Is BLM a terrorist organization?

I suggest that people concerned about BLM incited violence boycott BLM sponsors such as Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
I absolutely will NOT go that far. They will have to tear the Cherry Garcia from my cold lifeless hands.

There are other, and better, ice creams on the market. But it's easy for me to recommend a B&J boycott as Fenton's Ice Cream is near where I live. They make the best flavor ever: toasted almond.
The Bowel Movement is a disorganized mess, no direction, no real plan and they are doing the black cause more harm than good.

Just like the Tea Party, however, the Tea Party is not violent.


The Tea Party had a plan, they got behind candidates that shared their platform, got them elected. As for no violence? They're not uneducated thugs looking for trouble
The official spokesmen of the Tea Party might not advocate violence, but they were supported by a great number of citizens who hoard weapons and build bunkers in hopes of fighting our government. Might be the same with BLM. The "official" voice says "Uphold dignity, not violence," but their protest attracts others of a different ilk who have a much more hostile agenda. Like Trump gets blamed for attracting white supremacists. He is not George Wallace, but the supremacists are flocking to him like bugs to a bug light. If he is elected, they will be disappointed, just as the militia members were disappointed by the Tea Party once it got to Washington.
The Bowel Movement is a disorganized mess, no direction, no real plan and they are doing the black cause more harm than good.

Just like the Tea Party, however, the Tea Party is not violent.


The Tea Party had a plan, they got behind candidates that shared their platform, got them elected. As for no violence? They're not uneducated thugs looking for trouble
The official spokesmen of the Tea Party might not advocate violence, but they were supported by a great number of citizens who hoard weapons and build bunkers in hopes of fighting our government. Might be the same with BLM. The "official" voice says "Uphold dignity, not violence," but their protest attracts others of a different ilk who have a much more hostile agenda. Like Trump gets blamed for attracting white supremacists. He is not George Wallace, but the supremacists are flocking to him like bugs to a bug light. If he is elected, they will be disappointed, just as the militia members were disappointed by the Tea Party once it got to Washington.

Well you could show me where they shot cops, rioted or incited violence. I'll be around awaiting your links
Sometimes I wonder if there are any sensible posters here who aren't extreme partisan ideologues. All this extreme rhetoric playing fast and loose with terms and finger-pointing gets tiresome.

There are people associated with the BLM movement who advocate terrorism. The individual who killed 5 policemen indulged in a terrorist act. The movement, as often-times hypocritical as it is not a terrorist organization, however, because it is not predicated upon killing people as a political tool.. Neither is the N.R.A. or other groups the wing-nut wacko leftists claim.

Both extremes just get nuttier and nuttier as time goes on.
More Than 200 Protesters Arrested in Baton Rouge and St. Paul Overnight

I keep asking this question, and with each day this question obtains more and more credibility.

In St Paul MN, 200 people were arrested for violence, this all on the eve of police officers who were gunned down in Dallas.

I'm guessing though that Barry Obama has right wingers on the terrorist watch list, with the Tea Party with zero acts of violence, but no one on the BLM list.

The Bureau of Land Management is not a terrorist group.
The Bowel Movement is a disorganized mess, no direction, no real plan and they are doing the black cause more harm than good.

Just like the Tea Party, however, the Tea Party is not violent.


The Tea Party had a plan, they got behind candidates that shared their platform, got them elected. As for no violence? They're not uneducated thugs looking for trouble
The official spokesmen of the Tea Party might not advocate violence, but they were supported by a great number of citizens who hoard weapons and build bunkers in hopes of fighting our government. Might be the same with BLM. The "official" voice says "Uphold dignity, not violence," but their protest attracts others of a different ilk who have a much more hostile agenda. Like Trump gets blamed for attracting white supremacists. He is not George Wallace, but the supremacists are flocking to him like bugs to a bug light. If he is elected, they will be disappointed, just as the militia members were disappointed by the Tea Party once it got to Washington.

Well you could show me where they shot cops, rioted or incited violence. I'll be around awaiting your links
Too paranoid to show their faces; Uncle Sam will find out who they are. They are out there, though, waiting for the day.

I get your point, but mine is that movements sometimes attract extremists not exactly invited to the party. And that seems to include BLM.
BLM is yet another astroturfed organization sponsored by the Dems to gin up the black vote prior to the election.

They are useful idiots to the Dims, much like the Tea Party has been for the GOP.

The main difference is, the Tea Party is not violent.

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