Is anyone watching this breaking news on allegation of Trump committing tax evasion and fraud?

Too bad you won't back up your claim.
My claim that establishing a pattern of selling over valued property will probably get you investigated? Is that what, specifically, you want to see "backed up"? Let's be clear, before I bend over backward to spoonfeed you what you are begging for, in order to save you the great pain of looking something up yourself.. You're a bit slippery, after all.
What does that have to do with your claim about selling "at inflated prices"?
Well, for one, they are connected in that you can find a willing conspirator (people who wish to launder money are excellent candidates) to , say, buy properties or space in a tower at a price nobody else will pay. Then, you can go secure financing by meeting the quota for units sold at a certain price that the lender or investor will require before financing the tower. You get your tower built, and the money gets laundered. Often, as criminal conspiracies are sanctioned, busted, and move on to launder money elsewhere, this pyramid scheme can fall apart; bankruptcy is usually the result.. But, in countries that allow this sort of thing, it really, really helps the drug trade and can go on indefinitely.

This is often done on smaller scales as well, using "cash out" purchases of over valued properties. It's of special concern the the fed, to wit, Freddie Mac and the FBI.

Also of concern to the FBI: investment fraud.

You don't know much about any of this, do you? I would suggest you pause the one-man pride parade, for now.
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Too bad you won't back up your claim.
My claim that establishing a pattern of selling over valued property will probably get you investigated? Is that what, specifically, you want to see "backed up"? Let's be clear, before I bend over backward to spoonfeed you what you are begging for, in order to save you the great pain of looking something up yourself.. You're a bit slippery, after all.
What does that have to do with your claim about selling "at inflated prices"?
Well, for one, they are connected in that you can find a willing conspirator (people who wish to launder money are excellent candidates) to , say, buy properties or space in a tower at a price nobody else will pay. Then, you can go secure financing by meeting the quota for units sold at a certain price that the lender or investor will require before financing the tower. You get your tower built, and the money gets laundered. Often, as criminal conspiracies are sanctioned, busted, and move on to launder money elsewhere, this pyramid scheme can fall apart; bankruptcy is usually the result.. But, in countries that allow this sort of thing, it really, really helps the drug trade and can go on indefinitely.

This is often done on smaller scales as well, using "cash out" purchases of over valued properties. It's of special concern the the fed, to wit, Freddie Mac and the FBI.

Also of concern to the FBI: investment fraud.

You don't know much about any of this, do you? I would suggest you pause the one-man pride parade, for now.

My claim that establishing a pattern of selling over valued property will probably get you investigated?

Who will investigate this? Who determines the sale is too pricey, because there is a crime and not a stupid/overly optimistic buyer?

what, specifically, you want to see "backed up"?

What's the g-d charge? Link? There is no law against "selling over valued properties at inflated price".

you can find a willing conspirator (people who wish to launder money are excellent candidates) to , say, buy properties or space in a tower at a price nobody else will pay. Then, you can go secure financing by meeting the quota for units sold at a certain price that the lender or investor will require before financing the tower. You get your tower built, and the money gets laundered.

You skipped a step. The bad guys overpaid, the tower gets financed and built. When does the money get laundered? How? Be specific.

Often, as criminal conspiracies are sanctioned, busted, and move on to launder money elsewhere, this pyramid scheme can fall apart; bankruptcy is usually the result..

Huh? Who goes bankrupt? Why? Related to money laundering how exactly?

This is often done on smaller scales as well, using "cash out" purchases of over valued properties.

Which has what to do with money laundering?

You don't know much about any of this, do you?

I know you're talking out of your ass.

And no matter how much you cry like a little bitch, he will still be a shitty president. But you should really think twice about defending a President who has a lifelong history of tax evasion.
He might turn out to be a shitty president like the last two, but as of right now he ain’t so bad.

No he is down right the shittiest!
I suppose that’s true in the minds of some but entirely illogical, as we have had some really bad presidents who caused the deaths of many thousands.
Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Johnson

Who will investigate this?
Authorities at all levels. The FBI will get involved, if the scheme appears to cross state borders or involves federally backed mortgages.
What's the g-d charge? Link?
The charges we are talking about are fraud and money laundering. What sort of link would you like me to find for you? A description of these schemes, detailed by federal entities? Okay, you lazy slug:
Common Fraud Schemes — FBI

Emerging fraud trends: Illegal property flipping with cash-out purchases - Freddie Mac
You skipped a step. The bad guys overpaid, the tower gets financed and built.
Wrong. The bad guys laundered money at a fee they were quite willing to pay. The people who end up "overpaying" are the banks and investors.
Huh? Who goes bankrupt?
The property management company. They are usually part of the scheme.
Which has what to do with money laundering?
The smaller cash out flips are often done for illicit profit, though money can be laundered in this way for the smaller time criminals. This is a favored method for small time bookies and drug dealers.

Todd, you really should stand clearly know less than nothing about any of this. Here's a place you can start learning about this by reading about a salient example involving the most famous man in the world:

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness
Who will investigate this?
Authorities at all levels. The FBI will get involved, if the scheme appears to cross state borders or involves federally backed mortgages.
What's the g-d charge? Link?
The charges we are talking about are fraud and money laundering. What sort of link would you like me to find for you? A description of these schemes, detailed by federal entities? Okay, you lazy slug:
Common Fraud Schemes — FBI

Emerging fraud trends: Illegal property flipping with cash-out purchases - Freddie Mac
You skipped a step. The bad guys overpaid, the tower gets financed and built.
Wrong. The bad guys laundered money at a fee they were quite willing to pay. The people who end up "overpaying" are the banks and investors.
Huh? Who goes bankrupt?
The property management company. They are usually part of the scheme.
Which has what to do with money laundering?
The smaller cash out flips are often done for illicit profit, though money can be laundered in this way for the smaller time criminals. This is a favored method for small time bookies and drug dealers.

Todd, you really should stand clearly know less than nothing about any of this.

The charges we are talking about are fraud and money laundering.

Great, "selling over valued properties at inflated price" is neither.
Thanks for admitting your error.

The bad guys laundered money at a fee they were quite willing to pay.

Skipped a step. They currently own a portion of a completed project. They overpaid.
How do they get their cleaned money back?

The people who end up "overpaying" are the banks and investors.

The builder or the bad guys somehow forced other investors to overpay? Banks to loan poorly?

That's at least a couple of skipped steps.

The smaller cash out flips are often done for illicit profit,

How does this in the smallest way relate to Trump or money laundering?
This is bank fraud related to fraudulent appraisals.

Todd, you really should stand down

You stop talking out your ass, I'll stop pointing out what you're doing.
Trump took personal tax deductions on losses other business investors suffered. He got $hundreds of millions dollars tax refunds he never paid in. That tax money came from hard working tax payers. Trump is worse & more costly than government employees!!! DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!
Who will investigate this?
Authorities at all levels. The FBI will get involved, if the scheme appears to cross state borders or involves federally backed mortgages.
What's the g-d charge? Link?
The charges we are talking about are fraud and money laundering. What sort of link would you like me to find for you? A description of these schemes, detailed by federal entities? Okay, you lazy slug:
Common Fraud Schemes — FBI

Emerging fraud trends: Illegal property flipping with cash-out purchases - Freddie Mac
You skipped a step. The bad guys overpaid, the tower gets financed and built.
Wrong. The bad guys laundered money at a fee they were quite willing to pay. The people who end up "overpaying" are the banks and investors.
Huh? Who goes bankrupt?
The property management company. They are usually part of the scheme.
Which has what to do with money laundering?
The smaller cash out flips are often done for illicit profit, though money can be laundered in this way for the smaller time criminals. This is a favored method for small time bookies and drug dealers.

Todd, you really should stand clearly know less than nothing about any of this. Here's a place you can start learning about this by reading about a salient example involving the most famous man in the world:

Narco-a-lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama | Global Witness
You are making the assumption that there is a difference between the governments of the world, their intel agencies, the Deep States of the world and organized crime.

The place where one ends and the other starts is murky at best.

How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug gangs

Bank to Plead Guilty to Laundering Drug Money

Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme

The top 50 global banks allegedly involved in a $21 billion Russian money-laundering scheme


Allegations of CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia

Special Reports - Cocaine, Conspiracy Theories And The Cia In Central America | Drug Wars | FRONTLINE | PBS

I WARNED folks here about all of this before he was elected. None of this is a surprise, and if he were to go, none of it would change a damn thing. This is personal, they just don't like his politics, and they are using dirt that has nothing to do with him. This shit will continue, regardless.

Both the Bush and Clinton families were involved in it as well, so I can't say it makes much of a difference.
Trump is in for a bad week this week. First, the NY Times comes out with this expose on Trump that says he's not the self made millionaire that he's claimed.

Later this week? Stormy Daniels' book comes out, which will show that he's not all that great in bed either.

He's probably gonna explode Twitter with all the defenses of his virility and empire.
That does it....I'll never vote for him again!
Yeah....he's toast now.

I'm saying that because of his thin skin, and his pride in being a self made millionaire with great sexual prowess being questioned, this is gonna make him go into melt down mode on Twitter.

He's gone bananas on Twitter for much less.

Hopefully, it doesn't spool him up so much that he strokes out, because then that would mean Pence would be president.
The Pence would become the new target.
News flash......the voters are onto you assholes.

Pence would not be targeted for impeachment. You Trump cult freaks just don't realize how abnormal Trump is.
Yeah, he could be a normal politician.
We all know what that means.
Paying lipservice to the voters while doing the opposite.
Just kidding, of course. That Statute of Limitations has expired for those violations relating to Papa Trump's Estate. However, people don't just suddenly turn honest. Alan Weisselberg is going to need more Immunity.
More attack with little or no corroboration. Mr. Trump is smart I admire smart people. Your can bet he works as much to his advantage as he can.
While USMB idiots yammer about Bart and Blasey-Ford - there are yet more legal problems for criminal enterprise ignorant clowns elevated to the highest office in the land:
Probes of Trump taxes carry potential for millions in fines

He's gonna pay back every penny and we'll be having a look at his taxes on short order:
New York State Investigates Allegations of Trump Tax Fraud

Between Mueller, the Southern District, Manafort, Cohen, emoluments/ Zervos lawsuits, and now tax evasion ...
I wouldn't give Trump's Troubles to a MONKEY on a ROCK! :wink:

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I don't think you should put "we elevated". One might get the wrong impression you voted for him.:eek:

Hurry you can change it.
New York attorneys have been examining the Trump Foundation for two years without finding any discrepancies. They will be equally as successful in examining Fred Trump's taxes.

The man died in 1999. The estate was probated and closed. End of discussion.
While USMB idiots yammer about Bart and Blasey-Ford - there are yet more legal problems for criminal enterprise we elevated to the highest office in the land:
Probes of Trump taxes carry potential for millions in fines

He's gonna pay back every penny and we'll be having a look at his taxes on short order:
New York State Investigates Allegations of Trump Tax Fraud

Between Mueller, the Southern District, Manafort, Cohen, emoluments/ Zervos lawsuits, and now tax evasion ...
I wouldn't give Trump's Troubles to a MONKEY on a ROCK! :wink:

Sorry, no. Most of the investigation shows that while clever, the tax dodges were legal. That is why the tax law is kept so complicated! Only a tiny percentage are POTENTIALLY across the line. And of those, they are from SO VERY LONG AGO, they no longer matter. Trump owes and shall pay back little or nothing.

Loveless bombs out again.
The man died in 1999.

Hey, Tipsy, last I checked, isn't 1999 from a DIFFERENT CENTURY? :auiqs.jpg: Another total nothing burger "tax scandal" from the Left. What next, trying to go after Trump's grandmother? Maybe they intend to DIG HER UP and shake the skeleton for pennies.
New York attorneys have been examining the Trump Foundation for two years without finding any discrepancies. They will be equally as successful in examining Fred Trump's taxes.
The man died in 1999. The estate was probated and closed. End of discussion.

You think it is the end of the discussion? Sorry Sarah

Asked to identify what in the article was incorrect, Huckabee Sanders said, “I won’t go through every line of a very boring 14,000-word story.”

Sorry we can't dumb it down to two pages double-spaced like Donald likes his daily intel reports.

And btw - so much for the Orange Idiot's claim of a 1 million dollar loan that he paid back with interest. Daddy Dearest gave the entitled little rich boy 2 million before his second birthday. The emperor has no clothes. :)
A Democrat is an individual who believes that tax avoidance is illegal.

They aren't allowed to read history and never heard of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Which is a good thing because, had they any knowledge of him, they'd be searching for statues of him to destroy.
New York attorneys have been examining the Trump Foundation for two years without finding any discrepancies. They will be equally as successful in examining Fred Trump's taxes.

The man died in 1999. The estate was probated and closed. End of discussion.
Trump family,,,,,a den of snakes

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