Is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.
Labels do NOT equal reality. Sorry to disappoint you. If one is born with the plumbing for a "male", one is, and always will be "male" (or female), regardless of the amount of self-mutilation one chooses to submit oneself to.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.
Labels do NOT equal reality. Sorry to disappoint you. If one is born with the plumbing for a "male", one is, and always will be "male" (or female), regardless of the amount of self-mutilation one chooses to submit oneself to.
I see reading comprehension isnt your strong suit. :laugh:
Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.
Dude, twig-and-berries=MALE. Slot 'B'= female. It really is that simple. You can hack and cut whatever you want however you want, it really will not change REALITY. Seriously, who has problems with reality here?
I agree with your assessment but would add to it the female identity on top of the rest you wrote.
It is both things, not either/or.
Nobody goes through that much just because of ego....

1. You've obviously never met a really pathological malignant narcissist. I have, unfortunately, multiple times. 5 is enough over a lifetime to get a feel for how their mind works. You can research it but take a deep breath before you do and make sure you're sitting down.

2. In his world female + slut = endless attention. That's all it took. The world is all relative to a narcissist. And the only relevant thing is them + attention...good or bad, it sometimes doesn't matter. The topic MUST be for and about them at all times.
Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.
Labels do NOT equal reality. Sorry to disappoint you. If one is born with the plumbing for a "male", one is, and always will be "male" (or female), regardless of the amount of self-mutilation one chooses to submit oneself to.
I see reading comprehension isnt your strong suit. :laugh:
I'm seeing connection with reality is not your strong suit. It's OK, though. You can pretend to be whatever you want to be.
reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

Again, lets see you will that ball to stay in mid air because you define "reality" based on what you think it is.
The ball is in mid air as you speak.
Huh, huh, said "ball". Like your hero, Bruce (aka "Caitlyn") admits to the FACT that he's got balls...
I agree with your assessment but would add to it the female identity on top of the rest you wrote.
It is both things, not either/or.
Nobody goes through that much just because of ego....

1. You've obviously never met a really pathological malignant narcissist. I have, unfortunately, multiple times. 5 is enough over a lifetime to get a feel for how their mind works. You can research it but take a deep breath before you do and make sure you're sitting down.

2. In his world female + slut = endless attention. That's all it took. The world is all relative to a narcissist. And the only relevant thing is them + attention...good or bad, it sometimes doesn't matter. The topic MUST be for and about them at all times.

I've never met anyone who would go so far as to have gender reassignment counseling and operations
unless they really had that issue.

There are some things people will not do unless it was truly truly vital for them.
And that is one of them.

I think we are basically talking about the same thing.
If you are obsessed with your gender appearance, what difference does it make
if it is coming from gender disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. It is still that thing driving it.
So in the end, the result is the same, you have a person born male now lobbying to express female transgender experience.

You can call it sick and misguided or obsessive for whatever right or wrong reasons
and you still have this same person doing this same thing. It is still driven from the inner core of that person.
And this is how it is being manifest and expressed on the outside. It's still the same process regardless what you call it.
Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
They used to think that people that claimed the world was round were crazy as well. They used to discriminate against people that were left handed. Definitions change all the time. Dont be stagnant. Adapt and grow.

Nope, the differences between men and women are reality. Sorry. :D I'm just giving you the facts. There are many, many differences biologically, physiologically, anatomically and even in the different pathological conditions that men and women might suffer from. Thems the facts! :D
Facts are rarely truths. They are agreed upon labels.
Facts ARE truth. Anything else is PC fantasy. Like living in a fantasy world, do you? Your mythology is a fiction created to make brain-dead morons incapable of self-determination and personal responsibility feel really, really good about their unfortunate ability to grasp and live within the bounds of REALITY.
So two guys, change their sex to females so they can have a relationship?

Stupidity has no bounds.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.
Dude, twig-and-berries=MALE. Slot 'B'= female. It really is that simple. You can hack and cut whatever you want however you want, it really will not change REALITY. Seriously, who has problems with reality here?
You have a problem with reality. You actually think you can define it for someone else.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
They used to think that people that claimed the world was round were crazy as well. They used to discriminate against people that were left handed. Definitions change all the time. Dont be stagnant. Adapt and grow.

Nope, the differences between men and women are reality. Sorry. :D I'm just giving you the facts. There are many, many differences biologically, physiologically, anatomically and even in the different pathological conditions that men and women might suffer from. Thems the facts! :D
Facts are rarely truths. They are agreed upon labels.
Facts ARE truth. Anything else is PC fantasy. Like living in a fantasy world, do you? Your mythology is a fiction created to make brain-dead morons incapable of self-determination and personal responsibility feel really, really good about their unfortunate ability to grasp and live within the bounds of REALITY.
No facts are simply agreed upon conclusions. Lots of people like you frequently lose sight of that truth.
The question is not idiotic at all. If you really believe that MTF trannies are really female, then would you have sex with one? It's a pretty simple and straightforward question, I think.
Typical of idiots you obviously havent been comprehending my posts if you are asking a question like that. Nothing is simple or straightforward because you lack basic reading comprehension.

IOW, you won't answer the question because even someone as retarded as you knows that a man cannot be a woman. Lol! How transparent you are. You seem to think you are quite clever, but really . . . not very clever at all. :D
No. In my words you obviously are too dumb to comprehend my post where I explained no one defines your reality unless you allow them to.

Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.
No, intelligent people define their reality using FACTS. You are correct about dummies, though. They just let others tell them what constitutes "reality" and then vomit that all over the internet and other public forums. I suggest you wipe your mouth...
Typical of idiots you obviously havent been comprehending my posts if you are asking a question like that. Nothing is simple or straightforward because you lack basic reading comprehension.

IOW, you won't answer the question because even someone as retarded as you knows that a man cannot be a woman. Lol! How transparent you are. You seem to think you are quite clever, but really . . . not very clever at all. :D
No. In my words you obviously are too dumb to comprehend my post where I explained no one defines your reality unless you allow them to.

Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.
No, intelligent people define their reality using FACTS. You are correct about dummies, though. They just let others tell them what constitutes "reality" and then vomit that all over the internet and other public forums. I suggest you wipe your mouth...
Intelligent people know facts are not truths. Thanks for admitting you are less than intelligent.
Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.

Nobody should have to tell you that there are differences between men and women. It is just a fact. Sorry if that destroys your delusions. All of the differences are real, and you can't change it no matter how delusional you might be.
Nobody should have to tell you what reality is but yet you accept what someone tells you.

I accept anatomical and biological facts over your delusions, yes.
Facts are labels agreed upon.
But not necessarily based upon reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.

Nobody should have to tell you that there are differences between men and women. It is just a fact. Sorry if that destroys your delusions. All of the differences are real, and you can't change it no matter how delusional you might be.
Nobody should have to tell you what reality is but yet you accept what someone tells you.

I accept anatomical and biological facts over your delusions, yes.
Facts are labels agreed upon.
But not necessarily based upon reality.
Now youre catching on. Good job.
Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.

Nobody should have to tell you that there are differences between men and women. It is just a fact. Sorry if that destroys your delusions. All of the differences are real, and you can't change it no matter how delusional you might be.
Nobody should have to tell you what reality is but yet you accept what someone tells you.

I accept anatomical and biological facts over your delusions, yes.
Facts are labels agreed upon.
Not implying reality. Just a bunch of delusional PC morons who "agree upon" something.
IOW, you won't answer the question because even someone as retarded as you knows that a man cannot be a woman. Lol! How transparent you are. You seem to think you are quite clever, but really . . . not very clever at all. :D
No. In my words you obviously are too dumb to comprehend my post where I explained no one defines your reality unless you allow them to.

Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.
No, intelligent people define their reality using FACTS. You are correct about dummies, though. They just let others tell them what constitutes "reality" and then vomit that all over the internet and other public forums. I suggest you wipe your mouth...
Intelligent people know facts are not truths. Thanks for admitting you are less than intelligent.
What? Facts are not truths? WTF? What universe do you originate from? are a total moron.
No. In my words you obviously are too dumb to comprehend my post where I explained no one defines your reality unless you allow them to.

Nope, there are delusions and then there is reality.
Yep. Intelligent people define their own reality. Dummies accept and internalize what other people tell them reality is.
No, intelligent people define their reality using FACTS. You are correct about dummies, though. They just let others tell them what constitutes "reality" and then vomit that all over the internet and other public forums. I suggest you wipe your mouth...
Intelligent people know facts are not truths. Thanks for admitting you are less than intelligent.
What? Facts are not truths? WTF? What universe do you originate from? are a total moron.
I'm surprised you dont know this.....then again I can see you making the mistake lots of people that think they are intelligent make. Question. Is sub-Sahara below the desert or above it?
More evidence you have a hard time with comprehension. If I define my own reality how can it be given to me by someone else?

Obviously you don't know what reality means. :lol:
I know my reality is not the one you were told.

No shit. You are one dumb fucker.
I never fucked you. That was your delusion.

Eww. Just the thought . . . :puke: Don't ever speak such grotesqueness again. You are a delusional freak, and I wouldn't give you the time of day.
Hell, Chris, I wouldn't fuck him with a borrowed dick......and I wouldn't let him neat anything even marginally pussy-like. The good news is, he probably wouldn't know what to do with either...

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