Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
I have no doubt they mixed numbers to present the lowest values possible. Why wouldn't they? Look at this graph of real estate in Manhattan. Land values increased 19 times between the years 1997-2007.

Per the progressive sob story, the properties were turned over near 1997. Ah shucks, they sold the properties over the next decade for 16 times the stated value 10 years earlier.

As usual, another snowflake nothin' burger.

Manhattan Real Estate: What's Next | RealClearMarkets
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It's becoming apparent that the reason for Trump not releasing his tax info was because the hit he'd take for revealing them would have been far worse than what he took for refusing.
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Did Trump take advantage of the oodles of deductions and tax expenditures that we all can't possible know, but love? That's the other question.
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
its even funnier when people are not even talking about trump but asking people to have *their* claims validated w/o having to red-herring the discussion to TRUMP. it's even funnier when those who bitch at LEAVE OBAMA OUT OF THIS pull in trump when it suits their purposes.
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:
you missed the point, TARD (since that's acceptable behavior to you)

when we ask for someone to prove something and trump isn't in the conversation. YOU put him there and then laugh at the people for daring to ask for proof.

when someone bring up obama in a discussion, "people like you" then go THIS ISN'T ABOUT OBAMA GIGGLE"

you really do want things to ONLY flow in your direction. kinda funny.

annoying, but kinda TARD funny.

where's my $50 again?
New York Times....'Nuff Said.

It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
It's not like they have 100,000 pages worth of documents to back up what they are reporting. Oh wait, they do.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
So much for being such a brilliant businessman. He basically just took, then squandered, daddy's money over and over, failed to pay his taxes or his employees and contractors, relied on bailouts, and rode inflation, all while living a continual lie to convince people to buy a license for his name.

The truth shall lock him up.

By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building. Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father. The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

The manipulation of values to evade taxes was central to one of the most important financial events in Donald Trump’s life. In an episode never before revealed, Mr. Trump and his siblings gained ownership of most of their father’s empire on Nov. 22, 1997, a year and a half before Fred Trump’s death. Critical to the complex transaction was the value put on the real estate. The lower its value, the lower the gift taxes. The Trumps dodged hundreds of millions in gift taxes by submitting tax returns that grossly undervalued the properties, claiming they were worth just $41.4 million. The same set of buildings would be sold off over the next decade for more than 16 times that amount.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

It's a stunning article.
Trump's lawyer has already blasted back with threats against the NYT.
The Times editors must be fairly sure of their information since they know Trump is a sue-aholic.

This piece distills the info down well:
11 Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Trump’s Wealth

It would be interesting to know how many of the 535 Congress Critters became multi-millionaires while in office. Start by questioning The K Street Clique.

It would be more interesting if you commented on the actual topic rather than whaddabout.
We are talking about dirty money. You don't have to read it.
Wrong. They claimed that the documents back up what they are reporting. Mentally challenged people such as yourself don't have the ability to comprehend the difference.

Your source is notorious for making false claims.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.
Nope. Obama did not spy on Trump's campaign. That's a flat out lie and you cannot prove that horseshit
I always have a big belly laugh whenever a Trump supporter complains about false claims.

The irony is fucking awesome. :lol:

You have been so gaslighted, you have become parodies of yourselves.
Go ahead and prove me wrong, jackass. I've made over 12,000 posts on this site. I challenge you to find a single one in which I was not 100% correct.
Tard, you missed the point.

Trump is a notorious pathological liar who can't open his mouth without making a false claim.

So when you whine about false claims while trying to defend Trump, I can't help but have a giant belly laugh at your hypocritical stupidity. :lol:

Like the Obama admin. spying on his campaign?
Yes, false claims like that one. Exactly. :lol:
so since we know he did (regardless of the given later reasons) and you cite that as a "falsehood" then you clearly are 1 sided about this.

thanks for clearing that up.

Clearly wrong more like. Trump exaggerates the truth. He's often bluntly honest too, which is one reason progressives hate him. They prefer a con, like Obama.
Nope. Obama did not spy on Trump's campaign. That's a flat out lie and you cannot prove that horseshit
Obama himself may not have done so, but his administration did...with his knowledge.

C'mon, man. You know he did. You can't honestly tell me you don't believe that Obama's administration put a mole in Trump's campaign solely to catch illegal Russian meddling. It's awful convenient.

Obama's administration spied on Trump. Big deal. It was balanced out by somebody hacking the Dems and exposing their bullshit. Both sides were dirty.
And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president.
I'm neither making the case that ne's a great prez, nor sniveling like a little bitch that he is the prez.

But the continued sniveling of snivelers like you does provide a certain entertainment value, in a certain Wile E. Coyote vein.
We had to listen and observe eight years of whining, screaming, teeth gnashing, temper tantrums, breath holding, and flying flecks of foam spewing from the mouths of Obama haters. A level of hatred that is yet to be matched by Trump's opponents.

Even Trump the Birther got into the act.

Karma's a bitch.

As for this article, America deserves to know if their President is a crook and a liar.
Wouldn’t matter, and I’m sure most Trumpers on this board would just chalk it up to The Donald and his shrewd buisness tactics blah blah blah. Some people want to be be duped.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.

Subjective. Are you a tax expert? No. STFU. Your avatar is incredibly hurtful to Ms. Clifford.
Lolol you stupid fuck. Open your eyes, read some articles about your orange clown. He’s a CORRUPT, misogynistic, lying piece of shit and you worship him like a god. Wake the fuck up!

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