Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

Let's not get lost in supply and demand and neglect another aspect of our capitalistic system. That is, prices are also determined by what the market will bear.
That's me! We call it the woods or the Maine woods, but yeah, it's the Boondocks....

Though we are better positioned than most in the sticks and on the coast, it is only 3 miles of country roads at most, to highway US.1, so we can get to a main paved road and reach civilization fairly easily.

Downeast, and from around Central Maine north to Canada, we have no Natural gas pipelines....they may have Canadian natural pipelines on the northern border near Quebec, but not certain?

So, what is venting?
Pipes to lead the gas resulting from the burning away from or out of living spaces. Literally no house built to code doesn't vent.
The post in question was total gibberish lol
Let's not get lost in supply and demand and neglect another aspect of our capitalistic system. That is, prices are also determined by what the market will bear.
Not when it comes to energy unless you're counting the few cents difference from one gas station to the one across the street.
It's the one thing I look forward to during election season. Gas is still about double from when he took over.
Do you anticipate any changes out of the administration to try tackling these high prices?
No. And you wouldn't vote Biden no matter what.
Which you would be doing WHAT, regarding gas prices?

All you have done is this pile of shit thread is whine and have tantrums. Not one single suggestion. And it's your goddamn thread.
There were plenty of suggestion all throughout the thread. Perhaps take a 3rd grade reading class then come back and try again.
He's never done it, so I guess he's failed.

He has only INCREASED Oil PRODUCTION since he has been in office....16% increase in oil production since he took power. Your news sucks, and holds a lot back from you!

Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records​

Matt Egan
By Matt Egan, CNN Business
Published 1:30 PM EDT, Wed August 9, 2023

New YorkCNN Business —
Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry that is hurting consumers at the gas pump. And yet, on his watch, US oil production is poised to shatter all-time records set during the Trump administration.
US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday.
For context, that’s about half a million barrels per day more than the prior annual record set in 2019. It’s also more oil than any other country on the planet produces — the next-closest nation, Saudi Arabia, produces about 10 million barrels per day, according to OPEC.

Biden does what he can to limit oil production on public land

But he is less able to prevent private land production
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That will work. And always has.....

Just look at 2020 with covid, people unemployed or working from home, no traveling and vacationing.... Reduced consumption greatly, which in turn gasoline dropped to around $2 a gallon

Well fuck just release another pandemic virus from one of the Chinese labs we are funding.
That will work. And always has.....

Just look at 2020 with covid, people unemployed or working from home, no traveling and vacationing.... Reduced consumption greatly, which in turn gasoline dropped to around $2 a gallon
Why doesn’t everyone who thinks we are warming the earth just park their car and stop driving. Fewer cars on the roads, fewer emissions, and lower gas prices. Win win win….

Libs have hated the Saudi’s for years and it finally bit them in the butt

However American drivers suffered also
never forget 16 of the 19 hijacker terrorists and murderers on 9/11 were Saudi's very hard to believe the royal family was unaware or not giving funding imo....
Why doesn’t everyone who thinks we are warming the earth just park their car and stop driving. Fewer cars on the roads, fewer emissions, and lower gas prices. Win win win….
Sure thing! We've done it! Just retire! We may put 10 miles on the car a week vs 300 miles a week when Matt worked!

But seriously, a little bit of reduction individually then multiplied out, does come to enough to affect and reduce prices.....the USA consumes more oil than any other nation in the world, so we can affect global prices with small changes....

Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country. JFK

never forget 16 of the 19 hijacker terrorists and murderers on 9/11 were Saudi's very hard to believe the royal family was unaware or not giving funding imo....
They were not members of the royal family

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