Is Ariel Castro a Murderer?

That's what I said ... pro-choice wants to be able to have the choice to kill the unborn human within her womb.

They dont want... they do have that right. Big difference.

They currently have that right. Just like the Nazis had the right to kill Jews. It is an irrelevant statement any way.

It was me, who brought the Nazis to illustrate how fallacious the argument about "legality" is

Legality of the murder does not make it less murder and does not make it right.
it was legal by Nazi's laws :rolleyes:

as is murdering an unborn baby legal now by American laws.

I guess thats why they were called war crimes and tried and convicted?

no, it is not why.

they lost the war, that's why.

proaborts will loose as well, eventually.

Thankfully those that wish to control a womans right to chose have also lost. As long as the right hypocritically persists in doing things of this nature you will always lose.
The abortion industry is just industry

The industry has sold you the biggest lie in history
I guess thats why they were called war crimes and tried and convicted?

no, it is not why.

they lost the war, that's why.

proaborts will loose as well, eventually.

Thankfully those that wish to control a womans right to chose have also lost. As long as the right hypocritically persists in doing things of this nature you will always lose.

Nazis thought they won in 1938 as well.

proabort hypocrites will loose as Nazis did.

it won't take too long.

and they will lose from the same militant left - the moment the left decides it is time to reproduce ( somebody has to pay their pensions )
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The abortion industry is just industry

The industry has sold you the biggest lie in history


it is a multi-billion business - and that is all what is it about.


and that is also the issue why it will be as militantly prosecuted as it is defended right now.

when the shortage of the working hands will endanger the retirement comfort of the same militant proaborts they will switch to the same militant stance and become prolife.
that's the left, for God's sake - they are like yo-yo.
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no, it is not why.

they lost the war, that's why.

proaborts will loose as well, eventually.

Thankfully those that wish to control a womans right to chose have also lost. As long as the right hypocritically persists in doing things of this nature you will always lose.

Nazis thought they won in 1938 as well.

Dont you get that they wanted to do the same thing as you do? So just like the Nazi's you have lost as well.
The abortion industry is just industry

The industry has sold you the biggest lie in history
Industry of MURDER and they profit from it, Gubmint supports it...SICK as HELL.

A lot sicker than most people are willing to accept

[ame=]Abortion Provider Speaks - YouTube[/ame]

Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, speaks about abortion in the film Blood Money. Pick up the film narrated by Ms. Alveda King, Dr. MLK Jr.'s niece at Bloodmoney, The Business of Abortion | A Documentary Film
The abortion industry is just industry

The industry has sold you the biggest lie in history
Industry of MURDER and they profit from it, Gubmint supports it...SICK as HELL.

A lot sicker than most people are willing to accept

[ame=""]Abortion Provider Speaks - YouTube[/ame]

Carol Everett, former abortion provider and clinic operator, speaks about abortion in the film Blood Money. Pick up the film narrated by Ms. Alveda King, Dr. MLK Jr.'s niece at Bloodmoney, The Business of Abortion | A Documentary Film
I know...the DEATH industry to control population/aborhant behaviour vexes me...These people are sick..NO modicum of relativaty...NO morals, no scruples...just get rid of it.

Morality is taking a beating. Something these same people will have to answer for in the end, and I'm NOT jubilant in thier demise doled out by the creator. I pray they wake up and revere life.
Thankfully those that wish to control a womans right to chose have also lost. As long as the right hypocritically persists in doing things of this nature you will always lose.

Nazis thought they won in 1938 as well.

Dont you get that they wanted to do the same thing as you do? So just like the Nazi's you have lost as well.

no, they wanted the same as YOU want - they were MURDERING and you want MURDERING.
Oh Gawd - another poster boy for the sick and twisted rw's.

Murder knows no party lines, Luddly. This criminal is just one in a Rogue's gallery of people who commit murder:

Ariel Castro, who lured young woman with child into his death trap with the promise of a puppy:


John Baxter Hamilton, abortion doctor, who murdered his wife on Valentine's Day:


Kermit Gosnell, Abortion Doctor:


There are many, many more whose staff keeps silent. :(
Correction. The woman has the right to terminate a life that is unwanted in the womans body. Its not up for debate on that. Even though some would like it to be.

That's what I said ... pro-choice wants to be able to have the choice to kill the unborn human within her womb.

They dont want... they do have that right. Big difference.


There isn't any big difference ... pro-choice wants the right to be able to choose to kill the unborn human, and they have it.

Isn't America wonderful? Imagine, it's perfectly legal to take the life of another human being just because you feel like it!
That's what I said ... pro-choice wants to be able to have the choice to kill the unborn human within her womb.

They dont want... they do have that right. Big difference.


There isn't any big difference ... pro-choice wants the right to be able to choose to kill the unborn human, and they have it.

Isn't America wonderful? Imagine, it's perfectly legal to take the life of another human being just because you feel like it!

And an innocent human life that didn't ASK for any of this...but is left to the whims of foolish people (including their parents) that see it as a nasty inconvenience to lifestyle, and a government that could care a wit about it except what is politically expedient for their election/re election.
it is not another person's body.

it is a different body. separate, unique and their own.

and yes, it is up to me to decide.

Confirmation of the arrogance of the authoritarian right.

so you confirm, that you consider Nazis had the right to murder people in concentration camps, because it was legal?

Confirmation of the arrogance of the totalitarian left :D

(My bold)

You can argue that because the Nazis worked through the machinery of the state, that their attempted genocide was legal in the sense that it was duly approved by the Reichstag, president, etc. But of course the Nazi government so far overstepped its bounds that it caused WWII, & dragged most of Europe into the flames with it.

The better question would be - after the ashes cooled off, the dead were buried, the injured attended to - Does the German state after the end of WWII have the right to murder people in concentration camps? The problem is murder - I don't recall offhand if Germany still has capital punishment - but if they do, it's not defined legally as murder.

& I don't think of the Nazis as a leftist government @ all. More as Volkish pagans masquerading as civilized people. Some kind of mass worshippers of death & chaos, perhaps. But hardly a government.
Confirmation of the arrogance of the authoritarian right.

so you confirm, that you consider Nazis had the right to murder people in concentration camps, because it was legal?

Confirmation of the arrogance of the totalitarian left :D

(My bold)

You can argue that because theNazisworked through the machinery of the state, that their attempted genocide was legal in the sense that it was duly approved by the Reichstag, president, etc. But of course the Nazi government so far overstepped its bounds that it caused WWII, & dragged most of Europe into the flames with it.

The better question would be - after the ashes cooled off, the dead were buried, the injured attended to - Does the German state after the end of WWII have the right to murder people in concentration camps? The problem is murder - I don't recall offhand if Germany still has capital punishment - but if they do, it's not defined legally as murder.

& I don't think of the Nazis as a leftist government @ all. More as Volkish pagans masquerading as civilized people. Some kind of mass worshippers of death & chaos, perhaps. But hardly a government.

the bolded is IRRELEVANT
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To the OP? I apologize to you for letting this get out of hand in my zeal in my attempt to bring your thread into an understanding of the subject matter.

Your point is valid, and YES, The perp is NO DIFFERENT than a doctor that intentionally denies life, because the perp was denying LIBERTY of those he held in bondage, He caused a life to be snuffed out...unwanted or other...regardless. HE is guilty of VIOLATION of all THREE tenants of the Declaration as codified by the Constitution, LIFE, LIBERTY, Persuit of Happiness.

The Constitution guides us ALL in our behaviour as citizens endowed by our creator and we ALL should conduct ourselves in like manner and defend it. Seems some have failed to see it.

The PERP is guilty.

Mea culpa.
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Is abortion legal? Is commiting one without a women's permission legal?

Hopefully this ends this dumb thread.

What law is violated? If you want to say that is assault on the women, yes.
If you want to say it is murder, then who was murdered? The fetus? The left tells us the fetus is not a person. So it cannot be murder.
But Castro was charged with murder.
Something cannot be murder sometimes and not murder other times.

(My bold)

Of course it can! Please see Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It's like the ancient punishment of hanging, drawing & quartering. You had to be careful to merely choke the criminal in the first phase, else the moral effect of the drawing & quartering was quite lost upon the perp; & therefore the morally instructive force upon the audience would be lost. Then you had to be careful again when you hitched up the horses to each limb - again, you didn't want the perp escaping into unconsciousness & premature death. No, no - in order to avoid the crowd's moral peril, you needed the perp alive & reasonably (!) well, screaming in fact, to prove his/her attention was sharply focused upon the proceedings - right up until the end of the auto-da-fe.

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