Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.

Clearly wrong more like. Trump exaggerates the truth. He's often bluntly honest too, which is one reason progressives hate him. They prefer a con, like Obama.

Quick question Dude, how can one be bluntly honest when they are exaggerating the truth? Dunno how things were in your family growing up, but if I "exaggerated the truth" to my Grandparents, they considered it lying because it wasn't completely true.

And, Trump is more of a con man than Obama ever considered being.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.

Clearly wrong more like. Trump exaggerates the truth. He's often bluntly honest too, which is one reason progressives hate him. They prefer a con, like Obama.

Quick question Dude, how can one be bluntly honest when they are exaggerating the truth? Dunno how things were in your family growing up, but if I "exaggerated the truth" to my Grandparents, they considered it lying because it wasn't completely true.

And, Trump is more of a con man than Obama ever considered being.
Yeah, Obama funded radical leftwing groups with billions in taxpayers cash without Congressional approval and Trump is the conman.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.

Clearly wrong more like. Trump exaggerates the truth. He's often bluntly honest too, which is one reason progressives hate him. They prefer a con, like Obama.

Quick question Dude, how can one be bluntly honest when they are exaggerating the truth? Dunno how things were in your family growing up, but if I "exaggerated the truth" to my Grandparents, they considered it lying because it wasn't completely true.

And, Trump is more of a con man than Obama ever considered being.
obama would tell you one thing and flat do another. trump, while very annoying, just overstates things usually. he's got no filter and doesn't care what you think about what he says. but obama is the one saying things like "i never knew about clintons e-mail server" and then we find out he actually had an account on it. yet we bag on trump for lying and overlook those as meaningless.

if you get upset at a lie, get upset at a lie. if you can't do that "evenly" then maybe just admit you hate the person and don't really care why. but saying HE'S A LIAR while you excuse someone else from that very action?

a bit strange to me.
in summation:

The intrepid and committed-to-truth reporters at NYT have uncovered information that an army of IRS accountants, auditors, and investigators totally missed.

We now return you to The View.

"I'm-a skeered to read the article. Quick, turn on Hannity!"
in summation:

The intrepid and committed-to-truth reporters at NYT have uncovered information that an army of IRS accountants, auditors, and investigators totally missed.

We now return you to The View.

"I'm-a skeered to read the article. Quick, turn on Hannity!"

Deflection , once again my question remains the same what does the big government IRS do????

All that money, all those workers and it takes a little newspaper to do the IRS job??

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president.
I'm neither making the case that ne's a great prez, nor sniveling like a little bitch that he is the prez.

But the continued sniveling of snivelers like you does provide a certain entertainment value, in a certain Wile E. Coyote vein.
We had to listen and observe eight years of whining, screaming, teeth gnashing, temper tantrums, breath holding, and flying flecks of foam spewing from the mouths of Obama haters. A level of hatred that is yet to be matched by Trump's opponents.

Even Trump the Birther got into the act.

Karma's a bitch.

As for this article, America deserves to know if their President is a crook and a liar.
Wouldn’t matter, and I’m sure most Trumpers on this board would just chalk it up to The Donald and his shrewd buisness tactics blah blah blah. Some people want to be be duped.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.

Subjective. Are you a tax expert? No. STFU. Your avatar is incredibly hurtful to Ms. Clifford.
Lolol you stupid fuck. Open your eyes, read some articles about your orange clown. He’s a CORRUPT, misogynistic, lying piece of shit and you worship him like a god. Wake the fuck up!

You complain a lot. Find a safe space and cry in it.
in summation:

The intrepid and committed-to-truth reporters at NYT have uncovered information that an army of IRS accountants, auditors, and investigators totally missed.

We now return you to The View.

"I'm-a skeered to read the article. Quick, turn on Hannity!"

Deflection , once again my question remains the same what does the big government IRS do????

All that money, all those workers and it takes a little newspaper to do the IRS job??


Trump's dad set up a shell company and dumped all the money into that for his kids. If the shell company was set up good enough, the IRS would simply assume it was just another of his holdings. If the paperwork was good enough to pass muster with the IRS, they would have not paid much attention to it.
Now, care to tell us all how the NY Slimes dredged up tax illegalities and chicanery that numerous IRS bureaucrats missed?
Of course, that information appears in the article. Do I care to read the article and spoonfeed it to a stranger on the internet? No, no I don't, but thanks for asking.
Of course, that information appears in the article. Do I care to read the article and spoonfeed it to a stranger on the internet? No, no I don't, but thanks for asking.
If it's not a violation of tax laws, which it obviously isn't or Cheeto would be in jail, then it's mental masturbation for liberoidal circle jerks, which are all that remains of the NY Slimes' readership.

FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.
And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president.
I'm neither making the case that ne's a great prez, nor sniveling like a little bitch that he is the prez.

But the continued sniveling of snivelers like you does provide a certain entertainment value, in a certain Wile E. Coyote vein.
We had to listen and observe eight years of whining, screaming, teeth gnashing, temper tantrums, breath holding, and flying flecks of foam spewing from the mouths of Obama haters. A level of hatred that is yet to be matched by Trump's opponents.

Even Trump the Birther got into the act.

Karma's a bitch.

As for this article, America deserves to know if their President is a crook and a liar.
Wouldn’t matter, and I’m sure most Trumpers on this board would just chalk it up to The Donald and his shrewd buisness tactics blah blah blah. Some people want to be be duped.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.

Subjective. Are you a tax expert? No. STFU. Your avatar is incredibly hurtful to Ms. Clifford.
Lolol you stupid fuck. Open your eyes, read some articles about your orange clown. He’s a CORRUPT, misogynistic, lying piece of shit and you worship him like a god. Wake the fuck up!

You complain a lot. Find a safe space and cry in it.
Just try to see the light. I’m trying to get you to look at the big picture here: Politics aside your orange clown has and always be a piece of shit
FAKE NEWS. Enough of this. The IRS would not have slept on this for all these years.

Actually, if the paperwork backing up the shell company that Trump and his father dumped all the money into was done properly to avoid suspicion and a possible audit, the IRS wouldn't have noticed it.

You don't know the IRS. So a failed newspaper is smarter than the IRS? Tell me more.
And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president.
I'm neither making the case that ne's a great prez, nor sniveling like a little bitch that he is the prez.

But the continued sniveling of snivelers like you does provide a certain entertainment value, in a certain Wile E. Coyote vein.
We had to listen and observe eight years of whining, screaming, teeth gnashing, temper tantrums, breath holding, and flying flecks of foam spewing from the mouths of Obama haters. A level of hatred that is yet to be matched by Trump's opponents.

Even Trump the Birther got into the act.

Karma's a bitch.

As for this article, America deserves to know if their President is a crook and a liar.
Wouldn’t matter, and I’m sure most Trumpers on this board would just chalk it up to The Donald and his shrewd buisness tactics blah blah blah. Some people want to be be duped.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.

Subjective. Are you a tax expert? No. STFU. Your avatar is incredibly hurtful to Ms. Clifford.
Lolol you stupid fuck. Open your eyes, read some articles about your orange clown. He’s a CORRUPT, misogynistic, lying piece of shit and you worship him like a god. Wake the fuck up!

You complain a lot. Find a safe space and cry in it.
Just try to see the light. I’m trying to get you to look at the big picture here: Politics aside your orange clown has and always be a piece of shit

If you talk to me like an adult I will respond as such. If you talk to me like a drunk ass loser, I will respond negatively. For all his faults I like our President. This is America last I checked.

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