Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

That's because aggressive oil supply cuts in Saudi Arabia and Russia and deadly flooding in Libya have sent crude prices on a tear. Oil prices hit a 10-month high on Friday and are on pace to hit their largest quarterly increase since Russia first invaded Ukraine in the beginning of 2022.3 days ago

Gas prices are unusually high. Here's why you shouldn't worry

yet we are importing from all of these countries when we could stop anytime with an Energy President

The remaining top five sources, in order, were Iraq (182,000 b/d), Nigeria (154,000 b/d), Venezuela (126,000 b/d), Libya (112,000 b/d), and Guyana (100,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.5 million b/d in June, which was an increase of 24,000 b/d from imports during May 2023.
As I've pointed out many times oil companies are not the ones running up the prices. Hedge funds and the like are.

Thank you for proving you're economically illiterate. OPEC+ has been cutting production this year because the Saudi's and the Russians want don't want Biden to be re-elected. They want Trump back in office.

Tell us again, it's all on account of the hedge funds.
yet we are importing from all of these countries when we could stop anytime with an Energy President

The remaining top five sources, in order, were Iraq (182,000 b/d), Nigeria (154,000 b/d), Venezuela (126,000 b/d), Libya (112,000 b/d), and Guyana (100,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.5 million b/d in June, which was an increase of 24,000 b/d from imports during May 2023.

And yet oil production for this fiscal year is at it at its highest level in history.

When Biden took office, after your "Energy President" was voted out of office, production was 9,919 thousands of barrels per day. As of June, 2023, it was 12,844 thousands of barrels per day. That's a nearly 30% increase in less than 2 1/2 years, Whereas your "Energy President" increased oil production by less than 10% in 4 years and signed a deal with OPEC to cut production on his way out the door.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Under the Obama/Biden Administration, energy production in the USA increased by the greatest amount in American history, which is why the moment Donald Trump took office, he immediately took credit for all of it.

Just look at the charts, fool.
Thank you for proving you're economically illiterate. OPEC+ has been cutting production this year because the Saudi's and the Russians want don't want Biden to be re-elected. They want Trump back in office.

Tell us again, it's all on account of the hedge funds.

They cut but all needs are being met so there is no reason for price to go up.

Yes OPEC knows how to play the system but get the excess money out of the markets.
They cut but all needs are being met so there is no reason for price to go up.

Yes OPEC knows how to play the system but get the excess money out of the markets.

Occam's razor. You're looking for deep conspiracies, and ignoring the obvious.

Russia and OPEC are cutting production because the Saudi's and the Russians want Joe Biden gone from the White House, and Donald Trump back again, and rising gasoline prices will assist in that agenda.
It's the one thing I look forward to during election season. Gas is still about double from when he took over.
Do you anticipate any changes out of the administration to try tackling these high prices?
He has led our country to produce more oil than anyone every… what else is he supposed to do? Put in price caps? Seems like a socialist thing to do you commie.
Occam's razor. You're looking for deep conspiracies, and ignoring the obvious.

Russia and OPEC are cutting production because the Saudi's and the Russians want Joe Biden gone from the White House, and Donald Trump back again, and rising gasoline prices will assist in that agenda.

Markets are not a conspiracy.
yet we are importing from all of these countries when we could stop anytime with an Energy President

The remaining top five sources, in order, were Iraq (182,000 b/d), Nigeria (154,000 b/d), Venezuela (126,000 b/d), Libya (112,000 b/d), and Guyana (100,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.5 million b/d in June, which was an increase of 24,000 b/d from imports during May 2023.
70% of oil imports in the US is from Canada and Mexico
He has led our country to produce more oil than anyone every… what else is he supposed to do? Put in price caps? Seems like a socialist thing to do you commie.
Reduce the regulatory bullshit.
Open up drilling on fed land.
Build the pipelines.
Stop condemning fossil fuels.
Build nuclear power plants.
Ease up on the onerous coal restrictions.

All of the above would help reduce energy costs.
Reduce the regulatory bullshit.
Open up drilling on fed land.
Build the pipelines.
Stop condemning fossil fuels.
Build nuclear power plants.
Ease up on the onerous coal restrictions.

All of the above would help reduce energy costs.
Wait… we already are producing record oil and we are not seeing record low prices… why?
It's clear that there are some here who figure not enough American oil and gas companies were driven into bankruptcy by the Saudis.


Oil Patch Bankruptcy Monitor
Biden is turning down leases, fracking permits, he has pretty much tanked our world leading energy production

He did them a favor an refunded their money. The big oil companies want nothing to do with the politics of drilling in ANWR. Fracking permits are issue with the drilling permits. Not one has been banned. Our lead in energy production has increased, regardless.

we are importing from all of these countries when we could stop anytime with an Energy President

Their has not been a president in my lifetime when we weren't importing oil from somewhere.

The remaining top five sources, in order, were Iraq (182,000 b/d), Nigeria (154,000 b/d), Venezuela (126,000 b/d), Libya (112,000 b/d), and Guyana (100,000 b/d). Total crude oil imports averaged 6.5 million b/d in June, which was an increase of 24,000 b/d from imports during May 2023.
So what? In the first week of June 2023 our average export was 3.925 mbd of crude oil too.

He did them a favor an refunded their money. The big oil companies want nothing to do with the politics of drilling in ANWR. Fracking permits are issue with the drilling permits. Not one has been banned. Our lead in energy production has increased, regardless.

Their has not been a president in my lifetime when we weren't importing oil from somewhere.

So what? In the first week of June 2023 our average export was 3.925 mbd of crude oil too.

yet its not keeping up with demand, we could be totally independent but we aren't. We could be a larger exporter, but we aren't. We are allowing other nations to steer our economy thank to the stuttering, tripping, idiot we have in the White House
And yet oil production for this fiscal year is at it at its highest level in history.

When Biden took office, after your "Energy President" was voted out of office, production was 9,919 thousands of barrels per day. As of June, 2023, it was 12,844 thousands of barrels per day. That's a nearly 30% increase in less than 2 1/2 years, Whereas your "Energy President" increased oil production by less than 10% in 4 years and signed a deal with OPEC to cut production on his way out the door.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Under the Obama/Biden Administration, energy production in the USA increased by the greatest amount in American history, which is why the moment Donald Trump took office, he immediately took credit for all of it.

Just look at the charts, fool.
ahh the canadian chimes in who doesn't even know the amount of taxes paid in her own country for healthcare, go blow someone else queenie

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