Is Biden going Nazi?

You mean holding Israel responsible for stolen land? Now, if he BANNED all exports from Israel, you might have a point.

This is about as meaningful as labeling your Tuna Dolphin-free.
The war is not about stolen land. It’s about animal filth invading a country recognized by NATO and 99% of the world raping, murdering, beating and taking hostages.
The war is not about stolen land. It’s about animal filth invading a country recognized by NATO and 99% of the world raping, murdering, beating and taking hostages.

Uh, the only invaders are the Zionists... and if NATO cares so much, they can give them a chunk of Europe to live in. Heck, I'd even get behind that.

But the Palestinians have spent 80 years under the Zionist Boot. Of course ,they are going to strike out.
Uh, the only invaders are the Zionists... and if NATO cares so much, they can give them a chunk of Europe to live in. Heck, I'd even get behind that.

But the Palestinians have spent 80 years under the Zionist Boot. Of course ,they are going to strike out.
There are not and never were Palestinians.
Uh, the only invaders are the Zionists... and if NATO cares so much, they can give them a chunk of Europe to live in. Heck, I'd even get behind that.

But the Palestinians have spent 80 years under the Zionist Boot. Of course ,they are going to strike out.

Sick leftist bastard.
In his continuing attempt to punish Jews and win the votes of Muslims in Michigan, Biden is taking a playbook from Hitler: he has instructed his American government agencies to label goods produced by Jews in the West Bank as such, and punish Jewish farmers making the land bloom and productive.

Why is Biden’s punishment of Israel continuing? They’ve already pulled out of Gaza, allowing HAMAS to regroup and strike again, and he (and Obama) still aren’t satisfied?

YOu don't really seem to understand what's happening here.
About a year ago,Omar and Tliab were trying to get the Iron Dome defunded. Nothing they want more than to help the terrorists kill more Jews.
Of course, Tlaib is Palestinian. Omar is Muslim Somali.
Death to the Jews. Death to Infidels. Now just who do the demonic democrats think infidels are?
Why does Israel continue the slaughter of Palestinian women and children?
Anything less than the destruction of Hamas simply kicks the can down the road, and the terrorist attacks on Israel will continue.

To put it in perspective, a proportionate attack on the U.S. would kill 48,000 citizens, and there would be thousands of prisoners. If we had a real president, would we take kindly to Mexico, Canada, or any other nation trying to tell us what a proportionate response should be?
Why is it our job to fund Israel's dome?
Because they are our strongest allies and a Democracy in one of the world's hottest areas, we have a far more justified strategic reason to be in Israel than we ever had with Ukraine..
Oh. Looks like the land, water and fossil fuel thieves have bagged the West Bank already.



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