Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.
Now back to whatabout..... fucking wake up

LMAO. Find your safe space yet? Snowflake?
What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.
Now back to whatabout..... fucking wake up

LMAO. Find your safe space yet? Snowflake?
What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
Now back to whatabout..... fucking wake up

LMAO. Find your safe space yet? Snowflake?
What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
LMAO. Find your safe space yet? Snowflake?
What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.

The IRS doesn't really look that closely at your tax returns if the figures add up and there aren't any deductions that look shady. Setting up a shell company is one of those loopholes that rich people use to hide money. If the supporting paperwork checks out and the figures add up, they generally don't bother with audits.

To tell you the truth, when it came to tax time, there were times that I got creative with my deductions to maximize my return. Even though I might not have donated as much to charity as the maximum donation allowed without paperwork to back it up, I always claimed the maximum allowed without supporting documentation.

If I can do that and avoid audits, how much more do you think someone can get away with if they have a good accountant and talented lawyers?
Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
Ya, or what?
You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
You don't understand English? Google Translate is your friend
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
Ya, or what?

Or I will embarrass you on these boards like I have done to countless others, eddie. Try me. Loser.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
Ya, or what?

Or I will embarrass you on these boards like I have done to countless others, eddie. Try me. Loser.
I am shaking in my boots. Also not Eddie.
Lol you rabid trump guys are the dumbest of the dumb.

Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
Just admit Trump is a Crook POS. It’s not that hard and it’s the Gods honest TRUTH.

Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
Ya, or what?

Or I will embarrass you on these boards like I have done to countless others, eddie. Try me. Loser.
Trumpy is that you?
They are saying Trump wasn't self made.

But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.

Way more than we were ever told.

Links to follow.

You got him now! Not only help from Russia but from his Dad!?
They reported there were over 290 revenue streams from his father to funnel money without paying taxes.

That means someone has been doing a LOT of investigation. Over 290. Wow.

Trump the first president in decades who refused to release his tax records. Now we know why.
Now we see that Trump is Nixon AND Spiro Agnew all rolled into one.
Thank you for your kind words. My bank account says otherwise.
Subjective. Your opinion is not a fact.
Just try. I promise you’ll feel like you just washed away years of grime and filth.

Will you admit that your opinion is not a fact? Are you challenging me to a battle of wits? Want to compare education? Want to compare what we do for a living? BRING IT. Don't you dare challenge my right to think the way I want to think. That is unAmerican!
Ya, or what?

Or I will embarrass you on these boards like I have done to countless others, eddie. Try me. Loser.
Trumpy is that you?

You wish
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
So much for being such a brilliant businessman. He basically just took, then squandered, daddy's money over and over, failed to pay his taxes or his employees and contractors, relied on bailouts, and rode inflation, all while living a continual lie to convince people to buy a license for his name.

The truth shall lock him up.

By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

The manipulation of values to evade taxes was central to one of the most important financial events in Donald Trump’s life. In an episode never before revealed, Mr. Trump and his siblings gained ownership of most of their father’s empire on Nov. 22, 1997, a year and a half before Fred Trump’s death. Critical to the complex transaction was the value put on the real estate. The lower its value, the lower the gift taxes. The Trumps dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by submitting tax returns that grossly undervalued the properties, claiming they were worth just $41.4 million. The same set of buildings would be sold off over the next decade for more than 16 times that amount.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

It's a stunning article.
Trump's lawyer has already blasted back with threats against the NYT.
The Times editors must be fairly sure of their information since they know Trump is a sue-aholic.

This piece distills the info down well:
11 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Trump’s Wealth

It would be interesting to know how many of the 535 Congress Critters became multi-millionaires while in office. Start by questioning The K Street Clique.

It would be more interesting if you commented on the actual topic rather than whaddabout.
We are talking about dirty money. You don't have to read it.

Trump's dirty money and his lifelong lie.
Not your diversionary nonsense.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
exactly! If there is a loan involved and the price was overly inflated there is most likely fraud. One deal will not get you caught as it could be a stupid appraiser involved so they look for multiple deals before they start issuing subpoenas. They will get you on one deal if there is evidence of paying off the appraiser. This was so rampant in the late nineties and early 2000's I had to quit reviewing appraisals. There was no money in it because the appraisals they were sending me to review were so bad the work in detailing all the mistakes took longer than doing the appraisal myself and reviews paid significantly less than an appraisal. To bad reviews were good money if the orriginal appraiser did their job not so much if they didn't.
America works via Capitalism.
My property is worth what I want for it and what someone is willing to pay for it.
Wrong, dummy. You can be charged with fraud and money laundering for overvaluing properties and for selling them at inflated prices.
You are retarded.
Please supply a concrete example.
He is exactly right sort of, it requires the use of straw purchasers, bought appraisers and loan fraud to be illegal. Assuming there is a cash deal over paying for a property is not illegal. Way over paying for a property where a loan is involved is unlikely due to the fact a loan requires an appraiser. The appraiser would have to be bought or realy stupid so they are typically bought. Example of people who were caught doing this would be Par mortgage out of columbus ohio. There are many that have been caught.
“Sort of” is correct...The issue is not the price, it’s the fraud.
exactly! If there is a loan involved and the price was overly inflated there is most likely fraud. One deal will not get you caught as it could be a stupid appraiser involved so they look for multiple deals before they start issuing subpoenas. They will get you on one deal if there is evidence of paying off the appraiser. This was so rampant in the late nineties and early 2000's I had to quit reviewing appraisals. There was no money in it because the appraisals they were sending me to review were so bad the work in detailing all the mistakes took longer than doing the appraisal myself and reviews paid significantly less than an appraisal. To bad reviews were good money if the orriginal appraiser did their job not so much if they didn't.
In that case, there are about 100 home sellers in my town that are going to be indicted.
My son-in-law is in Commercial Acquisitions where the bottom price is about 600 million.
Since the 2008 crash it is virtually impossible to pull off any schemes.

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