IS Biden the world's greatest elected fool ???

500,000,000 people total have not died from COVID globally but why let reality interfere with fanboydom
Biden gave a whole speech on OMNIcron virus.
If you had even one science course in your life you would know a virus with OMNI is the horror of the universe.

But we also know that Biden must have two very poor brain lobes that don't speak to each other

South African doctor who discovered Omicron variant SLAMS pressure from countries to make the virus sound worse than it actually is​

  • Dr Angelique Coetzee was one of the first scientists to discover Omicron strain
  • She said she's been attacked from scientists and politicians around the world
  • Dr Coetzee said she was told not to describe the Covid variant as 'mild'
500,000,000 people total have not died from COVID globally but why let reality interfere with fanboydom

Over 500,000 Americans, Men Women and Children died of COVID while P01135809 told people to drink Bleach or Pine-Sol OR shove a UV up their ass.

I have now corrected what I meant to write. P01135809 is one the most Vicious Mass Murderers in history.
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P01135809 refuse to activate the Defense Production Act as Doctors and Nurses were being forced to wear used old Personal Protection Equipment. Putting already used masks in brown bags with their name on it.

Hospitals ran out beds at the height of COVID and morgues had to mobile freezer units to deal the numbers of people who had died from COVID.

His outright cold and callous disregard for people who died from COVID while talking about herd immunity was disgusting. His inaction led to deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
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Biden has rolled former Speaker McCarthy on the debt ceiling. Over 500,000 Americans, Men Women and Children died because P01135809 did jack shit to prevent the spread of COVID.

Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.

Biden passed the American Rescue Plan that put money in the pockets of Americans. P01135809 passed tax cuts to richest one percent that added trillions of dollars to the National Debt.

Biden is the first American President a picket line, while P01135809 went to non-union auto plant to denigrate unions.

P01135809 sucked dictators like the Communist Putin of Russia and Kim of North Korea.

P01135809 is now using Nazi Phrases and Swastika Flags fly at ReNaziKlan Bund Rallies.

Biden is working for the American People. P01135809 is working to be a Dictator.
you wrote:
Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.
The reality is this chart...

Biden hasn't created new jobs, just people getting re-hired after Covid unemployed.
re-employment not new jobs.png
As hundreds of thousands were dying, Trump continued to hold Super Spreader events
Ok... every day since 3/31/2020 I've tracked Covid deaths.
As of today 1,182,945 Americans have died.
The end of Trump presidency 12/31/2020 : 350,778 deaths.
Biden has seen 832,167 deaths VS Trump 350,778 or Biden has had 2.37 times the number of deaths!
you wrote:
Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.
The reality is this chart...

Biden hasn't created new jobs, just people getting re-hired after Covid unemployed.
View attachment 861826
More people are in the job market under Biden than any President in history

Over 14 million have gotten jobs under Biden
Trump LOST 3 million jobs
you wrote:
Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.
The reality is this chart...

Biden hasn't created new jobs, just people getting re-hired after Covid unemployed.
View attachment 861826

Biden created over 7,000,000 in the first two years in office. P01135809 LOST millions of jobs through his own inaction.
Biden has rolled former Speaker McCarthy on the debt ceiling. Over 500,000 Americans, Men Women and Children died because P01135809 did jack shit to prevent the spread of COVID.
'Scusa......there was no vaccine at the time, until early 2021.

Fauci was on top of it.

You left that little tidbit out.
P01135809 told people to drink bleach and pine-sol as a preventative for COVID.

P01135809 told people to shine a UV light up their fucking ass as a preventative for COVID.

P01135809 did jack shit to prevent COVID, Joe Biden brought down the numbers of dead. Under P011135809 over 500,000,000 died of COVID.

These screeching, sweaty, over the rainbow, ain't comin' back tirades of yours are funny.
Over 500,000 Americans, Men Women and Children died of COVID while P01135809 told people to drink Bleach or Pine-Sol OR shove a UV up their ass.

I have now corrected what I meant to write. P01135809 is one the most Vicious Mass Murderers in history.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?
you wrote:
Biden has done more to increase jobs and employment while P01135809 LOST millions of jobs.
The reality is this chart...

Biden hasn't created new jobs, just people getting re-hired after Covid unemployed.
View attachment 861826
It is not a light switch it takes time to recover that which was abandoned by a stop work order and lotz of free dough....
Biden created over 7,000,000 in the first two years in office. P01135809 LOST millions of jobs through his own inaction.
Not true at all. Not true at all.

Something Is Rigged: Unexplained, Record 2.7 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report​

Not true at all. Not true at all.

Something Is Rigged: Unexplained, Record 2.7 Million Jobs Gap Emerges In Broken Payrolls Report​

As you are a supporter of P01135809 and have been lied to by him, you would not know the truth or be able to accept truth. The Cult of P01135809 does not now, nor has it accepted anything remotely like the truth. Truth is NOT allowed in the cult of P01135809, only his lies are accepted.
As you are a supporter of P01135809 and have been lied to by him, you would not know the truth or be able to accept truth. The Cult of P01135809 does not now, nor has it accepted anything remotely like the truth. Truth is NOT allowed in the cult of P01135809, only his lies are accepted.
You accuse people like me of believing Trump lies. Yet you don't put up any proof of your comments.
For example each of these have web page to verify statements:

A) Trump was ONLY President U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years.
Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”

B) U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul
Investment banks and think tanks have estimated that U.S. corporations held $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion in offshore cash at the time the law was enacted. Before the overhaul, companies had an incentive to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back and could defer payment by keeping funds offshore. The law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets.


C) USA tax revenue will be increasing per this chart: Instead of tax revenue losses, due to tax cuts there will be MORE revenue. Here is another reason...

D) Trump helped nearly $1 trillion repatriated. A majority of people never knew that as the
biased MSM never described... only that the taxes were reduced. This chart shows the affect.

U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul​

Corporations have brought back more than $1 trillion of overseas profits to the U.S. since Congress overhauled the international tax system and prodded companies to repatriate offshore funds, a Thursday report showed.
Before the overhaul, companies had an incentive to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back and could defer payment by keeping funds offshore. The law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets.
Now ignorant people don't consider what did these companies do with the net amount after paying federal taxes.

Repatriation Of Cash: What Companies Are Doing With The Cash They Can Now Bring Home​

What are companies doing with all this repatriated cash? A lot. But most of the action is happening on balance sheets, with stock buybacks, debt reduction, acquisitions and dividend increases currently overshadowing expanded investment in facilities, employees or R&D.

Again though for dummies like you, you have no idea as to what that has done in affecting the USA economy in a very positive fashion!

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