Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

Production is up, demand is being met which means prices shouldn't rise.
They are rising. because of global supply & demand.
If Biden would have kept the US energy independent. our gas price would be $2.30 instead of $6
They are rising. because of global supply & demand.
If Biden would have kept the US energy independent. our gas price would be $2.30 instead of $6
You guys are too funny. Sure, we're energy independent. In fact we're more energy independence under Biden than ever before. However, our cars and most of our transportation systems are oil dependent and gasoline prices are directly proportional to oil prices.

They are rising. because of global supply & demand.
If Biden would have kept the US energy independent. our gas price would be $2.30 instead of $6

Supply is meeting demand. Again, supply is meeting demand.

P.S. I paid $3.28 yesterday.
Reduce the regulatory bullshit.
Open up drilling on fed land.
Build the pipelines.
Stop condemning fossil fuels.
Build nuclear power plants.
Ease up on the onerous coal restrictions.

All of the above would help reduce energy costs.
Only the part about nuke plants.

The rest is right wing fantasy spoonfed to you by lying puppets of the fossil fuel industry.
Read the thread shithead. I'm not going to keep repeating myself
Moronic. More oil production will not lower prices unless you can add 50% more without further OPEC cuts. You guys are literally retarded. We have record energy output.. MORE than ever.. and worldwide cut backs affect price. Conservatives are sooooo butthurt that they lost the white house they make up fake problems. We have zero energy problems. Zero.
We have zero energy problems. Zero.
Dumbest shit I've read in ages.

Abnormal high gas prices.
Rolling blackouts in various states every summer.
Ridiculous new programs that charge FOUR FUCKING TIMES the normal rate between 4 & 8 pm.
Demands to end external combustion engines.
Major cut backs on coal burning.
Outlawing gas appliances in various locations.
Dumbest shit I've read in ages.

Abnormal high gas prices.
Rolling blackouts in various states every summer.
Ridiculous new programs that charge FOUR FUCKING TIMES the normal rate between 4 & 8 pm.
Demands to end external combustion engines.
Major cut backs on coal burning.
Outlawing gas appliances in various locations.
Gas prices? Check the rest of the first world.

Infrastructure? Well with 100 million of you volunteer footsoldiers running around protecting rich people, our government is dysfunctional, and our tax revenue is pathetic.
yet its not keeping up with demand, we could be totally independent but we aren't. We could be a larger exporter, but we aren't. We are allowing other nations to steer our economy thank to the stuttering, tripping, idiot we have in the White House
Oil supply and price decisions are made by the oil companies. Sad that you can't understand that.
Dumbest shit I've read in ages.

Abnormal high gas prices.
Rolling blackouts in various states every summer.
Ridiculous new programs that charge FOUR FUCKING TIMES the normal rate between 4 & 8 pm.
Demands to end external combustion engines.
Major cut backs on coal burning.
Outlawing gas appliances in various locations.
Dumbest shit I’ve ever read.

Prices are global, not local.

Hottest summer ever and no problems

Peak pricing is capitalism, supply and demand. Are you a commie?

No one is ending combustion engines except through obsolescence.

Coal burning has dropped every year including under Trump

You don’t believe gas appliances are being outlawed do you? You can have a gas stove. New construction is banned in some places because unvented gas is dangerous a fact disputed by no one.

Not fast enough

Biden is on record promising to destroy the oil industry

Libs want electric cars and only electric cars
He's never done it, so I guess he's failed.

He has only INCREASED Oil PRODUCTION since he has been in office....16% increase in oil production since he took power. Your news sucks, and holds a lot back from you!

Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records​

Matt Egan
By Matt Egan, CNN Business
Published 1:30 PM EDT, Wed August 9, 2023

New YorkCNN Business —
Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry that is hurting consumers at the gas pump. And yet, on his watch, US oil production is poised to shatter all-time records set during the Trump administration.
US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday.
For context, that’s about half a million barrels per day more than the prior annual record set in 2019. It’s also more oil than any other country on the planet produces — the next-closest nation, Saudi Arabia, produces about 10 million barrels per day, according to OPEC.

New construction is banned in some places because unvented gas is dangerous a fact disputed by no one.
Uninformed nonsense. NO NEW CONSTRUCTION is unvented. Not only is it not unvented there are strict regulations as to what angles are allowed and how high the catch cap is required.

It's the one thing I look forward to during election season. Gas is still about double from when he took over.
Do you anticipate any changes out of the administration to try tackling these high prices?
Sure...he'll drain our domestic reserves to zero to lower gas prices before the election.


Uninformed nonsense. NO NEW CONSTRUCTION is unvented. Not only is it not unvented there are strict regulations as to what angles are allowed and how high the catch cap is required.

For propane? Or Natural gas? Or both? I didn't think propane was vented etc...?

We have no Natural Gas up here, only propane is available for a gas stove, and a big ass white tank can be installed outside your home.....???

I want to get a gas stove (propane fuel the only choice) Are they more dangerous than Natural gas stoves?

We do read about people dying up here from propane stoves and propane heaters malfunctioning or pilot light goes out....???
For propane? Or Natural gas? Or both? I didn't think propane was vented etc...?

We have no Natural Gas up here, only propane is available for a gas stove, and a big ass white tank can be installed outside your home.....???

I want to get a gas stove (propane fuel the only choice) Are they more dangerous than Natural gas stoves?

We do read about people dying up here from propane stoves and propane heaters malfunctioning or pilot light goes out....???
Natural gas. All the new bans and restrictions are on natural gas appliances. And wood fired restaurants. Onerous bullshit that will kill businesses that can't afford to retrofit.
Propane is only used here where no gas lines exist. The boonies essentially with practically zero population.
Uninformed nonsense. NO NEW CONSTRUCTION is unvented. Not only is it not unvented there are strict regulations as to what angles are allowed and how high the catch cap is required.

Dude, your idiotic lies in his thread have been buried in facts. Take a seat.
The boonies essentially with practically zero population.
That's me! We call it the woods or the Maine woods, but yeah, it's the Boondocks....

Though we are better positioned than most in the sticks and on the coast, it is only 3 miles of country roads at most, to highway US.1, so we can get to a main paved road and reach civilization fairly easily.

Downeast, and from around Central Maine north to Canada, we have no Natural gas pipelines....they may have Canadian natural pipelines on the northern border near Quebec, but not certain?

So, what is venting?

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