Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

I didn't see Trump laughing today.

He won't be laughing when a jury of 12 of his fellow New Yorkers get to decide.
If this case ever gets to an actual trial, it'll be proof positive that the judge assigned is an idiot and needs to be disbarred and fired forthwith.
Yea that shit ain’t gonna wash.

But it’ll feed your grievance fetish when Trump gets convicted. So there’s that

Yes, it will wash. What on earth makes you think Democrats won’t do anything to see Trump convicted? What on earth make you think they care one bit about ignoring the rule of law to do so?
If it went to trial in Manhatten, evidence can be thrown out the window. Democratic jurors are no better than Democratic policiticians/lawyers. They couldn’t care less about the rule of law, they just want to get Trump at all costs. As always with this crowd, supporting the Party and it’s ideology outweighs everything else.
Bragg should be disbarred for violating the Constitution.
The checks didn't come from Trumps personal account. They came from a Trump Organization business account, hence the falsification of business records.

Again, the FEC is irrelevant here as Trump isn't being charged with federal campaign violations.


I didn't say he was. I brought up the FEC to show they couldn't find anything related to any campaign finance violations. The only way the check could have came from a business account is if Cohen had access and legal rights to use that account on behalf of Trump. Again, that would make Cohen the culprit and not Trump.
1. Bubba took advantage of a young intern, which would have gotten any manager in the US fired instantly, and lost his law license for perjury a real crime that he deserved to get impeached for.
Exactly. There were consequences. There should be consequences for Trump.

2. Prove Trump lied. Stormy's story keep changing. Trump paid the doorman too for a bogus claim as it turns out.
The Doorman only got 30K. Stormy got $130,000 and was forced to sign an NDA to keep her quiet until the election was over.
If it went to trial in Manhatten, evidence can be thrown out the window. Democratic jurors are no better than Democratic policiticians/lawyers. They couldn’t care less about the rule of law, they just want to get Trump at all costs. As always with this crowd, supporting the Party and it’s ideology outweighs everything else.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
If this case ever gets to an actual trial, it'll be proof positive that the judge assigned is an idiot and needs to be disbarred and fired forthwith.


Trump did what he was accused of.
The only question is, is it a crime (yes) and should he be punished for it. (Normally, I'd say, no, but given what Trump has done to this country, absolutely.)
I didn't say he was. I brought up the FEC to show they couldn't find anything related to any campaign finance violations. The only way the check could have came from a business account is if Cohen had access and legal rights to use that account on behalf of Trump. Again, that would make Cohen the culprit and not Trump.
Yup. When you dig deeper, one can see there’s no there there.

The DA is trying to show the misdemeanor (expired) of falsifying business records is a felony because it is tied to campaign violations (a federal crime which was not prosecuted against him due to no evidence of it). What the sneaky, evil DA is attempting to do is try the underlying non-existent federal crime in a local jurisdiction.

He knows he can’t do it. What he, and other Democrats, count on is the media spreading lies and convincing brainwashed idiots that…geez…Trump committed 34 felonies over something I don’t understand, but it must be BAAAAAAD.

This is the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct I have seen. The case should be tossed.
I didn't say he was. I brought up the FEC to show they couldn't find anything related to any campaign finance violations. The only way the check could have came from a business account is if Cohen had access and legal rights to use that account on behalf of Trump. Again, that would make Cohen the culprit and not Trump.
Hey dumbfuck, Cohen paid Daniels for Trump and Trump paid him back.
Yup. When you dig deeper, one can see there’s no there there.

The DA is trying to show the misdemeanor (expired) of falsifying business records is a felony because it is tied to campaign violations (a federal crime which was not prosecuted against him due to no evidence of it). What the sneaky, evil DA is attempting to do is try the underlying non-existent federal crime in a local jurisdiction.

He knows he can’t do it. What he, and other Democrats, count on is the media spreading lies and convincing brainwashed idiots that…geez…Trump committed 34 felonies over something I don’t understand, but it must be BAAAAAAD.

This is the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct I have seen. The case should be tossed.
You keep lying no matter how many times your lies are debunked.

That’s pathological
I didn't say he was. I brought up the FEC to show they couldn't find anything related to any campaign finance violations. The only way the check could have came from a business account is if Cohen had access and legal rights to use that account on behalf of Trump. Again, that would make Cohen the culprit and not Trump.
They couldn’t find federal campaign finance violations in a state case that didn’t CHARGE campaign violations?

That’s not really surprising.
No fucken moron. Cohen's attorney testified that Cohen told him Trump had no idea he paid Stormy anything.
And Cohen has since refuted that and provided evidence to back that up.

You know that and pretend you don’t
Yup. When you dig deeper, one can see there’s no there there.

The DA is trying to show the misdemeanor (expired) of falsifying business records is a felony because it is tied to campaign violations (a federal crime which was not prosecuted against him due to no evidence of it). What the sneaky, evil DA is attempting to do is try the underlying non-existent federal crime in a local jurisdiction.

He knows he can’t do it. What he, and other Democrats, count on is the media spreading lies and convincing brainwashed idiots that…geez…Trump committed 34 felonies over something I don’t understand, but it must be BAAAAAAD.

This is the worst case of prosecutorial misconduct I have seen. The case should be tossed.

The problem is it's being heard in a communist state. You have a DA that campaigned on getting Trump for something......anything, going in front of a judge who's daughter worked for Harris in the last presidential election, to try a case that's past the statute of limitations with an indictment that doesn't list the so-called second crime cover up, who's star witnesses lied on several occasions which one was found guilty of perjury, and the commies think they got Trump now!

It's like I've been saying for the past couple of years now. We need to divide this country into two countries instead and be done with these commies before they take over the entire country and end the great experiment.
He didn’t even specify the crime they supposedly tried to cover up.

What a fucking joke.

No way this shouldn’t be thrown out now.
The reason he didn’t specify is because it’s a federal crime which the Feds examined and decided there wasn’t anything there to prosecute.

This is a backdoor way for an evil Democrat DA to prosecute a federal crime, which has already been passed on.
The problem is it's being heard in a communist state. You have a DA that campaigned on getting Trump for something......anything, going in front of a judge who's daughter worked for Harris in the last presidential election, to try a case that's past the statute of limitations with an indictment that doesn't list the so-called second crime cover up, who's star witnesses lied on several occasions which one was found guilty of perjury, and the commies think they got Trump now!

It's like I've been saying for the past couple of years now. We need to divide this country into two countries instead and be done with these commies before they take over the entire country and end the great experiment.
I agree we need two countries.

The case should be tossed, but failing that, moved to Staten Island, and with a different judge.
The problem is it's being heard in a communist state. You have a DA that campaigned on getting Trump for something......anything, going in front of a judge who's daughter worked for Harris in the last presidential election, to try a case that's past the statute of limitations with an indictment that doesn't list the so-called second crime cover up, who's star witnesses lied on several occasions which one was found guilty of perjury, and the commies think they got Trump now!

It's like I've been saying for the past couple of years now. We need to divide this country into two countries instead and be done with these commies before they take over the entire country and end the great experiment.
Yea . One giant conspiracy. Fuck off
The reason he didn’t specify is because it’s a federal crime which the Feds examined and decided there wasn’t anything there to prosecute.

This is a backdoor way for an evil Democrat DA to prosecute a federal crime, which has already been passed on.
Completely untrue and you know it. The Feds did no such thing.

Cohen was convicted of that supposed “passed on “ crime

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