Is Ariel Castro a Murderer?

Is abortion legal? Is commiting one without a women's permission legal?

Hopefully this ends this dumb thread.

What law is violated? If you want to say that is assault on the women, yes.
If you want to say it is murder, then who was murdered? The fetus? The left tells us the fetus is not a person. So it cannot be murder.
But Castro was charged with murder.
Something cannot be murder sometimes and not murder other times.

The memo reads that if the fetus is wanted, it is a person; if the fetus is unwanted it is a blob of cells that can be disposed of, with an okay from the law, into the nearest trash can.

(My bold)

Nah, depends on where you live. Surgical discards - sharps, meds, tissue, bandages, etc. - have to be properly disposed of. For meds & tissue, that means incineration @ high heat, or transportation to a facility for processing/sanitary disposal of the material. You'd have to check your local codes for handling/disposal of medical waste.
What law is violated? If you want to say that is assault on the women, yes.
If you want to say it is murder, then who was murdered? The fetus? The left tells us the fetus is not a person. So it cannot be murder.
But Castro was charged with murder.
Something cannot be murder sometimes and not murder other times.

The memo reads that if the fetus is wanted, it is a person; if the fetus is unwanted it is a blob of cells that can be disposed of, with an okay from the law, into the nearest trash can.

(My bold)

Nah, depends on where you live. Surgical discards - sharps, meds, tissue, bandages, etc. - have to be properly disposed of. For meds & tissue, that means incineration @ high heat, or transportation to a facility for processing/sanitary disposal of the material. You'd have to check your local codes for handling/disposal of medical waste.

Yeah? Tell that Dr. Gosnell.
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

Nope. Not even close.

Has to do with something called "Consent".
Is abortion legal? Is commiting one without a women's permission legal?

Hopefully this ends this dumb thread.

What law is violated? If you want to say that is assault on the women, yes.
If you want to say it is murder, then who was murdered? The fetus? The left tells us the fetus is not a person. So it cannot be murder.
But Castro was charged with murder.
Something cannot be murder sometimes and not murder other times.

(My bold)

Of course it can! Please see Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It's like the ancient punishment of hanging, drawing & quartering. You had to be careful to merely choke the criminal in the first phase, else the moral effect of the drawing & quartering was quite lost upon the perp; & therefore the morally instructive force upon the audience would be lost. Then you had to be careful again when you hitched up the horses to each limb - again, you didn't want the perp escaping into unconsciousness & premature death. No, no - in order to avoid the crowd's moral peril, you needed the perp alive & reasonably (!) well, screaming in fact, to prove his/her attention was sharply focused upon the proceedings - right up until the end of the auto-da-fe.

WTF are you talking about?? Hofstadter? Drawing and quartering? Auto da Fe? Are you on meth?
On June 7, a Cuyahoga County grand jury returned a true bill of indictment against Castro. It contained 329 counts, including two counts of aggravated murder (under different sections of the Ohio criminal code) for his alleged role in the termination of one of the women's pregnancies. The indictments covered only the period from August 2002 to February 2007. The County Prosecutor, Timothy J. McGinty, stated that the investigation was ongoing and that any further findings would be presented to the grand jury. McGinty said that pursuing a death penalty specification would be considered following completion of indictment proceedings.

Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

Nope. Not even close.

Has to do with something called "Consent".

The fetus doesnt give consent, zipperhead.
What law is violated? If you want to say that is assault on the women, yes.
If you want to say it is murder, then who was murdered? The fetus? The left tells us the fetus is not a person. So it cannot be murder.
But Castro was charged with murder.
Something cannot be murder sometimes and not murder other times.

(My bold)

Of course it can! Please see Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It's like the ancient punishment of hanging, drawing & quartering. You had to be careful to merely choke the criminal in the first phase, else the moral effect of the drawing & quartering was quite lost upon the perp; & therefore the morally instructive force upon the audience would be lost. Then you had to be careful again when you hitched up the horses to each limb - again, you didn't want the perp escaping into unconsciousness & premature death. No, no - in order to avoid the crowd's moral peril, you needed the perp alive & reasonably (!) well, screaming in fact, to prove his/her attention was sharply focused upon the proceedings - right up until the end of the auto-da-fe.

WTF are you talking about?? Hofstadter? Drawing and quartering? Auto da Fe? Are you on meth?

(My bold)

My bad. With a handle of Rabbi, I assumed you were more widely read.

What it comes down to: the feticide charges are just to make you feel good about charging the perp with 100s of charges. Those charges don't usually translate to much, given that he's pled to multiple kidnapping, rape, assault, battery, sexual assault, charges over a decade.
If Michelle Knight wanted to have the child of the rapist the better argument belongs to Ariel Castro. She wanted to have sex with him. If she didn't and the child was conceived during a non consensual rape, the child was legally aborted. The worst he did was assault and battery.
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(My bold)

Of course it can! Please see Hofstadter's The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It's like the ancient punishment of hanging, drawing & quartering. You had to be careful to merely choke the criminal in the first phase, else the moral effect of the drawing & quartering was quite lost upon the perp; & therefore the morally instructive force upon the audience would be lost. Then you had to be careful again when you hitched up the horses to each limb - again, you didn't want the perp escaping into unconsciousness & premature death. No, no - in order to avoid the crowd's moral peril, you needed the perp alive & reasonably (!) well, screaming in fact, to prove his/her attention was sharply focused upon the proceedings - right up until the end of the auto-da-fe.

WTF are you talking about?? Hofstadter? Drawing and quartering? Auto da Fe? Are you on meth?

(My bold)

My bad. With a handle of Rabbi, I assumed you were more widely read.

What it comes down to: the feticide charges are just to make you feel good about charging the perp with 100s of charges. Those charges don't usually translate to much, given that he's pled to multiple kidnapping, rape, assault, battery, sexual assault, charges over a decade.

You dont have the handle of rabbi, ignoramus.
You are a poseur. I've sniffed it out already.
And this has to do with MURDER, HOW?

'Splain yerself, DOLT. (And don't hit me with living/breathing Constitution shit, because that doesn't EXIST).
As soon a you show me how its murder dolt....I will Splain. Does it say its murder in a court of law or a court in your living room. Dolt. Are you a law abiding citizen or a savage dolt.
Destroying ANY life is MURDER shithead. Your rhetoric shows complete lack of reverence FOR life by your excusing/ parsing the ACT of MURDER.

STEP AWAY boy...Superior forces are at work here, and YOU aren't included.:eusa_hand:

Every life? I bet the Martin family hold a close regard to life now. Uh 'Boy". I know what your doing. Won't take that bate.....boy.
Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

If Castro caused these women to miscarry and they were more than 24 weeks into their pregnancy, than I would consider it murder. As for abortion, while I support the right of a woman to abort a pregnancy, I do not support that right past the second trimester. I actually support a 20 week limit, and I would have been happy standing in support of the Texas legislation except for the fact the idiots tied all kinds of other things to it that forced the closing of many women's health centers.

What other things?

And is "women's heath centers" a euphemism for "abortion clinics"?

NO it isn't. Abortion is only one of the services these clinics provide. They provide all the other needs women have for ob/gyn care: birth control, birth control advice, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, pap smears, regular ob/gyn exams, STD tests, treatment for yeast infections, treatment for PMS and other menstrual cycle problems, and many other things. To call them 'abortion clinics' is a misnomer and political propaganda. When you call them 'abortion clinics,' you are the one using misleading language.
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Advocates of privacy rights understand that the Constitution forbids the state from interfering in matters both personal and private.

One is at liberty to believe abortion is ‘wrong’ or ‘murder’ in the context of his own right to privacy, and act accordingly in his own good conscience with regard to how he conducts his life – but he may not use the power and authority of the state to compel others to abide by that subjective belief.

The pro-choice pov wants to be able to have the choice to legally terminate the life of the unborn via abortion. There is nothing incorrect about that statement.

Correction. The woman has the right to terminate a life that is unwanted in the womans body. Its not up for debate on that. Even though some would like it to be.

Absolutely. In fact that's the only part of the argument here that's germane.

Until the fetus leaves the body, it's not a separate entity able to thrive on it's own. And gestation causes consequences to the mother.
The pro-choice pov wants to be able to have the choice to legally terminate the life of the unborn via abortion. There is nothing incorrect about that statement.

Correction. The woman has the right to terminate a life that is unwanted in the womans body. Its not up for debate on that. Even though some would like it to be.

Absolutely. In fact that's the only part of the argument here that's germane.

Until the fetus leaves the body, it's not a separate entity able to thrive on it's own. And gestation causes consequences to the mother.

Irrelevant. It is a separate person with its own DNA. It is not part of the mother's body like an appendix or something.
And it has a right to life like anyone else.
Castro is of course a sick twisted oxygen thief. I'm not defending anything he did and he deserves any punishment man and G-d can mete out to him.
But part of his conviction was for doing something abortion doctors do every day. If so, doesn't that make those doctors murderers too?

Nope. Not even close.

Has to do with something called "Consent".

The fetus doesnt give consent, zipperhead.

Of course it can't. It's not a person.
If Castro caused these women to miscarry and they were more than 24 weeks into their pregnancy, than I would consider it murder. As for abortion, while I support the right of a woman to abort a pregnancy, I do not support that right past the second trimester. I actually support a 20 week limit, and I would have been happy standing in support of the Texas legislation except for the fact the idiots tied all kinds of other things to it that forced the closing of many women's health centers.

What other things?

And is "women's heath centers" a euphemism for "abortion clinics"?

NO it isn't. Abortion is only one of the services these clinics provide. They provide all the other needs women have for ob/gyn care: birth control, birth control advice, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, pap smears, regular ob/gyn exams, STD tests, treatment for yeast infections, treatment for PMS and other menstrual cycle problems, and many other things. To call them 'abortion clinics' is a misnomer and political propaganda. When you call them 'abortion clinics,' you are the one using misleading language.

Then why would they close just because they could not longer perform abortions?

I'll give you a hint...'s because they were abortion clinics.
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The fetus doesnt give consent, zipperhead.

Of course it can't. It's not a person.

Then whom did Ariel Castro murder, muttonhead?

Nobody. That's the point. There was no murder.

Now, did he plead to it to prevent taking his chances with a jury. Well, yeah. No way he wanted a jury deciding his fate after the shit he pulled.

He'd have probably plead to sinking the Titanic at that point.
Of course it can't. It's not a person.

Then whom did Ariel Castro murder, muttonhead?

Nobody. That's the point. There was no murder.

Now, did he plead to it to prevent taking his chances with a jury. Well, yeah. No way he wanted a jury deciding his fate after the shit he pulled.

He'd have probably plead to sinking the Titanic at that point.

Are you a complete moron?
That was rhetorical. We all know the answer.

He was charged with murder. He had to murder someone. That someone is the very someone you claim is not a person.
So whom did he murder?
Then whom did Ariel Castro murder, muttonhead?

Nobody. That's the point. There was no murder.

Now, did he plead to it to prevent taking his chances with a jury. Well, yeah. No way he wanted a jury deciding his fate after the shit he pulled.

He'd have probably plead to sinking the Titanic at that point.

Are you a complete moron?
That was rhetorical. We all know the answer.

He was charged with murder. He had to murder someone. That someone is the very someone you claim is not a person.
So whom did he murder?

He didn't murder anyone. It's a bullshit law. But frankly, you could have charged t his asshole with witchcraft and he'd have gotten convicted, that's how hated he was.

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