly! If there is a loan involved and the price was overly inflated there is most likely fraud. One deal will not get you caught as it could be a stupid appraiser involved so they look for multiple deals before they start issuing subpoenas. They will get you on one deal if there is evidence of paying off the appraiser. This was so rampant in the late nineties and early 2000's I had to quit reviewing appraisals. There was no money in it because the appraisals they were sending me to review were so bad the work in detailing all the mistakes took longer than doing the appraisal myself and reviews paid significantly less than an appraisal. To bad reviews were good money if the orriginal appraiser did their job not so much if they didn't.
In that case, there are about 100 home sellers in my town that are going to be indicted.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Acquisitions where the bottom price is about 600 million.
Since the 2008 crash it is virtually impossible to pull off any schemes.
Where there is a will there is a way but yes it is tougher than it was. A good percentage of why it is harder is the appraisers that could be bought back in the day are sitting in jail. Bottom price of 600 million would be an area ripe for it today. The valuation of those properties can take years depending on the type of property. By the time the review appraisers have figured out what happened the money could be pocketed and the perps out of the country. They will likely be found at some point though. I have had my fill of courts and such so I no longer get involved in review appraisal which is were you gain the knowlege of the current scams. My market valuations these days are typically for some thing I am buying my self.
I know a few attorneys who pocketed the money and ran.
They were found quite quickly.
It’s a pity how many dishonest people there are.
You sure can not tell by just looking at them. I ran across the scum literally daily.
Donald Trump helped his father avoid paying income taxes. He was three years old.

I have to give Democrats credit this out does Kavanaugh drinking in high school. The only thing that could top this is some pre birth accusation.
They are saying Trump wasn't self made.
But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.
Way more than we were ever told.
Links to follow.

Yep - Although there are felonies that have passed statutes of limitations. NY State WILL collect fines, lost revenue AND interest.
Got the checkbook Dotard? :)
Nothing will happen and Trump will pay nothing. For all the strum and drang cooked up by the democrats and the empty noise their case, if any, and it's doubtful that there is, would not be in criminal law. No fines. No interest and no lost revenue. The Times was very clever in trying to paint Donald with a Fred brush. It won't work. The minute old Trump died this turned into a probate matter and that was long ago closed. Any claim for money would not be against the children but against the estate and that's over.

The noise will continue however.
Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.

Clearly wrong more like. Trump exaggerates the truth. He's often bluntly honest too, which is one reason progressives hate him. They prefer a con, like Obama.

Quick question Dude, how can one be bluntly honest when they are exaggerating the truth? Dunno how things were in your family growing up, but if I "exaggerated the truth" to my Grandparents, they considered it lying because it wasn't completely true.

And, Trump is more of a con man than Obama ever considered being.
Yeah, Obama funded radical leftwing groups with billions in taxpayers cash without Congressional approval and Trump is the conman.
Pure trumpkin Fantasy.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
Don’t bother, Mr. Atheist, Internet PhD knows all.
Of course, that information appears in the article. Do I care to read the article and spoonfeed it to a stranger on the internet? No, no I don't, but thanks for asking.
If it's not a violation of tax laws, which it obviously isn't or Cheeto would be in jail, then it's mental masturbation for liberoidal circle jerks, which are all that remains of the NY Slimes' readership.

Wrong. clearly we make decisions with our votes that rely on more than just whether or not something is illegal. Well,maybe you don't....
Last edited:
Of course, that information appears in the article. Do I care to read the article and spoonfeed it to a stranger on the internet? No, no I don't, but thanks for asking.
If it's not a violation of tax laws, which it obviously isn't or Cheeto would be in jail, then it's mental masturbation for liberoidal circle jerks, which are all that remains of the NY Slimes' readership.

Wrong, dumbass. clearly we make decisions with our votes that rely on more than just whether or not something is illegal. Well,maybe you don't....
WTF are you babbling about?
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
Actually, it is quite illegal to overalueyour assets when applying for financing or courting investors. And, if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
Actually, it is quite illegal to overalueyour assets when applying for financing or courting investors. And, if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.

if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.

If you think my property is worth $2 million and I sell it for $3 million, what's the fraud?
What law am I breaking?

Be specific.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
Actually, it is quite illegal to overalueyour assets when applying for financing or courting investors. And, if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.
Define over-valued and inflated.
Oh, that’s can’t.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
Who told you that lie? The county assessor values the property and you can ask 100 times it's worth. That's not illegal. Doesn't mean you'll get it.
Actually, it is quite illegal to overalueyour assets when applying for financing or courting investors. And, if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.

if you create a pattern of selling over valued properties at inflated prices, you will likely be investigated for fraud and or money laundering.

If you think my property is worth $2 million and I sell it for $3 million, what's the fraud?
What law am I breaking?

Be specific.
None, from that info alone, and thanks for asking!
Trump is in for a bad week this week. First, the NY Times comes out with this expose on Trump that says he's not the self made millionaire that he's claimed.

Later this week? Stormy Daniels' book comes out, which will show that he's not all that great in bed either.

He's probably gonna explode Twitter with all the defenses of his virility and empire.

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