Is banning guns to save lives even logical?

Dayton put that particular lie to rest. Cops were able to take down the shooter in 30 seconds and with military assault style weapons he killed 9 and shot 30 more . Had he had five seconds more, the death toll would have gotten considerably worse.

A Bomb would have been much more affective for him...
Unlikely. FBI really good at catching bombers. Often bombs don’t work. Sometimes bombers accidentally blow themselves up...
Actually in the Middle East they are professionals at terrorism, they much prefer vehicles and/or bombs.
And everything is available to them over there... fact
Clements High School student Maximillion Young caught with bomb materials: Police |
So, what You’re saying they don’t use Bombs and/or vehicles in the Middle East? Lol
This is not the Middle East...
I can think of a few things that might reduce the number of mass shootings. The shooters all seem to be young, white, males, using AR-15s. So here are a few ideas:
1. You need to not only pass a background check, but be at least 25 or 30 to buy an AR
2. If young men want to shoot, join the military

The US military does not use the AR-15, so thanks for putting out your ignorance for all to see.

The actual model they use is the Colt Model AR-15 Model 604 renamed to the M-16A-4. Thank you for showing YOUR ignorance.
They look like they do because every inch of them has the function of killing humans. Not one ounce is to look scary, sexy or anything else. They could have included a lip gloss applicator on a hand grenade but didn't since a lip gloss applicator had no function in killing humans. Same goes for the AR. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old fresh out of basic, pumped up on adrenaline, under heavy fire, very little training and being able to kill at a very high rate very quickly. Every piece of the AR is designed for this. Nothing is left over for anything else. So if it looks scary that's because it is. And it is scary for a damned good reason.
Intelligent people laugh at your theory that guns can be made safe.

There is only one way that an AR Variant can be made safe. Don't have one in open public. Simple as that. Meaning, if you see a person walking down the street packing it, consider them already unhinged to begin with and react accordingly. That reaction may be wrong 99% of the time but that 1% of the times will be correct. And an unhinged person walking down the street with an AR Variant needs to be taken down fast BEFORE they get to where they are going to use it. Actually, the figure is a lot lower than 99% but let's just use that as the base figure. Leave your AR variant home or society takes roads to prevent them from even being in the home. It's your choice.
What a load of shit. An AR-15 is functionally no different than a .223 semi-auto hunting rifle. Are you one of those retarded loons who think the color black with plastic and composite parts make a firearm some kind of doomsday device ?

I already covered what makes the AR different many times. Just because you want to play, "You can't tell me what to do" that's okay. But you will find, as time goes by, yes society can and will. More and more places are heavily regulating the AR and the AK for the reasons I have noted. And the "You can't tell me what to do" becomes a moot point because, yes, society CAN and WILL tell you what to do.
I follow the ultimate law of the land, the US Constitution and it is specific on the issue of firearms. I'm not giving up my rights because whinny bitches want their false sense of security.
Yes in regards to militias. With the strongest army in the world we don’t need militias.
What a load of shit. An AR-15 is functionally no different than a .223 semi-auto hunting rifle. Are you one of those retarded loons who think the color black with plastic and composite parts make a firearm some kind of doomsday device ?
That is true if the 'hunting rifle' will take large capacity interchangeable magazines. Over 5 is large capacity in this scenario. If the 'hunting rifle' won't take those magazines it is definitely functionally different to an AR15.
With a little practice magazine capacity doesn't mean a lot.

When do shooters carry barrels? Ask that sheriff how his prostitute is. He’s trash.
What a load of shit. An AR-15 is functionally no different than a .223 semi-auto hunting rifle. Are you one of those retarded loons who think the color black with plastic and composite parts make a firearm some kind of doomsday device ?
That is true if the 'hunting rifle' will take large capacity interchangeable magazines. Over 5 is large capacity in this scenario. If the 'hunting rifle' won't take those magazines it is definitely functionally different to an AR15.
With a little practice magazine capacity doesn't mean a lot.

When the seasoned shooter was shooting the 20 round mag on the AR, he shot slower than he did when he shot the two 10 round mags. Of course the time was shorter even with the mag change. The test was predetermined. As in fixed. Most of it was factual but there was enough irregularities to throw the whole thing out.
What’s illogical is this thread’s premise – it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The thread premise is also a lie: no one advocate for ‘banning’ guns.

They want to ban 'assault weapons' which are competely legal typical semi-auto rifles that look 'scary.'

They look like they do because every inch of them has the function of killing humans. Not one ounce is to look scary, sexy or anything else. They could have included a lip gloss applicator on a hand grenade but didn't since a lip gloss applicator had no function in killing humans. Same goes for the AR. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old fresh out of basic, pumped up on adrenaline, under heavy fire, very little training and being able to kill at a very high rate very quickly. Every piece of the AR is designed for this. Nothing is left over for anything else. So if it looks scary that's because it is. And it is scary for a damned good reason.
Intelligent people laugh at your theory that guns can be made safe.

There is only one way that an AR Variant can be made safe. Don't have one in open public. Simple as that. Meaning, if you see a person walking down the street packing it, consider them already unhinged to begin with and react accordingly. That reaction may be wrong 99% of the time but that 1% of the times will be correct. And an unhinged person walking down the street with an AR Variant needs to be taken down fast BEFORE they get to where they are going to use it. Actually, the figure is a lot lower than 99% but let's just use that as the base figure. Leave your AR variant home or society takes roads to prevent them from even being in the home. It's your choice.
What a load of shit. An AR-15 is functionally no different than a .223 semi-auto hunting rifle. Are you one of those retarded loons who think the color black with plastic and composite parts make a firearm some kind of doomsday device ?
The gun control ignoramuses like to call these weapons "high power rifles." They're too stupid to understand that they are far less powerful than a typical hunting rifle. The army wanted a smaller, less powerful cartridge because it was lighter and it had less recoil, which means a soldier can carry more of them and the can fire more than a single round accurated
And the right has an irrational fear of being without them. Vegas proved liberals right.

View attachment 274549

Tell me more about "irrational fear".
Completely irrational. Many countries have few guns and no tyranny. We have checks and balances for tyranny.

Spoken like a true statist.

"We would never turn on you, comrade!"
They sound just like used car salesmen, don't they? "You can trust us" "Why would we lie?"
They want to ban 'assault weapons' which are competely legal typical semi-auto rifles that look 'scary.'

They look like they do because every inch of them has the function of killing humans. Not one ounce is to look scary, sexy or anything else. They could have included a lip gloss applicator on a hand grenade but didn't since a lip gloss applicator had no function in killing humans. Same goes for the AR. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old fresh out of basic, pumped up on adrenaline, under heavy fire, very little training and being able to kill at a very high rate very quickly. Every piece of the AR is designed for this. Nothing is left over for anything else. So if it looks scary that's because it is. And it is scary for a damned good reason.
Intelligent people laugh at your theory that guns can be made safe.

There is only one way that an AR Variant can be made safe. Don't have one in open public. Simple as that. Meaning, if you see a person walking down the street packing it, consider them already unhinged to begin with and react accordingly. That reaction may be wrong 99% of the time but that 1% of the times will be correct. And an unhinged person walking down the street with an AR Variant needs to be taken down fast BEFORE they get to where they are going to use it. Actually, the figure is a lot lower than 99% but let's just use that as the base figure. Leave your AR variant home or society takes roads to prevent them from even being in the home. It's your choice.
I just told you there is no way guns can be made safe. A "safe" gun is a useless gun. If it can't kill the people who you're defending yourself against, then what's the point of having it?

You're trying to tell me that I have to get all the crazies off the street or you and your ilk will cancel the 2nd Amendment?

Go fuck yourself, you Stalinist asshole.

No, you are telling me that. You seem to tell me what I say way too much. I am getting ready to go to breakfast. Tell me what I am thinking of having for breakfast. I can't decide yet. But since you are telling me what I am thinking, maybe you can tell me what I am going to order at Denny's.

I already stated that carrying an AR down the street is abnormal as all get out. And anyone that finds the absolute need to do so is probably unhinged to begin with. Or is such a small child in mentality we all should reassess if they should even have firearms in the first place. the old "You can't tell me what to do" only goes so far. Now, if you want to walk down the street with a CCW permit and a hideaway gun, I don't have a problem with that. Those with CCWs are generally not a problem. Only one recorded shooting has occurred by a CCW permit holder. Out of about 3 million CCW carriers at any one time, that's a percentage I can live with. But the percentage of those carrying an AR down the street that is up to no good is way out of whack. Leave your AR home and you can keep it. Don't leave it and society will have to do something about it. And in many areas, they already have. Pick something else to play "You can't tell me what to do". You are right, I am not your Father. Otherwise, your butt would be cherry red from the spankings.
The old "you can't tell me what to do" is the essence of what a right is. You have just rejected the notion of rights of any kind. You're a servile, boot licking Stalinist who believe we were put on this earth to take orders from government.

In typical fashion you once again end by telling me what I can and cannot do.
What a load of shit. An AR-15 is functionally no different than a .223 semi-auto hunting rifle. Are you one of those retarded loons who think the color black with plastic and composite parts make a firearm some kind of doomsday device ?
That is true if the 'hunting rifle' will take large capacity interchangeable magazines. Over 5 is large capacity in this scenario. If the 'hunting rifle' won't take those magazines it is definitely functionally different to an AR15.
With a little practice magazine capacity doesn't mean a lot.

When the seasoned shooter was shooting the 20 round mag on the AR, he shot slower than he did when he shot the two 10 round mags. Of course the time was shorter even with the mag change. The test was predetermined. As in fixed. Most of it was factual but there was enough irregularities to throw the whole thing out.

Practice and muscle memory. Capacity doesn't mean shit.
Don't forget the premise of the thread. There are far more people dying from smoking, alcohol use and drug abuse than gun violence by legal gun owners. Deaths from guns in inner cities are the result of criminals that get their hands on guns illegally.

It is illogical to argue that taking away guns will have any negligible effect on avoidable deaths in the US or anywhere else. The underlying reason for taking away guns is to disarm the public.

Arguing about gun semantics is just a distraction.
The premise of the thread remains a fallacy.

No one advocates for "banning" guns.

Comparing guns to other things which might cause death is sophistry.
Don't forget the premise of the thread. There are far more people dying from smoking, alcohol use and drug abuse than gun violence by legal gun owners. Deaths from guns in inner cities are the result of criminals that get their hands on guns illegally.

It is illogical to argue that taking away guns will have any negligible effect on avoidable deaths in the US or anywhere else. The underlying reason for taking away guns is to disarm the public.

Arguing about gun semantics is just a distraction.
The premise of the thread remains a fallacy.

No one advocates for "banning" guns.

Comparing guns to other things which might cause death is sophistry.

"Stop using logic against my leftist bullshit!"
You forgot to mention the horrendous number of people who are injured and die in automobile accidents every year. Banning automobiles would not only eliminate them as a cause of carnage, it would be approved of by the "greenies", thereby saving the planet as well as many lives directly related to automobiles.
And another rightist follows suit with his own ridiculous false comparison fallacy.

Clearly lack of critical thinking skills is a prerequisite for being conservative.
Areas with the most daily gun deaths are in areas where guns ARE BANNED
Urban areas where guns are banned...
Are they not considered Americans to you?
Your post makes no sense when my post said that guns are "banned in URBAN areas" where the gun violence is the worst.
In the rural and suburban areas where guns are permitted gun violence is rare.

Kind of makes you wonder if Democrats are the real problem in urban areas vs guns. Hmmm.
Don't forget the premise of the thread. There are far more people dying from smoking, alcohol use and drug abuse than gun violence by legal gun owners. Deaths from guns in inner cities are the result of criminals that get their hands on guns illegally.

It is illogical to argue that taking away guns will have any negligible effect on avoidable deaths in the US or anywhere else. The underlying reason for taking away guns is to disarm the public.

Arguing about gun semantics is just a distraction.
The premise of the thread remains a fallacy.

No one advocates for "banning" guns.

Comparing guns to other things which might cause death is sophistry.

Right, no one advocates banning guns but they do everything they can do try to prevent people from being able to get them or to use them(no ammo). It is very difficutl to have a gun in a liberal run city.

We all know the end game here...well, those of us who can think more than 1 step at a time.
Hey Texans, this one things you are all Pussies and unarmed. Wow, you going to let him get away with that?

Well 'Texans' Ol' Daryl here inferred you 'pussies' were probably armed at Wal-Mart but were too cowardly to use them in the face of an armed perp. RUN Daryl, RUN!!!! :Boom2:
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No, you are telling me that. You seem to tell me what I say way too much. I am getting ready to go to breakfast. Tell me what I am thinking of having for breakfast. I can't decide yet. But since you are telling me what I am thinking, maybe you can tell me what I am going to order at Denny's.

The Senior Breakfast?

I already stated that carrying an AR down the street is abnormal as all get out. And anyone that finds the absolute need to do so is probably unhinged to begin with. Or is such a small child in mentality we all should reassess if they should even have firearms in the first place. the old "You can't tell me what to do" only goes so far. Now, if you want to walk down the street with a CCW permit and a hideaway gun, I don't have a problem with that. Those with CCWs are generally not a problem. Only one recorded shooting has occurred by a CCW permit holder. Out of about 3 million CCW carriers at any one time, that's a percentage I can live with. But the percentage of those carrying an AR down the street that is up to no good is way out of whack. Leave your AR home and you can keep it. Don't leave it and society will have to do something about it. And in many areas, they already have. Pick something else to play "You can't tell me what to do". You are right, I am not your Father. Otherwise, your butt would be cherry red from the spankings.

Why should carrying a gun be abnormal? If guns were accepted as part of polite society carrying one would be no different than carrying a cane. In fact.....I found an 'assault cane.' Scary little fucker.....:ack-1::abgg2q.jpg:

A Bomb would have been much more affective for him...
Unlikely. FBI really good at catching bombers. Often bombs don’t work. Sometimes bombers accidentally blow themselves up...
Actually in the Middle East they are professionals at terrorism, they much prefer vehicles and/or bombs.
And everything is available to them over there... fact
Clements High School student Maximillion Young caught with bomb materials: Police |
So, what You’re saying they don’t use Bombs and/or vehicles in the Middle East? Lol
This is not the Middle East...
If they don’t have access to firearms... lol
But with frivolous gun control laws the criminals will always have access to firearms and whatever else they want
LIMITING that access to people with history of mental illness or violence is probably not a bad thing huh moron...
What’s illogical is this thread’s premise – it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The thread premise is also a lie: no one advocate for ‘banning’ guns.

They want to ban 'assault weapons' which are competely legal typical semi-auto rifles that look 'scary.'

They look like they do because every inch of them has the function of killing humans. Not one ounce is to look scary, sexy or anything else. They could have included a lip gloss applicator on a hand grenade but didn't since a lip gloss applicator had no function in killing humans. Same goes for the AR. It's designed for a scared shitless 18 year old fresh out of basic, pumped up on adrenaline, under heavy fire, very little training and being able to kill at a very high rate very quickly. Every piece of the AR is designed for this. Nothing is left over for anything else. So if it looks scary that's because it is. And it is scary for a damned good reason.
Sound exactly like someone defending his/her home from multiple intruders at night.


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