Is Biden going to do ANYTHING to lower gas prices since there is an upcoming election?

Sure thing! We've done it! Just retire! We may put 10 miles on the car a week vs 300 miles a week when Matt worked!

But seriously, a little bit of reduction individually then multiplied out, does come to enough to affect and reduce prices.....the USA consumes more oil than any other nation in the world, so we can affect global prices with small changes....

Ask not what your country can do for you; Ask what you can do for your country. JFK

If it’s really ruining the planet why do you ever drive? Do you run your AC? Use a TV? A cellphone? Do you know how terrible those things are for the environment? WTF is wrong with you?
never forget 16 of the 19 hijacker terrorists and murderers on 9/11 were Saudi's very hard to believe the royal family was unaware or not giving funding imo....
There were 22 million Saudi Arabian citizens in 2001.......
U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

For those who tell the Lie of how great production was under Obama.

Fracking coming back despite Biden. His policy on drilling was to reverse policies on permits day 1 in office. He and the left are Clearly anti Fossil Fuels. They can go get fcked.

Since they are into child porn they must love the child labor getting their Cobalt in Africa.
Wonderful. Knuckle under to a murdering despot.

You people are fucked up

Knuckle under how? What's the upside to verbally pissing off foreign leaders? Seriously how does it benefit our national interests? Is paying more for gas and oil better for us or them? It's not like we are going to bankrupt the Saudi's by doing it so what exactly are we accomplishing?
You want to hold the government of Saudi Arabia responsible for what 16 of their 22 million citizens did? Do you have he same standard for US Presidents? Are they responsible for every action every citizen takes? There are lots of things to dislike the Saudi's over Im not sure this is one of them.
You want another release from the Strategic Reserve?

You all bitched about that last time

What other tools are there to use?
You want another release from the Strategic Reserve?

You all bitched about that last time

What other tools are there to use?

I don’t want a release from the strategic reserve. releases for political purposes for the Democrats to cover up their failed energy policies serves only as a short term strategic benefit for the Democrat party.
Have the reserves Biden used for the mid-terms been repleted yet? Or, are they at their lowest levels making US even more dependent on foreign oil?

you've gone whacko!!!!
How so. Tell me about the Cobalt mines in Africa. Hunter and his daddy are child molesters.

I posted the actual data on domestic oil from the gov.

Oh well ik wacked if that makes you feel better.

Biden and the left and their woke bs and other policies can go fck themselves. Those that dont like my views can pucker up and kiss my ass.
His policy on drilling was to reverse policies on permits
In reality it was a pause in new leasing and new permits. No drilling permits, or leases were reversed under his initial EO. The pause on drilling permits was the first to go and when they started approving new drilling permits they didn't ban fracking btw.

The Democrats are like Lucy putting the football down and the environmentalist are like Charlie Brown. The law required the leases to be offered and the Administration can delay that shit only so long. When they did finally, they offer up record acreage in the Gulf for leasing. Obama pre Horizon proposal drawfs Bidens or any proposal ever.
reality Check, he has been for decades, What did we have with Trump, lower fuel pricing and better returns on our money and more disposable income. Conversation closed to the idiocy
Who had been what for decades? Trumpyberra's economy was born on third base and you guys all tell yourselves he hit a triple. So when it came for Trumpyberra to step up to the plate, he struck out. Then he broke the bat over his knee and stomped around yelling at the home plate umpire and accused him of fraud.
Who had been what for decades? Trumpyberra's economy was born on third base and you guys all tell yourselves he hit a triple. So when it came for Trumpyberra to step up to the plate, he struck out. Then he broke the bat over his knee and stomped around yelling at the home plate umpire and accused him of fraud.
Folks, after reading what Democrats state, it seems now we can understand why Stalin had so many Russians believing him.

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