Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

Do you think Trump does his own personal, or corporate Income Tax Returns? He has a cadre of Accountants, and Lawyers do that, and who use the TAX CODE to legally pay what he actually owes based upon deductions available under the LAW. More TDS from the left. What will it be tomorrow?
While USMB idiots yammer about Bart and Blasey-Ford - there are yet more legal problems for criminal enterprise ignorant clowns elevated to the highest office in the land:
Probes of Trump taxes carry potential for millions in fines

He's gonna pay back every penny and we'll be having a look at his taxes on short order:
New York State Investigates Allegations of Trump Tax Fraud

Between Mueller, the Southern District, Manafort, Cohen, emoluments/ Zervos lawsuits, and now tax evasion ...
I wouldn't give Trump's Troubles to a MONKEY on a ROCK! :wink:


Translation ~ They found no collusion between Trump and Russia

The man died in 1999.

Hey, Tipsy, last I checked, isn't 1999 from a DIFFERENT CENTURY? :auiqs.jpg: Another total nothing burger "tax scandal" from the Left. What next, trying to go after Trump's grandmother? Maybe they intend to DIG HER UP and shake the skeleton for pennies.
It is nonsense. This is a probate matter and the estate has been closed for years.

Democrats think they can charge a 3 year old Donald Trump with tax evasion. Good luck with that one.

This is nothing.
A Democrat is an individual who believes that tax avoidance is illegal.

They aren't allowed to read history and never heard of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Which is a good thing because, had they any knowledge of him, they'd be searching for statues of him to destroy.

There is legal tax avoidance, and illegal tax avoidance.
My IRA, Health Savings Account and tax free muni-funds are examples of legal tax avoidance.
Creating a bogus family shell company to bill Daddy 30-50% over cost for shit and then pocket the difference would be an example of I-L-L-E-G-A-L tax avoidance.
Let us know if you need anything else explained.
The man died in 1999.

Hey, Tipsy, last I checked, isn't 1999 from a DIFFERENT CENTURY? :auiqs.jpg: Another total nothing burger "tax scandal" from the Left. What next, trying to go after Trump's grandmother? Maybe they intend to DIG HER UP and shake the skeleton for pennies.
It is nonsense. This is a probate matter and the estate has been closed for years.

Democrats think they can charge a 3 year old Donald Trump with tax evasion. Good luck with that one.

This is nothing.

Need a lil help there Tips?

The man died in 1999.

Hey, Tipsy, last I checked, isn't 1999 from a DIFFERENT CENTURY? :auiqs.jpg: Another total nothing burger "tax scandal" from the Left. What next, trying to go after Trump's grandmother? Maybe they intend to DIG HER UP and shake the skeleton for pennies.
It is nonsense. This is a probate matter and the estate has been closed for years.

Democrats think they can charge a 3 year old Donald Trump with tax evasion. Good luck with that one.

This is nothing.

Need a lil help there Tips?


This, from the people who said that Trump would be out of office resigned or impeached before 2017 was out. :auiqs.jpg:
A Democrat is an individual who believes that tax avoidance is illegal.

They aren't allowed to read history and never heard of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Which is a good thing because, had they any knowledge of him, they'd be searching for statues of him to destroy.

It is the way they did it. Was he a tax evader as well.
...and in today's news, "Trump uses fraudulent methods to avoid taxes". And in other news, "Dog bites man".
They are saying Trump wasn't self made.

But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.

Way more than we were ever told.

Links to follow.

Beth Shapiro Kaufman, a Caplin & Drysdale tax lawyer and a former Treasury official, told the AP. There is typically a three-year statute of limitations on federal gift inquiries, but that doesn't apply when a gift is made without being reported to the government. And if the donor is dead, the IRS would have the ability to go after the beneficiary of the gift for unpaid taxes, Kaufman said.

In New York, tax officials had already been looking into whether Mr. Trump or his charitable foundation misrepresented their tax liability. State law would allow them to seek civil penalties if they can show someone intentionally sought to evade taxes, even decades ago. Those who lose such cases are often required to pay their back taxes along with penalties.
...and in today's news, "Trump uses fraudulent methods to avoid taxes". And in other news, "Dog bites man".
And the IRS never noticed.

Oh, but they have. Trump, himself, told us that the reason that he would not release his taxes is because they were being audited by the IRS, and Trump never lies....

You're saying that Trump was audited every year. The IRS knew the tax returns were frauds and decided to ignore all that just cause.
They are saying Trump wasn't self made.

But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.

Way more than we were ever told.

Links to follow.

Beth Shapiro Kaufman, a Caplin & Drysdale tax lawyer and a former Treasury official, told the AP. There is typically a three-year statute of limitations on federal gift inquiries, but that doesn't apply when a gift is made without being reported to the government. And if the donor is dead, the IRS would have the ability to go after the beneficiary of the gift for unpaid taxes, Kaufman said.

In New York, tax officials had already been looking into whether Mr. Trump or his charitable foundation misrepresented their tax liability. State law would allow them to seek civil penalties if they can show someone intentionally sought to evade taxes, even decades ago. Those who lose such cases are often required to pay their back taxes along with penalties.
Aren't you claiming that the gifts were made to a three year old Donald Trump? There's nothing there.

New York officials have been looking into Trump's charitable foundation for two years. They have found nothing. The New York attorney general went to court to prevent the foundation for winding up and closing down. You know what the foundation was for right? It had nothing to do with providing for any charity. It never said no one ever said it was going to provide for a charity,
Great, "selling over valued properties at inflated price" is neither.
Thanks for admitting your error.
I did not say that that alone was either (in fact, I exicitly said the opposite, just for you) as anyone can read for themselves. Todd, no need to make yourself seem retarded to troll.
Skipped a step. They currently own a portion of a completed project. They overpaid
Correct, which they do happily, as the fee for laundering their illicit capital. So, they are not overpaying in their eyes, as they get value for that premium. And, eventually, they sell that propoerty, which is the integration step in money laundering. Todd, you're being retarded again.
How does this in the smallest way relate to Trump or money laundering?
It really doesn't, it was merely in response to your pestering and begging for information. If we are drifting off topic, go whine to a mirror, whiner. You whine about something not being about Trump, then completely ignore the link i provided that is about Trump's involvement in a real estate money laundering scheme. Face it, just want my attention.
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You are making the assumption that there is a difference between the governments of the world, their intel agencies, the Deep States of the world and organized crime.
Because there is. That's why this type of money laundering is a bigger problem in some countries than in others.

Even in this country, with some of the strictest laws against this fraud on the planet, it is hard to detect such fraud. We don't have enough agents to monitor every transaction. Typically this fraud is only uncovered when it is reported by bank officials or a victim of the fraud.

Or, in Trump's case, when the accomplices start singing like canaries to keep their own asses out of prison.
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They are saying Trump wasn't self made.

But actually got hundreds of millions of dollars from his dad and who had to bail him out of bankruptcy again and again.

Way more than we were ever told.

Links to follow.

Beth Shapiro Kaufman, a Caplin & Drysdale tax lawyer and a former Treasury official, told the AP. There is typically a three-year statute of limitations on federal gift inquiries, but that doesn't apply when a gift is made without being reported to the government. And if the donor is dead, the IRS would have the ability to go after the beneficiary of the gift for unpaid taxes, Kaufman said.

In New York, tax officials had already been looking into whether Mr. Trump or his charitable foundation misrepresented their tax liability. State law would allow them to seek civil penalties if they can show someone intentionally sought to evade taxes, even decades ago. Those who lose such cases are often required to pay their back taxes along with penalties.
Aren't you claiming that the gifts were made to a three year old Donald Trump? There's nothing there.

New York officials have been looking into Trump's charitable foundation for two years. They have found nothing. The New York attorney general went to court to prevent the foundation for winding up and closing down. You know what the foundation was for right? It had nothing to do with providing for any charity. It never said no one ever said it was going to provide for a charity,
Nonsense. Trump did commit fraud thru his charity. Eric was doing things legitimately and Donald insisted he start making money off the people coming to the events held at his hotel.

Just because he’s gotten away with shit doesn’t mean there’s nothing there. That’s ridiculous
Great, "selling over valued properties at inflated price" is neither.
Thanks for admitting your error.
I did not say that that alone was either (in fact, I exicitly said the opposite, just for you) as anyone can read for themselves. Todd, no need to make yourself seem retarded to troll.
Skipped a step. They currently own a portion of a completed project. They overpaid
Correct, which they do happily, as the fee for laundering their illicit capital. So, they are not overpaying in their eyes, as they get value for that premium. And, eventually, they sell that propoerty, which is the integration step in money laundering. Todd, you're being retarded again.
How does this in the smallest way relate to Trump or money laundering?
It really doesn't, it was merely in response to your pestering and begging for information. If we are drifting off topic, go whine to a mirror, whiner. You whine about something not being about Trump, then completely ignore the link i provided that is about Trump's involvement in a real estate money laundering scheme. Face it, just want my attention.

I did not say that that alone was either

Right. Selling at an inflated price will get you investigated.
By the department of "we know the proper price of everything"

Correct, which they do happily, as the fee for laundering their illicit capital. So, they are not overpaying in their eyes, as they get value for that premium. And, eventually, they sell that propoerty,

Why do they need to overpay for this "laundering"?

If we are drifting off topic,

Not at all, I love your "topic". DERP!
Selling at an inflated price will get you investigated.
Again, not what I said. I said "can" and "might", and that a pattern of doing it will likely get you investigated. Todd, you're not being very honest.
Why do they need to overpay for this "laundering"?
Okay, again, I want to be clear about what you are asking, as you are a slippery little troll and like to misrepresent what has been said:

Are you asking: "Why do money launderers pay to get their money laundered?" Because Todd, I gotta tell ya, you are expected, as a grown man who can feed himself, to be able too puzzle that out for yourself . But I will explain, if you really, really want me to do so.

You love my topic? Aww, thanks sweetie. Just for you, I posted an excellent piece of journalism about Trump's drug money tower in Panama. I guess you have been too overtaken by this new emotion to have read it, yet.
Selling at an inflated price will get you investigated.
Again, not what I said. I said "can" and "might", and that a pattern of doing it will likely get you investigated. Todd, you're not being very honest.
Why do they need to overpay for this "laundering"?
Okay, again, I want to be clear about what you are asking, as you are a slippery little troll and like to misrepresent what has been said:

Are you asking: "Why do money launderers pay to get their money laundered?" Because Todd, I gotta tell ya, you are expected, as a grown man who can feed himself, to be able too puzzle that out for yourself . But I will explain, if you really, really want me to do so.

You love my topic? Aww, thanks sweetie. Just for you, I posted an excellent piece of journalism about Trump's drug money tower in Panama. I guess you have been too overtaken by this new emotion to have read it, yet.

Again, not what I said. I said "can" and "might", and that a pattern of doing it will likely get you investigated.

Right, because the government knows what you should pay for everything. DERP!

I posted an excellent piece of journalism about Trump's drug money tower in Panama.

So was the US government also an expert on proper prices in Panama?
Strangely, no mention of overpaying in the article.

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